Law No. (8) of 2003

Establishing the

Dubai Media Incorporated[1]


We, Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai, do hereby issue this Law.

Article (1)

In implementing the provisions of this Law, the following words and expressions will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


His Highness the Ruler of Dubai.


The Government of Dubai.


The United Arab Emirates.


The Emirate of Dubai.


The Dubai Media Incorporated.


The chairman of the Board of Directors of the DMI.

Dubai TV:

A network of TV channels known as Dubai TV, and its various economic, sports, and other channels, including Dubai Radio Station and its branches and affiliated corporations.

Al Bayan Newspaper:

The newspaper duly established and licensed in the Emirate, including its branches and affiliated corporations.


The Dubai Media Department.


The chief executive officer of the DMI.

Board of Directors:

The board of directors of the DMI.


The administrative body responsible for management of the DMI, including the CEO.


The use of human, technical, and electronic resources for publishing, disseminating, printing, and distributing written, digital, and audio information. This includes, but is not limited to, ground, satellite, and online television and radio broadcasting; television and radio production; paper and electronic press, printing, and publishing; and other available media and publications.


The devices, equipment, goods, materials, machines, supplies, and other property owned, procured, or produced by the DMI.


Article (2)

A public corporation named the “Dubai Media Incorporated” is hereby established in the Emirate. The DMI will have an independent legal personality and financial liability, financial and administrative autonomy, and the legal capacity required to undertake all legal acts that ensure the achievement of its objectives. The DMI may sue and be sued in its own name and may appoint any person to represent it in any judicial proceedings before judicial authorities. The DMI will be managed on a commercial for-profit basis.

Article (3)

The DMI is hereby deemed the legal successor of Dubai TV and Al Bayan Newspaper. All obligations, assets, movable and immovable property, rights, and privileges of Dubai TV and Al Bayan Newspaper, and of their branches and affiliated corporations, are hereby transferred to the DMI. This includes any usufruct or usage rights owned, enjoyed, or held by Dubai TV and Al Bayan Newspaper, such as distribution rights, licensing rights, lease rights, performance rights, public transmission rights, printing and publishing rights, reproduction rights, recording rights, and any other relevant rights. This also includes, but is not limited to:

1.    all executed contracts and agreements to which Dubai TV or Al Bayan Newspaper is a party, namely the contracts executed in respect of any rights or privileges related to any channels; frequencies; broadcasting rights; or satellite, wired, or wireless telecommunication, including those related to ground stations, relay stations, and other associated rights;

2.    all intellectual property rights, including copyrights, rights in intellectual works, related rights, trademarks, broadcasting rights, publishing rights, performance rights, public transmission rights, reproduction rights, production rights, recording rights, or other rights owned, enjoyed, or held by Dubai TV and Al Bayan Newspaper or licensed to them. This includes all data and documents related to any of these rights;

3.    collecting any amounts or funds; claiming rights; suing debtors; and taking any legal action required for protecting the property and rights of Dubai TV, Al Bayan Newspaper, or the DMI in its capacity as their legal successor;

4.    any corporation, company, or branch wholly or partially owned by, or affiliated to, Dubai TV or Al Bayan Newspaper; and

5.    all documents, data, and records related to the work and activities of Dubai TV and Al Bayan Newspaper.

Article (4)

The head office of the DMI will be located in the city of Dubai. The DMI may, for the purpose of achieving its objectives and goals, establish branches and offices within and outside of the UAE. The DMI will have the right to establish corporations or companies solely or in partnership with other Government authorities, individuals, or companies, in accordance with the relevant decisions of the Board of Directors.

Article (5)

The DMI aims to:

1.    serve as an advanced, leading, and pioneering media organisation that uses the latest technologies and electronic equipment to provide the best media content while ensuring quality production and presentation with a view to building up the DMI reputation in the fields of television, radio, and journalism;

2.    develop plans and strategies aimed at developing television and radio production, and journalism; and at developing, in general, media-related work and relevant fields, means, concepts, and functions in the Emirate;

3.    support and contribute to the Government's general plan to develop all areas of the Emirate's economy by developing a sense of national responsibility, promoting and preserving the UAE cultural heritage, promoting the Emirate as a global economic and tourism hub, and raising and promoting cultural and media awareness. This will be achieved by using the DMI media resources and outlets, employing national media professionals, and developing and improving these resources in cooperation with Government authorities and the private sector;

4.    conduct all media activities, such as radio, television, and journalism activities, using all available technological and electronic means. These include, but are not limited to, media production, publishing, printing, marketing, advertising, and distribution;

5.    establish corporations and companies solely or in partnership with other persons; or invest or hold shares in companies, agencies, or institutions engaged in similar activities as those of the DMI or in activities which help the DMI in achieving its objectives within and outside of the Emirate. The DMI may have these entities affiliated to it, merge therewith, or acquire them;

6.    provide media-related services and consultancy; conduct studies and research on the media profession; and propose laws as required for the development of media-related work and media organisations, and for the protection of intellectual property rights and other media-related rights;

7.    own, take lease of, or lease out movable and immovable property, as may be required to achieve its objectives; and dispose of that property in any legal manner; and

8.    conduct all activities related to the DMI business and objectives, including engaging in commercial, industrial, and financial activities; and investing and using funds in various fields of media in coordination and cooperation with local and federal government departments, international organisations, and private entities.

Article (6)

a.    The DMI will be managed by a Board of Directors comprised of a Chairman and eight (8) members. The Chairman and members will be appointed, and their remuneration will be determined, pursuant to a decree of the Ruler. The tenure of the Board of Directors will be three (3) years.

b.    The Board of Directors will draft its terms of reference and submit the same to the Chairman for approval.

Article (7)

The Board of Directors will undertake all acts that ensure the achievement of the DMI objectives. This includes, but is not limited to:

1.    developing the organisational, functional, and financial structure of the DMI, and its wholly or partially owned, or affiliated, corporations and companies; and submit the same to the Chairman for approval;

2.    appointing technical and administrative staff members specialised in media, in accordance with the internal bylaws of the DMI; and engage consultants, companies, and other entities specialised in media with a view to supporting the DMI in conducting its business;

3.    entering into contracts and agreements and obtaining licences as required to achieve the DMI objectives. This includes establishing local or international companies or corporations; or holding shares in, merging with, or acquiring companies;

4.    determining the fees and charges to be collected by the DMI in return for the services it provides;

5.    approving the activities, projects, strategies, and plans required for the achievement of the DMI objectives;

6.    obtaining the loans and financing required for the achievement of the DMI objectives. For this purpose, the Board of Directors may mortgage assets and property, and provide all guarantees and security required for the same; and

7.    preparing the annual budget of the DMI and submitting the same to the Chairman for approval.

Article (8)

A CEO will be appointed to the DMI by the Board of Directors. The CEO will supervise the management of the DMI, administer its affairs, implement the Board of Directors decisions, and represent the DMI in its dealings with third parties and before judicial authorities.

Article (9)

a.    The DMI will have an independent budget. The financial year of the DMI will commence on 1 January and will end on 31 December of each year.

b.    The CEO will, no later than three (3) months from the end of each financial year of the DMI, provide the Board of Directors with a report on the activities and financial position of the DMI for the financial year then ended, accompanied by the auditor’s report.

c.     One or more auditors, from amongst the audit firms licensed in the UAE, will be appointed to the DMI by the Board of Directors for a renewable term of one (1) year. The remuneration of auditors will be determined by the Board of Directors.

Article (10)

The financial resources of the DMI will consist of:

1.    financial support allocated by the Government to the DMI;

2.    revenues generated from the DMI activities and services;

3.    returns on investments realised by the DMI from its projects;

4.    aids and gifts provided by others and approved by the Board of Directors to support the financial resources of the DMI with a view to achieving its objectives in accordance with the laws and bylaws in force in the UAE;

5.    proceeds from commercial advertisements;

6.    proceeds from the sale and lease of the DMI property and rights; and

7.    any other revenues realised by the DMI through conducting its activities under this Law.

Article (11)

The DMI will be exempt from all taxes and customs duties on all its imports that are required for its business and for the achievement of its objectives.

Article (12)

Any provision in any other law will be repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Law.

Article (13)

This Law will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on the day on which it is published.

Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 15 July 2003

Corresponding to 15 Jumada al-Ula 1424 A.H.

©2021 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.