Law No. (7) of 2009

Establishing the

Dubai Smart Government as Amended by Law No. (5) of 2013[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Law No. (3) of 2003 Establishing the Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai;

Law No. (18) of 2006 Concerning Management and Realisation of the Public Funds of the Government of Dubai;

The Order issued on 10 May 2000 Concerning Integration of Government Resources Planning and Management Information Systems; and

The Order issued on 10 May 2000 Forming the Supreme Committee for the Integration of Government Resources Planning and Management Information Systems Project,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Article (1)

This Law will be cited as “Law No. (7) of 2009 Establishing the Dubai Smart Government”.

Article (2)

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


His Highness the Ruler of Dubai.


The Emirate of Dubai.


The Government of Dubai.

Executive Council:

The Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai.


His Highness the Ruler’s Court.


The Dubai Smart Government.

Director General:

The director general of the DSG.


The chief executive officer of the DSG.

Advisory Board:

The advisory board of the DSG.

Government Entities:

Government departments and authorities, public corporations, and Government councils of the Emirate.

Article (3)

Pursuant to this Law, a department named the “Dubai Smart Government” will be established and will have the functions and powers stipulated in this Law and in any regulations, bylaws, or resolutions issued in pursuance hereof. The DSG will be affiliated to the HHRC.

Article (4)

The DSG aims to contribute to the establishment of a knowledge community by enhancing the public sector’s capacity in respect of electronic transformation and the provision of creative electronic services to all segments of the community by relying on qualified personnel, working procedures, and advanced technical systems in accordance with the highest international standards.

Article (5)

In order to achieve its objectives, the DSG will have the duties and functions to:

1.       devise the general strategy of the smart government, and lead, guide, and supervise electronic transformation processes at the level of Government Entities;

2.       set the framework, policies, and standards for information technology and information security management, for the provision of electronic services, and for the knowledge and human capital management in accordance with the world’s best practices;

3.       identify the strategic initiatives that will achieve a high level of integration of Government procedures and contribute to the development of a digital community, and provide the supervision, coordination, and follow-up support required for implementation of these initiatives; 

4.       review the plans and budgets of Government Entities with regard to information technology and electronic services, and make the recommendations required in this respect;

5.       propose the legislation required to facilitate the electronic transformation process and enable the Government to derive the maximum benefit from modern technology;

6.       provide synergistic information system services including finance, procurement, contracts, warehousing, human resources, maintenance, project management, email, and electronic communication services, electronic archiving, e-payment gateway, e-gate, electronic integration and connectivity, and decision-making support systems;

7.       provide synergistic computer-based services and unified information networks, supervise their operation and maintain their performance levels, and take the necessary action to protect them against internal or external intrusion;

8.       coordinate and supervise awareness campaigns that target various segments of the community to enhance their usage of the systems and electronic services provided by the Government through advanced technological means;

9.       establish the professional and institutional capacity required to achieve the objectives of the DSG, and prepare the plans required to attract, develop, and qualify the human resources required for work in Government Entities in the field of information technology and smart government; and

10.   liaise with Government Entities and provide the support required to enable them to derive the maximum benefit from the synergistic services.

Article (6)

The DSG will have a Director General appointed pursuant to a decree issued by the Ruler. The Director General will supervise and manage the work of the DSG, and will issue the resolutions required to achieve its objectives and perform its duties. This includes:

1.       supervising the implementation of the general policy of the DSG and the policies relating to the electronic transformation at the level of Government Entities;

2.       supervising the preparation, and following up the implementation, of the strategic plan and operational plans of the DSG;

3.       supervising the drafting, and following up the implementation, of the annual budget;

4.       proposing the organisational structure, and the financial, administrative, and technical bylaws that regulate work at the DSG, and supervising implementation of the same;

5.       supervising the administrative body of the DSG and issuing resolutions appointing the DSG employees;

6.       proposing fees and service charges for the electronic services provided by the DSG to Government Entities;

7.       executing contracts and agreements with Government Entities, corporations, and companies based in or outside of the Emirate; and

8.       performing any other duties related to the work of the DSG as assigned to him by the Director of the HHRC.

Article (7)

An Advisory Board will be formed pursuant a resolution of the Chairman of the Executive Council and will be chaired by the Director General and comprised of a number of qualified and specialised members. The Advisory Board will have the duties and functions to:

1.       study the strategic plans and annual budgets of Government Entities related to information technology and electronic services, and submit the relevant recommendations;

2.       approve the framework, policies, and standards for the management of information technology, information security, and electronic services, as well as knowledge and human capital management;

3.       study and approve the strategic initiatives that ensure high-level integration of Government procedures and contribute to developing the digital community; and

4.       provide advice and consultation to the DSG and to Government Entities to expedite and successfully implement electronic transformation processes, and propose the relevant corrective actions.

Article (8)

The financial year of the DSG will commence on 1 January and will end on 31 December of each year, except that the first financial year will commence as of the date this Law comes into force and will end on 31 December of the following year.

Article (9)

The financial resources of the DSG will consist of:

1.       support allocated to the DSG in the general budget of the Emirate;

2.       service fees and charges collected by the DSG; and

3.       any other resources approved by the Director of the HHRC.

Article (10)

The Director of the HHRC will issue the regulations and bylaws required for the implementation of this Law.

Article (11)

1.       Pursuant to this Law, the “Government Information Resources Planning Department” and the “Electronic Services Department” affiliated to the HHRC will become part of the DSG, and all their rights, obligations, responsibilities, and powers will be transferred to the DSG. 

2.       Employees of the two departments referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article will be transferred to the DSG and will maintain their existing rights.

Article (12)

The Order Issued on 10 May 2000 Concerning Integration of Government Resources Planning and Management Information Systems and the Order Issued on 10 May 2000 Forming the Supreme Committee for the Integration of Government Resources Planning Management Information Systems Project are hereby repealed. Any provision in any other legislation will also be repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Law. 

Article (13)

This Law will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on the day on which it is published.


Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 25 December 2008

Corresponding to 27 Thu al-Hijjah 1429 A.H. 


© 2014 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict the Arabic text will prevail.