Law No. (3) of 2012

Concerning the

Dubai School of Government[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Law No. (3) 2003 Establishing the Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai;

Law No. (27) of 2006 Concerning Management of the Government of Dubai Human Resources and its amendments;

Law No. (31) of 2009 Establishing the Dubai Government Human Resources Department;

Law No. (8) of 2010 Concerning the Financial Audit Department and its amendments;

Decree No. (6) of 2005 Establishing the Dubai School of Government and its amendments; and

Resolution of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. (746) of 2008 Authorising the Dubai School of Government to Confer Higher Education Academic Degrees,

Do hereby issue this Law.


Article (1)

This Law will be cited as “Law No. (3) of 2012 Concerning the Dubai School of Government”.


Article (2)

The following words and expressions, whenever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The United Arab Emirates.


The Emirate of Dubai.


The Government of Dubai.

Executive Council:

The Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai.


The Dubai School of Government.

Board of Trustees:

The board of trustees of the DSG.

Executive President:

The executive president of the DSG.

Academic Council:

The academic council of the DSG.


The dean of the DSG.

Scope of Application

Article (3)

This Law will apply to the Dubai School of Government established pursuant to the above-mentioned Decree No. (6) of 2005 as a public corporation having legal personality and financial and administrative autonomy and the legal capacity required to undertake all activities and acts that ensure achievement of its objectives.

Head Office of the DSG

Article (4)

The head office of the DSG will be located in the Emirate. Branches and other offices may be established inside and outside of the Emirate pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Trustees.

Objectives of the DSG

Article (5)

The DSG will be a non-profit academic, training, and research institution that aims to:

1.     contribute to enhancing government and public administration and to developing related studies in the Emirate with a view to promoting economic and social development plans in the Emirate in accordance with international best practices;

2.     contribute to the qualification of Government employees and to raising their level of competence and provide them with theoretical and practical training that will enable them to assume their responsibilities and exercise their powers in a manner that will ensure that public administration is promoted at Government entities;

3.     raise awareness of the concepts of government and public policy required for developing Government standards, improving performance, and increasing productivity; and

4.     enhance knowledge exchange in the area of government and public policy through a number of relevant forums and conferences.

Functions of the DSG

Article (6)

In order to achieve its objectives, the DSG will undertake the following duties and exercise the following powers:

1.     prepare and implement academic programmes in all areas related to government and public policy;

2.     prepare and implement executive training and continuing education programmes related to government and public policy, as well as any other programmes whether inside or outside of the UAE;

3.     confer academic degrees in public administration and in programmes that are related to the government sector;

4.     confer non-academic certificates for participation in training courses and programmes organised by the DSG in areas related to its objectives;

5.     undertake academic cooperation with Arab, regional, and international institutions specialised in the areas of government;

6.     prepare and publish studies and research in areas related to government, public administration, and all areas that serve the government sector in the Emirate;

7.     establish a publishing house that will publish the DSG’s publications and those of other entities and individuals, provided that such publications are related to the DSG’s activities;

8.     provide consultation and technical services in the area of government and public administration and in any other area that serves the public and private sectors;

9.     organise and participate in public conferences, seminars, and lectures held inside or outside of the UAE; and

10.  conclude agreements and establish partnerships with Arab and foreign authorities, corporations, institutes, and universities, and strengthen links and relationships with all public and private sectors.

Organisational Structure of the DSG

Article (7)

The organisational structure of the DSG will comprise:

1.     the Board of Trustees;

2.     the Executive President;

3.     the Academic Council; and

4.     the Dean.

Board of Trustees

Article (8)

a.     The Board of Trustees will comprise a chairman and a number of competent and experienced members whose number must not be less than five (5) or more than thirteen (13) and who are appointed for a renewable term of three (3) years pursuant to a resolution of the Chairman of the Executive Council.

b.    The Board of Trustees will appoint a vice chairman from amongst its members who will assume the duties and powers of the chairman during the chairman's absence.

c.     The chairman of the Board of Trustees will appoint a secretary who will prepare the agendas of the Board of Trustees, draft minutes of meetings, and record these in a register designed for this purpose after being signed by the chair of the meeting and the secretary.

Powers of the Board of Trustees

Article (9)

a.     The Board of Trustees will be the highest authority that supervises the affairs of the DSG, its development, and the achievement of its objectives, and will in particular:

1.     supervise the general management of the DSG;

2.     adopt the general policy, strategic plans, structure, and action plans of the DSG;

3.     adopt the internal bylaws regulating work at the DSG, including financial and administrative bylaws and faculty bylaws;

4.     establish the statute of the Board of Trustees which will regulate its work and the manner in which it will perform its functions;

5.     adopt the requirements for academic degrees and certificates;

6.     establish, merge, or discontinue academic departments or specialised centres;

7.     determine the tuition fees that must be paid by enrolled students and methods of payment;

8.     appoint the Dean and review his duties on a regular basis;

9.     approve the draft annual budget and the financial statements of the DSG;

10.  assess and approve the annual report on the activities and achievements of the DSG;

11.  appoint the financial auditor of the DSG and determine his remuneration;

12.  accept contributions, grants, donations, subsidies, wills, and endowments; and

13.  form executive committees or advisory councils, from among its members or third parties, and determine their functions, powers, and nature of business.

b.    The Board of Trustees may delegate any of its powers stipulated in this Law to the Executive President, and the Executive President may delegate any of these powers to any employee of the DSG subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees is granted.

Meetings of the Board of Trustees

Article (10)

a.     The Board of Trustees will hold at least four (4) ordinary meetings a year upon invitation of its chairman, or the vice chairman in case of absence of the chairman. The venue and time of the meeting will be determined in the invitation which will be notified to members in writing at least one (1) week prior to the meeting.

b.    Where necessary, the Board of Trustees may hold special meetings upon the request of its chairman or of at least three (3) of its members. The chairman of the Board of Trustees will determine the venue and time of the meeting.

c.     Board of Trustee meetings will be valid when attended by the majority of its members provided that the chairman or vice chairman is amongst them. Board of Trustee resolutions will be issued by majority vote of attending members, and in case of a tie the chair of the meeting will have the casting vote.

d.    In emergency cases, the Board of Trustees may issue resolutions by circulation and in such cases the approval of two (2) thirds of members of the Board of Trustees must be obtained, provided that such resolutions are referred to the Board of Trustees during its next meeting in order to include them in its minutes of meetings.

Executive President

Article (11)

The DSG will have an Executive President appointed pursuant to a resolution of the chairman of the Board of Trustees.

Powers of the Executive President

Article (12)

a.     The Executive President will be responsible for managing the DSG, for regulating its administrative and financial affairs, and for representing it before third parties, and in order to achieve this he will have the duties and powers to:

1.     follow up implementation of the resolutions of the Board of Trustees;

2.     supervise the administrative body of the DSG and appoint competent and qualified employees;

3.     authorise the award of academic certificates and certificates for training courses and executive training programmes;

4.     form disciplinary boards and determine their procedures, powers, and the disciplinary measures applicable to the employees and persons enrolled in the DSG;

5.     issue the resolutions required for work flow efficiency at the DSG in accordance with the legislation in force in the Emirate and the bylaws and resolutions issued by the Board of Trustees;

6.     prepare annual reports on the affairs and various activities and work flow of the DSG, and submit these to the Board of Trustees;

7.     conclude the contracts, agreements, and memoranda of understanding required for the achievement of the objectives of the DSG; and

8.     perform any other duties assigned by the Board of Trustees.

b.    The Executive President may at his own discretion delegate any of his powers stipulated in this Law to any employee of the DSG.

Academic Council of the DSG

Article (13)

a.     The Academic Council of the DSG will comprise the Executive President as chairman of the Academic Council, the Dean as vice chairman of the Academic Council, and a number of faculty members and research and administrative staff members of the DSG whose number will not be less than five (5) or more than nine (9), including the chairman and vice chairman, appointed pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Trustees.

b.    The Executive President will appoint from among the DSG staff a secretary for the Academic Council. The secretary will perform the duties assigned to him by the Executive President, including drafting minutes of meetings, recording such minutes in a register maintained for such purpose, and having those minutes signed by the chair of the meeting and attending members.

Meetings of the Academic Council

Article (14)

a.     The Academic Council will hold at least one (1) meeting per month upon invitation of its chairman or the vice chairman, in absence of the chairman, or whenever required. Academic Council meetings will be valid when attended by the majority of its members provided that the chairman or vice chairman is amongst them. Academic Council resolutions will be issued by majority vote of attending members, and in case of a tie the chair of the meeting will have the casting vote.

b.    The Academic Council may at its own discretion invite any qualified and competent person to attend its meetings and such person may participate in discussions of the agenda but may not cast any vote.

Powers of the Academic Council

Article (15)

The Academic Council will have the powers and duties to:

1.     propose the general policy, strategic plans, and work programmes of the DSG and submit these to the Board of Trustees for adoption;

2.     approve the requirements for academic degrees and certificates and submit these to the Board of Trustees for adoption;

3.     prepare the internal bylaws and policies that regulate work at the DSG, including financial and administrative bylaws and policies and faculty and student bylaws, and submit these to the Board of Trustees for adoption;

4.     adopt and develop the academic courses, study plans, and training programmes of the DSG;

5.     adopt the rules and standards for student admission at the DSG;

6.     regulate the holding of examinations at the DSG, supervise such examinations, and discuss and ratify examination results;

7.     approve the registration of academic programme theses, appoint thesis supervisors and thesis examiners, form the required thesis examining committees, and revoke thesis registration;

8.     confer academic degrees and certificates;

9.     appoint faculty members and research staff members, and decide all matters related to their affairs in accordance with the bylaws adopted by the Board of Trustees in this respect;

10.  propose the draft annual budget and the financial statements of the DSG and submit these to the Board of Trustees for approval;

11.  propose ways to develop the financial resources of the DSG in accordance with this Law and the legislation in force;

12.  appraise the academic performance and achievement level at the DSG and submit to the Board of Trustees any required recommendations in this respect;

13.  approve scientific research programmes and evaluate their outcomes;

14.  determine the incentives and awards in recognition for scientific research and studies; and

15.  perform any other duties assigned by the Board of Trustees or the Executive President.

The Dean

Article (16)

The DSG will have a Dean who is appointed, and whose remuneration is determined, pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Trustees.

Duties of the Dean

Article (17)

The Dean will have the powers and duties to:

1.     develop the academic policy, plans, strategies, objectives, regulations, and bylaws which aim at achieving the academic and educational objectives of the DSG, and submit these to the Academic Council for approval;

2.     manage the academic and scientific affairs of the DSG and regulate its work in accordance with the legislation, regulations, and bylaws in force in this respect;

3.     supervise and encourage scientific research at the DSG and raise the level of the contribution of the DSG to the fields of education, training, and administrative development;

4.     supervise faculty members and research staff members and appraise their performance;

5.     issue the resolutions required for ensuring an uninterrupted flow of studies at the DSG in accordance with the legislation in force;

6.     develop regulations that will raise the academic and scientific standards of the DSG;

7.     propose ways in which the DSG may participate in the development of the local community;

8.     develop an annual plan for public lectures and seminars organised by the DSG;

9.     develop the scientific research plans of the DSG that are in line with the objectives of the DSG and the requirements of the community;

10.  participate in academic conferences, seminars, and forums held locally or internationally and which relate to areas of business of the DSG;

11.  prepare plans for developing academic curricula and for introducing new academic courses for the DSG;

12.  encourage researchers of the DSG to participate in local and international events that relate to the activities of the DSG;

13.  develop the plans required for publicising the DSG, its activities, and its contribution to the development of the community; and

14.  perform any other duties assigned by the Board of Trustees.

Financial Resources of the DSG

Article (18)

The financial resources of the DSG will comprise:

1.     support allocated in the general budget of the Government;

2.     tuition fees and proceeds from research, studies, consultations, and training courses;

3.     proceeds from projects, services, and various activities undertaken by the DSG; and

4.     donations, wills, subsidies, endowments, and other revenues acceptable to the Board of Trustees.

Annual Budget of the DSG

Article (19)

a.     In regulating its accounts and records, the DSG will follow the principles of government accounting.

b.    The financial year of the DSG will commence on 1 January and will end on 31 December of each year.

Financial Audit

Article (20)

The Financial Audit Department will audit the accounts of the DSG.

Auditor of the DSG

Article (21)

a.     The DSG will have an auditor who is appointed for a renewable term of one (1) year, and whose remuneration is determined, pursuant to resolution of the Board of Trustees. The auditor will audit the accounts of the DSG and will submit a report including his comments to the Board of Trustees by the end of each financial year of the DSG.

b.    The auditor will audit the books, records, and all other documentation of the DSG, and may request any data or clarifications he deems necessary for the performance of his duties.

Application of the Human Resources Management Law

Article (22)

Law No. (27) of 2006 Concerning Management of the Government of Dubai Human Resources will apply to the administrative staff members of the DSG.


Article (23)

a.     This Law will repeal and replace Decree No. (6) of 2005 Establishing the Dubai School of Government and its amendments.

b.    Any provision in any other legislation will be repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Law.

Commencement and Publication

Article (24)

This Law will come into force on the day on which it is issued and will be published in the Official Gazette.

Muhammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued on 24 April 2012

Corresponding to 3 Jumada al-Thaniyah 1433 A.H.

©2020 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.