Law No. (6) of 2002

Concerning the Construction and Protection of the Wired and Wireless

Telecommunications Network of the Dubai Internet City[1]


We, Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Law No. (1) of 2000 Establishing the Dubai Technology, e-Commerce, and Media Free Zone,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Article (1)

This Law will be cited as “Law No. (6) of 2002 Concerning the Construction and Protection of the Telecommunications Network of the Dubai Internet City”.

Article (2)

The following words and expressions will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The Government of Dubai.


The Emirate of Dubai.


The Dubai Internet City affiliated to the Dubai Technology, e-Commerce, and Media Free Zone.


The Dubai Municipality.

Telecommunications Network:

The wired and wireless communications system of the DIC.


Any natural or legal person.

Article (3)

The DIC will provide wired and wireless communications services through a network of fibre optic cables and fixed and aerial stations operated, maintained, and developed by the DIC to serve companies, establishments, and individuals in the Emirate.

Article (4)

The DM will provide utility corridors dedicated to the Telecommunications Network on the streets and roads of the Emirate and will provide any other support required for enabling the DIC to achieve the objectives mentioned in Article (3) of this Law. This includes allocating coastal land, routes, and links for utility lines; installing fixed and aerial equipment and stations; constructing networks; and providing any other services necessary or required for the achievement of the DIC objectives.

Article (5)

Any Person who undertakes works near the Telecommunications Network or near any of its fixed and aerial stations, utility corridors, or lines must take all necessary actions and use all means to prevent causing damage to, or compromising, the safety of the lines, network, or corridors.

Article (6)

Any Person who wishes to implement excavation, building, or construction works near the Telecommunications Network or near its utility corridors or lines must obtain a no-objection certificate from the DIC before implementing such works, and must comply with the requirements and instructions stated in that certificate.

Article (7)

Where any works to be implemented by a Person require intersection with the Telecommunications Network or its utility corridors or lines, this Person must notify the DIC and obtain its formal approval of the same and must not implement any of these works without the presence of a DIC representative, who will determine the manner in which the works will be implemented or will supervise their implementation.

Article (8)

No Person may act in any manner that causes or leads to vandalising, disconnecting, exposing, or damaging the Telecommunications Network, any of its utility corridors or lines, or its fixed or aerial stations. Where a Person acts in such a manner, he must immediately report the same to the DIC.

Article (9)

Without prejudice to any penalty stipulated in any other law, a Person who violates any of the provisions of this Law, whether acting as a principal or accomplice, or working for the account of others, will be deemed to have committed a crime punishable by up to six (6) months of imprisonment and/ or a fine of not less than ten thousand dirhams (AED 10,000.00) and not more than one hundred thousand dirhams (AED 100,000.00). That Person will be adjudged to pay compensation for the damage caused by the crime as per the Schedule of Compensation attached to this Law. The court may render a judgment confiscating the equipment used in committing the crime.

Article (10)

Any Person who embezzles, steals, or unlawfully diverts or uses the services of the Telecommunications Network or its utility corridors or lines will be punished by up to six-month imprisonment and/ or a fine of up to fifty thousand dirhams (AED 50,000.00).

Article (11)

The amounts of compensation awarded in accordance with the provisions of this Law will be paid to the DIC.

Article (12)

This Law will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on the day on which it is published.

Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 10 November 2002

Corresponding to 5 Ramadan 1423 A.H.


Schedule of Compensation

Value of Damage (in dirhams)

Type of Damage



Damage to a coaxial cable (per section or part of section)



Damage to a fibre optic cable (per section or part of section)



Damage to an audio cable (per section or part of section)



Damage to a conduit laid under a paved surface (per pipe)



Damage to a conduit laid under a non-paved surface (per pipe)



Damage to a connection room with manhole



©2021 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.