Law No. (25) of 2021

Amending Law No. (13) of 2016

Concerning the Judicial Authorities in the Emirate of Dubai[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,          

After perusal of:

Law No. (13) of 2016 Concerning the Judicial Authorities in the Emirate of Dubai and its amendments (the “Original Law”); and

Law No. (10) of 2009 Concerning Salaries and Benefits of Members of the Judicial Authorities in the Emirate of Dubai,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Superseded Articles

Article (1)

Articles (2) and (33) of the Original Law are hereby superseded by the following:


Article (2)

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The United Arab Emirates.


The Emirate of Dubai.


His Highness the Ruler of Dubai.

Judicial Council:

The Judicial Council of the Emirate.


The chairman of the Judicial Council.


The Dubai Courts, including the Court of Cassation, the Court of Appeal, and the Courts of First Instance.


A special tribunal formed in the Emirate in accordance with this Law.

Public Prosecution:

The public prosecution of the Emirate.


The Judicial Inspection Department.

Judicial Authority:

The Courts, the Public Prosecution, and the JID.

Attorney General:

The attorney general of the Emirate.


A head of a Court, or a Court judge.

Member of the Public Prosecution:

The Attorney General; an advocate general; or a chief public prosecutor or a public prosecutor of any grade.

Judicial Inspector:

This includes the director of the JID and any member of the judicial inspection staff of the JID of any grade.

Member of a Judicial Authority:

A Judge, a Member of the Public Prosecution, or a Judicial Inspector.

Employment Designations and Grades

Article (33)

Employment designations and grades of UAE national Members of the Judicial Authorities appointed at the Courts, the Public Prosecution, and the JID will be as stated in the following schedule:


Court Posts

Public Prosecution Posts

JID Posts

Senior Grade

Chief Justice of the Court of Cassation

Attorney General



Senior Cassation Judge

Assistant Attorney General

Director of the JID

Senior Advocate General

Senior Judicial Inspector


Cassation Judge

Advocate General

Judicial Inspector

Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal


Senior Appellate Judge

Senior Chief Prosecutor

Judicial Inspector

Chief Justice of the Courts of First Instance.


Appellate Judge

Chief Prosecutor



Senior First Instance Judge

Assistant Chief Prosecutor



First Instance Judge

Senior Public Prosecutor



First Instance Judge

Public Prosecutor




Assistant Public Prosecutor


Commencement and Publication

Article (2)

This Law comes into force on the day on which it is issued, and will be published in the Official Gazette.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai 18 November 2021

Corresponding to 13 Rabi al-Thani 1443 A.H.

©2021 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.