Law No. (7) of 2012


Financial Social Benefits in the Emirate of Dubai[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Law No. (5) of 1995 Establishing the Department of Finance;

Law No. (3) of 2003 Establishing the Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai; and

Law No. (12) of 2008 Establishing the Community Development Authority in Dubai and its amendments,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Title of the Law

Article (1)

This Law will be cited as “Law No. (7) of 2012 Concerning Financial Social Benefits in the Emirate of Dubai”.


Article (2)

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:




The Emirate of Dubai.

Executive Council


The Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai.



The Community Development Authority in Dubai.

Director General


The director general of the CDA.



The Social Solidarity Fund established pursuant to this Law.



A group of people comprised of a husband, a wife, and children residing in one dwelling and sharing the same livelihoods, or certain members of this group who live together in one dwelling. A person who resides with a Family pursuant to a Certificate of Sponsorship and Care issued to the Provider of the Family will be deemed as a member of this Family.

Eligible Person


A person who meets the eligibility requirements stipulated in this Law and the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof.



A person who is bound by Sharia or law to provide for a Family.



A person for whom the Provider is bound to provide.



Monetary or in-kind aid granted to an Eligible Person in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

Eligibility Line


An amount below which, if the average Monthly Income of a Provider falls, his Family becomes eligible for a Benefit.



A person who receives one or more of the Benefits stated in this Law.

Monthly Income


The total average monthly amount received by a person from public or private entities on a regular and periodic basis, excluding the aid received by a Family from individuals, associations, or public-benefit corporations.

Person with Additional Needs


A person who has medical or social conditions that make him in greater need of money and care compared to ordinary persons.

Scope of Application

Article (3)

This Law will apply to:

1.       any UAE national holding a family book (Khulasat Qaid) issued in the Emirate;

2.       any divorced woman or widow who provides for a child holding a family book (Khulasat Qaid) issued in the Emirate; and

3.       children provided for by a widow holding a family book (Khulasat Qaid) issued in the Emirate.

Types of Benefits

Article (4)

Benefits that may be provided pursuant to the provisions of this Law will be as follows:

1.         Periodic Benefit: An aid paid on a periodic basis to an Eligible Person to meet his basic living needs;

2.         Urgent Benefit: A monetary aid of no more than twenty-five thousand Dirhams (AED 25,000.00) paid to an Eligible Person due to being in an emergency situation beyond his control which threatens his stability or livelihood and which is insurmountable under his current financial situation. This aid does not include providing temporary housing.

3.         Lump-sum Benefit: A monetary aid of no more than fifty thousand Dirhams (AED 50,000.00) paid to an Eligible Person:

a.       to enable him to increase his income to meet his living needs;

b.       to outfit or furnish his dwelling; or

c.       where he is a person with disability, or where he falls in any other category determined by a resolution of the Director General, who may suffer harm in the course of inclusion in the community.

4.         Soft Loan Benefit: An interest-free loan of no more than one hundred thousand Dirhams (AED 100,000.00) paid to an Eligible Person to meet his living needs. This Benefit will be provided in the manner prescribed by the CDA.

5.         Temporary Housing Benefit: Providing temporary accommodation other than in social care houses. This Benefit will be provided to an Eligible Person who has no dwelling, or whose dwelling has sustained damage as a result of an emergency event which has made it uninhabitable. This aid will be suspended where the grounds for providing it cease to exist.

Requirements for Granting Benefits

Article (5)

a.       To be eligible for the Benefits stipulated in this Law, the following requirements must be met:

1.       the Monthly Income of an Eligible Person or Provider must be less than the Eligibility Line specified in Article (6) of this Law; and

2.       the Eligible Person or Provider must have a permanent settled residence in the Emirate.

b.       In addition to the requirements stipulated in paragraph (a) of this Article, the cases, requirements, and mechanisms of paying, granting, and providing the Benefits mentioned in Article (4) of this Law will be determined by a resolution of the Director General.

Eligibility Line

Article (6)

a.       The Eligibility Line will be calculated based on the Monthly Income of a Provider. The Monthly Income of Family members residing with the Provider will not be taken into account when calculating the Eligibility Line.

b.       The Eligibility Line will be determined as follows:

1.       ten thousand and seven hundred Dirhams (AED 10,700.00), for a Family consisting of one (1) member;

2.       thirteen thousand and seven hundred Dirhams (AED 13,700.00), for a Family consisting of two (2) members; and

3.       the Eligibility Line will be raised by one thousand Dirhams (AED 1,000.00) for each additional Family member, starting from the third member.

c.       Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (b) of this Article, a periodic Benefit may be paid beyond the Eligibility Line in the following cases:

1.       where the Family does not own a dwelling; or

2.       where one or more of the Family members are Persons with Additional Needs.

d.       The criteria and amount by which a periodic Benefit may be paid beyond the Eligibility Line in the two (2) cases mentioned in paragraph (c) of this Article will be determined by a resolution of the Director General.

e.       For the purposes of granting a soft loan Benefit, the Eligibility Line mentioned in paragraph (b) of this Article will be increased by a maximum of two thousand Dirhams (AED 2,000.00).

f.        The CDA will, in coordination with the Department of Finance, periodically review the Eligibility Line in view of the economic, social, and financial indicators and any other relevant factors, and will submit to the Chairman of the Executive Council appropriate recommendations on modification of the Eligibility Line.

Forfeiture of the Right to Benefits

Article (7)

A Beneficiary’s right to a Benefit to which he is entitled pursuant to this Law will be forfeited in any of the following cases:

1.       where the employment of the Beneficiary ends for reasons attributed to him which are not acceptable to the CDA;

2.       where an unemployed Beneficiary is able to work but fails to make serious efforts to obtain employment within six (6) months from the date on which he receives a periodic Benefit or within one (1) year from the date on which he receives a temporary housing Benefit, or where he rejects work offered to him which is, at the CDA’s discretion, commensurate with his qualifications and capabilities; or

3.       where a Beneficiary ceases to meet any of the Benefit eligibility requirements.

Gradual Implementation of Benefit Schemes

Article (8)

a.       The CDA will gradually implement schemes of the Benefits stipulated in this Law according to the priorities determined by it with respect to the types, categories, and amounts of Benefits. The CDA will notify targeted categories of the implementation of such schemes.

b.       When determining Benefits of eligible categories, the CDA will comply with this Law and the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof, and will take into account the availability of financial resources, actual needs of persons applying for Benefits, and priority of the cases presented to it.

Announcement of Benefits

Article (9)

a.       The CDA must announce, through methods that ensure best access to eligible categories, the Benefit schemes gradually implemented by the CDA pursuant to Article (8) of this Law. The announcement must state the Benefit eligibility requirements and the method of obtaining Benefits.

b.        The CDA will develop appropriate mechanisms to communicate with persons who are unable to identify the Benefit eligibility requirements to ensure that they obtain Benefits.

Case Studies

Article (10)

a.       The CDA must conduct a case study for any person applying for a Benefit covered by this Law to ensure that he meets the eligibility requirements for this Benefit.

b.       Social researchers will set plans for the empowerment of all Eligible Persons and Beneficiaries, who are able to work and earn a living, and for enabling them to dispense with periodic Benefits. The CDA will implement these plans in cooperation with the concerned entities in the Emirate.

c.       A Beneficiary who is enrolled in an empowerment plan must comply with this plan in accordance with the relevant undertaking submitted by him to the CDA.

d.       Case studies of the Beneficiaries of periodic Benefits or temporary housing Benefits will be conducted at least once every year to verify the conditions of Families and the need to increase, reduce, or suspend the Benefit provided to any of them.

e.       A Beneficiary Provider who avails of a periodic Benefit or temporary housing Benefit must submit a report on his financial and social conditions every six (6) months, and must notify the CDA of any change in these conditions that may affect his eligibility for the Benefit or the amount of such Benefit. The CDA must suspend the Benefit immediately if the grounds for providing it cease to exist, where this is evidenced by a case study or any other mechanism determined by the CDA.

f.        Where a Beneficiary Provider dies, the new Family Provider will inform the CDA of the same no later than two (2) weeks from the date of death.

Development of Financial Skills

Article (11)

The CDA will take the necessary action to develop the financial skills of Beneficiaries to enhance their ability to manage their financial resources and rationalise spending the Benefits they receive from the CDA.

Benefits Database

Article (12)

The CDA will, in coordination with government and non-government entities, create an electronic database for Eligible Persons and Beneficiaries to ensure that Benefits are provided to Eligible Persons and that Beneficiaries do not obtain the same Benefit from more than one entity. This may be achieved through the electronic connection of Benefit providers, and the CDA will have the right to take all actions required to implement this electronic connection.

Establishment and Objectives of the Fund

Article (13)

a.       An administrative unit named the “Social Solidarity Fund” will be established at the CDA as part of its organisational structure.

b.       The Fund will have the following objectives:

1.       to promote the spirit of social solidarity and strengthen cooperation among the community members;

2.       to provide social support to Beneficiaries, and to assist them in overcoming adversities and emergency situations; and to meet the demands of the needy; and

3.       to bridge the gap among community members in relation to their standard of living, and to achieve social welfare.

Supervising the Fund

Article (14)

a.       A committee will be formed pursuant to a resolution of the Director General to supervise the Fund. This committee will have the duties to:

1.       set the general policy for achieving the objectives of the Fund and the method of dealing with donators and Beneficiaries, submit these to the Director General for approval, and supervise implementation of the same;

2.       approve the criteria, rules, and procedures required to support Beneficiaries in accordance with the provisions of this Law and the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof, and submit these to the Director General for final approval;

3.       review and consider the reports, and supervise the activities, of the Fund;

4.       determine applications for obtaining financial support from the Fund;

5.       propose the methods and measures required to enhance the resources of the Fund; and

6.       perform any other duties, related to the objectives of the Fund, which are assigned to the committee by the Director General.

b.       The resolution forming the committee mentioned in paragraph (a) of this Article will determine the terms of reference of the committee; procedures for holding its meetings and passing its resolutions and recommendations; and its term of membership.

Financing Benefits

Article (15)

The Benefits prescribed by this Law will be financed from the following financial resources:

1.       financial support allocated to Benefits in the annual budget of the CDA;

2.       grants, gifts, donations, endowments (Waqf), and aid provided to the Fund and acceptable to the committee supervising the Fund; and

3.       any other resources approved by the Executive Council.

Suspension of Payment of Benefits

Article (16)

a.       Without prejudice to any civil or penal liability stipulated by the legislation in force, the payment of a Benefit prescribed by this Law will be suspended pursuant to a resolution of the Director General where it is established that this Benefit is provided to a non-eligible person or used for a purpose other than that for which it is intended. The Benefit will be suspended, and it, or its financial value, will be recovered, in any of the following cases:

1.       submitting incorrect information or false documents to obtain the Benefit, or concealing data or information that may affect the decision on payment of the Benefit or the decision on its amount;

2.       creating false appearances that may affect the assessment of a case in order to obtain a Benefit through unlawful means; or

3.       failure by a Beneficiary to comply with the empowerment plan prescribed by the CDA.

b.       A Beneficiary from whom a Benefit is recovered will pay all costs incurred by the CDA to recover it. The CDA may take all necessary legal actions to recover the Benefit.


Article (17)

Any affected party may submit a written grievance to the Director General against any decisions or measures taken against him by the CDA under this Law. The grievance will be submitted within thirty (30) days from the date of the contested decision or measure, and will be determined by a committee formed by the Director General for this purpose. The decision of the committee on the grievance will be final.

Issuing Implementing Resolutions

Article (18)

The Director General will issue the resolutions required for the implementation of the provisions of this Law.


Article (19)


Any provision in any other legislation will be repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Law.

Publication and Commencement

Article (20)

This Law will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on the day on which it is published

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 7 October 2012

Corresponding to 21 Thu al-Qidah 1433 A.H.

©2016 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict the Arabic text will prevail.