Law No. (7) of 2018


Watani Al Emarat Foundation[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Law No. (3) of 2003 Establishing the Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai; and

Law No. (1) of 2016 Concerning the Financial Regulations of the Government of Dubai,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Title of the Law

Article (1)

This Law will be cited as “Law No. (7) of 2018 Establishing Watani Al Emarat Foundation”.


Article (2)

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The United Arab Emirates.


The Emirate of Dubai.


His Highness the Ruler of Dubai.

Executive Council:

The Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai.


Watani Al Emarat Foundation established pursuant to this Law.

Board of Directors:

The board of directors of the Foundation.

Executive Director:

The executive director of the Foundation.

Establishment of the Foundation

Article (3)

Pursuant to this Law, a public-benefit foundation named “Watani Al Emarat” is established. The Foundation will have legal personality and the legal capacity required to undertake the acts and dispositions that ensure the achievement of its objectives.

Head Office of the Foundation

Article (4)

The head office of the Foundation will be located in the city of Dubai. The Foundation may establish branches and offices within and outside of the Emirate pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Objectives of the Foundation

Article (5)

The Foundation will have the following objectives:

1.     to contribute to preserving the UAE national identity and reinforce the sense of this identity among children and the youth; and promote the sense of national belonging and allegiance, and the values of good citizenship, among all segments of the society and various establishments;

2.     to raise the awareness of future generations on the positive UAE social values in order for them to internalise these positive values at the emotional level and translate them into action;

3.     to contribute to the dissemination of the cultural, social, and religious heritage; the customs; and the traditions of the UAE society;

4.     to support the UAE development plans by considering and exploring public issues, and key social indicators and values;

5.     to support and promote volunteer work, community engagement, and social responsibility among individuals and establishments in the UAE with a view to adopting international best practices and achieving the internationally targeted outcomes in this respect;

6.     to contribute to promoting intercultural and interfaith dialogue in line with the culture, values, and principles of the society; the teachings of Islam as the religion of moderation and tolerance; and the social integration principles; and

7.     to contribute to promoting the engagement of the UAE youth in all fields, and to support UAE national cadres in order to form knowledge- and science-based UAE communities.

Functions of the Foundation

Article (6)

For the purpose of achieving its objectives, the Foundation will have the duties and powers to:

1.     coordinate with the concerned entities to prepare comprehensive strategic plans related to the UAE national identity, good citizenship, and the promotion of political engagement;

2.     invest in the youth by encouraging them to attend and participate in the events and programmes of the Foundation;

3.     plan, organise, and conduct religious, cultural, social, and political activities, events, exhibitions, services, and programmes for all members of the community in fields that are relevant to the achievement of the objectives of the Foundation;

4.     enhance UAE social and behavioural values by participating in the development of educational curricula and activities; and hold educational, cultural, and art activities, events, and lectures, in coordination with the concerned entities;

5.     support community volunteer initiatives by coordinating with the concerned entities within and outside of the UAE;

6.     study social issues that affect the UAE national identity and good citizenship;

7.     establish cooperation, communication, and partnership relations and channels with the establishments and entities of the local, gulf, Arab, and international communities;

8.     perform all the transactions and work related to its activities and required for the achievement of its objectives, including engaging in commercial activities;

9.     establish companies and investment projects, solely or with other persons; and enter into partnerships with, hold shares in, merge with, or acquire shares or stocks in companies and entities engaged in the same or similar activities as those of the Foundation or in activities which help the Foundation achieve its objectives within and outside of the UAE;

10.  own movable and immovable property, and hold material and moral rights, as required for the achievement of its objectives; and

11.  exercise any other duties or powers required for the achievement of the objectives of the Foundation.

Board of Directors

Article (7)

The Foundation will have a Board of Directors comprised of a chairman, vice chairman, and a number of members known for their integrity, expertise, and competence. The Board of Directors will be comprised of at least five (5) members, including the chairman and vice chairman. Members of the Board of Directors will be appointed pursuant to a decree of the Ruler for a renewable period of three (3) years.

Meetings of the Board of Directors

Article (8)

a.     The Board of Directors will convene at the invitation of its chairman, or the vice chairman in his absence, at least once every three (3) months or where necessary. Meetings of the Board of Directors will be valid if attended by the majority of its members, provided that the chairman or vice chairman is in attendance.

b.    Resolutions and recommendations of the Board of Directors will be passed by majority vote of attending members; and in the event of a tie, the chair of the meeting will have a casting vote. Resolutions of the Board of Directors will be recorded in minutes signed by the chair of the meeting and the rapporteur of the Board of Directors.

c.     A rapporteur will be appointed to the Board of Directors by its chairman. The rapporteur will be responsible for sending meeting invitations to the members of the Board of Directors, preparing its meeting agendas, recording its minutes of meetings, following up the implementation of its resolutions and recommendations, and performing any other duties assigned to him by the chairman of the Board of Directors.

Functions of the Board of Directors

Article (9)

a.     The Board of Directors will undertake general supervision of the work of the Foundation and ensure that it performs the functions assigned to it under this Law and the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof. In particular, the Board of Directors will have the duties and powers to:

1.     approve, and follow up the implementation of, the general policy and the strategic, development, and operational plans of the Foundation;

2.     approve the draft annual budget and Financial Statements of the Foundation, and submit the same to the competent entities in the Emirate for final approval;

3.     approve the organisational structure of the Foundation;

4.     approve the projects, programmes, and initiatives of the Foundation;

5.     approve the resolutions, bylaws, and regulations governing the administrative, financial, and technical work of the Foundation, including the human resources regulations of the Foundation;

6.     propose the legislation required to enable the Foundation to achieve its objectives;

7.     appoint consultants and specialists in the areas related to the activities of the Foundation and determine their remuneration;

8.     appoint auditors and determine their remuneration at the beginning of each Financial Year;

9.     approve the fees and charges for the services provided by the Foundation, and submit the same to the competent entities in the Emirate for final approval;

10.  approve the annual report of the Foundation;

11.  approve partnership projects with public and private entities, and attract sponsors to fund the programmes, initiatives, and projects implemented by the Foundation;

12.  supervise and follow up the performance by the executive body of the functions assigned to the Foundation under this Law and the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof;

13.  form permanent and temporary sub-committees and work teams, and determine their functions and terms of reference;

14.  seek assistance, as it deems appropriate, from experts and specialists from within or outside of the Emirate to enable it to perform its duties. However, these experts and specialists will not have the right to vote in the deliberations of the Board of Directors; and

15.  exercise any other duties or powers required for the achievement of the objectives of the Foundation.

b.    Except for the powers vested in it under sub-paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this Article, the Board of Directors may delegate any of its powers under paragraph (a) of this Article to any of its members or to the Executive Director, provided that such delegation is specific and in writing.

Executive Body of the Foundation

Article (10)

a.     The Foundation will have an executive body comprised of the Executive Director and a number of administrative, finance, and technical employees.

b.    The executive body will be responsible for the operational work of the Foundation, and for following up the implementation of the resolutions passed by the Board of Directors.

c.     The relevant human resources regulations approved by the Board of Directors will apply to the employees of the Foundation.

Appointment and Functions of the Executive Director

Article (11)

a.     The Executive Director will be appointed by a resolution of the Board of Directors.

b.    The Executive Director will be responsible to the Board of Directors for performing the duties assigned to him under this Law, the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof, and the regulations and bylaws adopted by the Foundation.

c.     The Executive Director will have the duties and powers to:

1.     propose the general policy and the strategic, development, and operational plans of the Foundation; and submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval;

2.     implement the general policy and the strategic and operational plans of the Foundation, and the resolutions passed by the Board of Directors;

3.     propose the draft annual budget and Financial Statements of the Foundation, and submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval;

4.     propose the organisational structure of the Foundation, and submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval;

5.     propose the resolution, bylaws, and regulations governing the administrative, financial, and technical work of the Foundation, including the human resources regulations; and submit the same to Board of Directors for approval;

6.     supervise the daily work of the executive body of the Foundation;

7.     propose the projects, programmes, and initiatives of the Foundation, submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval, and follow up their implementation;

8.     prepare the annual report on the achievements and activities of the Foundation; and submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval;

9.     represent the Foundation before third parties; and conclude contracts and agreements required for the achievement of the objectives of the Foundation;

10.  achieve the performance outcomes required from the executive body of the Foundation; and submit performance reports to the Board of Directors;

11.  propose fees and charges for the services provided by the Foundation; and submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval; and

12.  exercise any other duties or powers assigned or delegated to him by Board of Directors.

Financial Resources of the Foundation

Article (12)

The financial resources of the Foundation will consist of:

1.     movable and immovable assets allocated to the Foundation by the Government of Dubai;

2.     fees and charges for the services provided by the Foundation;

3.     revenues generated from endowments, grants, and gifts;

4.     any other resources secured by the Foundation through conducting its activities; and

5.     any other resources approved by the Board of Directors.

Accounts and Financial Year of the Foundation

Article (13)

a.     In managing its accounts and records, the Foundation will apply the accounting rules and principles approved by the Board of Directors.

b.    The Financial Year of the Foundation will commence on 1 January and will end on 31 December of each year, except that the first Financial Year will commence on the date this Law comes into force and will end on 31 December of the following year.

Transitional Provisions

Article (14)

a.     As of the effective date of this Law, all rights, assets, obligations, responsibilities, and powers of the Watani Programme will be transferred to the Foundation.

b.    The employees of the Watani Programme will also be transferred to the Foundation as of the effective date of this Law, and will retain their existing rights.

Issuing Implementing Resolutions

Article (15)

With the exception of the resolutions which the Board of Directors is authorised to issue under this Law, the Chairman of the Executive Council will issue the resolutions required for the implementation of this Law.


Article (16)

Any provision in any other legislation will be repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Law.

Commencement and Publication

Article (17)

This Law comes into force on the day on which it is issued, and will be published in the Official Gazette.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 26 May 2018

Corresponding to 10 Ramadan 1439 A.H.


©2020 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.