Law No. (12) of 2023

Concerning the

Mohammed bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Law No. (7) of 2016 Establishing the Mohammed bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences;

Law No. (13) of 2021 Establishing the Dubai Academic Health Institution;

Decree No. (9) of 2015 Regulating the Raising of Donations in the Emirate of Dubai; and

Decree No. (1) of 2019 Regulating the Establishment of Companies by Government Entities in the Emirate of Dubai,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Title of the Law

Article (1)

This Law will be cited as “Law No. (12) of 2023 Concerning the Mohammed bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences”.


Article (2)

The following words, wherever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The United Arab Emirates.


The Emirate of Dubai.


The Dubai Academic Health Institution.


The Mohammed bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Board of Trustees:

The board of trustees of the MBRU.


The president of the MBRU.

Scope of Application

Article (3)

The provisions of this Law apply to the Mohammed bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences established pursuant to the above-mentioned Law No. (7) of 2016 as a public corporation which has legal personality, financial and administrative autonomy, and the legal capacity required to undertake all acts and dispositions that ensure the achievement of its objectives. The MBRU is hereby affiliated to the DAHI. 

Head Office of the MBRU

Article (4)

The head office of the MBRU will be located in the Emirate. Other branches of the MBRU may be established within and outside of the Emirate pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Trustees.

Fields and Specialisation of the MBRU

Article (5)

a.    The MBRU will be comprised of a number of colleges; scientific research centres; traditional, electronic, and digital libraries; and specialised training institutes. The MBRU will offer academic programmes leading to bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees; and professional certificates in medicine, health sciences, and other related fields.

b.    The MBRU serves as the academic arm of the DAHI through providing education and professional training in medicine, health sciences, and other related fields; and conducting the scientific research conducive to the development of an ecosystem of innovation in these fields.

Objectives of the MBRU

Article (6)

The MBRU will have the following objectives:

1.    to establish the Emirate as a renowned regional and international academic centre for medicine and health sciences;

2.    to provide high quality education by adopting the best educational and professional systems in line with the international best standards and practices;

3.    to support the DAHI in achieving its objectives, namely enhancing healthcare and Health Services across the Emirate through an integrated academic health system covering healthcare, medical education, and scientific research;

4.    to contribute to achieving sustainable development by supporting scientific advancement in medicine, health sciences, and any related fields;

5.    to provide the community with highly qualified medical and healthcare professionals cable of efficiently addressing various health issues;

6.    to create a favourable environment for conducting the scientific research aimed at promoting community health and enhancing the Health Sector in the Emirate; and

7.    to provide all research resources to enable the DAHI and its healthcare facilities to deliver services in accordance with the latest scientific guidelines and the highest levels of efficiency and effectiveness, with a view to achieving the objectives of the DAHI.

Functions of the MBRU

Article (7)

For the purpose of achieving its objectives, the MBRU will have the duties and powers to:

1.    establish specialised colleges, institutes, and research centres;

2.    develop and implement specialised and distinguished academic programmes in medicine and health sciences, with a view to improving the quality of higher education;

3.    award academic degrees to students who successfully complete the accredited academic programmes;

4.    grant academic ranks to faculty members of the MBRU or to those who conduct its approved research, in accordance with the relevant standards approved by the MBRU;

5.    provide continued professional development opportunities in various fields related to medicine, health sciences, and other related fields in order to meet the needs of the community and expand access to healthcare and Health Services;

6.    promote scientific research and apply its findings, focusing on fields related to medicine and health sciences;

7.    foster and support scientific, cultural, and professional relations and ties with local, regional, and international universities; public and private entities; institutes; research centres; hospitals; and healthcare institutions, by entering into partnerships with these entities;

8.    provide technical consultation and services, and conduct scientific and professional research in medicine and health sciences;

9.    provide assistance in registering the intellectual property rights arising from the scientific research conducted by the faculty members of the MBRU, staff members of the DAHI, post-doctoral researchers, and the student researchers of competent entities, in accordance with the legislation in force in the UAE;

10.  adopt and implement the best technologies and teaching aids to provide academic programmes and training courses to the MBRU students and stakeholders;

11.  establish and manage the infrastructure required for providing education and professional training in medicine, health sciences, and other related fields; and for conducting scientific research in these fields;

12.  publish scientific bulletins and journals specialised in medicine and health sciences within and outside of the UAE;

13.  organise and participate in conferences, symposia, and workshops specialised in medicine and health sciences;

14.  engage all segments of the community in the various activities of the MBRU;

15.  own, possess, sell, lease out, or take lease of the movable and immovable property, materials, devices, equipment, and systems required for the achievement of its objectives;

16.  establish companies or hold shares in existing companies and investment projects, as required for the achievement of its objectives and DAHI's objectives, in accordance with the above-mentioned Law No. (13) of 2021 and other legislation in force in the Emirate; and

17.  exercise any other duties or powers required to enable the MBRU to achieve its objectives, with a view to achieving the objectives of the DAHI and enabling it to exercise its functions under the above-mentioned Law No. (13) of 2021.


Article (8)

A Chancellor will be appointed to the MBRU pursuant to a decree of the Ruler.

Organisational Structure of the MBRU

Article (9)

 The MBRU will have the following organisational levels:

1.    the Board of Trustees; and

2.    the executive body.

Board of Trustees

Article (10)

a.    The Board of Directors of the DAHI will serve as the Board of Trustees; and will, in addition to its functions under the above-mentioned Law No. (13) of 2021, have the duties and powers to:

1.    approve and follow up the implementation of the general policy and strategic plans of the MBRU;

2.    approve the study programmes; and establish the specialised colleges, institutes, and centres of the MBRU;

3.    approve the draft annual budget and financial statements of the MBRU;

4.    approve the organisational structure of the MBRU;

5.    approve the administrative, financial, and technical regulations and bylaws required to regulate the work and services of the MBRU;

6.    approve, upon the recommendation of the President, the tuition fees, the charges for the services provided by the MBRU, and the rules governing scholarships;

7.    appoint, upon the recommendation of the President, the vice presidents of the MBRU;

8.    review the annual report on the activities and achievements of the MBRU, and issue the relevant directives as it deems appropriate;

9.    approve the operational plans and programmes related to the approved policy and strategic plans of the MBRU;

10.  approve the student affairs bylaws and student admission rules;

11.  approve the criteria for awarding academic certificates and degrees and training certificates by the MBRU;

12.  approve the establishment and acquisition of the companies and corporations that serve the objectives of the MBRU, in accordance with the legislation in force; and

13.  exercise any other duties or powers required for the achievement of the objectives of the MBRU.

b.    Except for its powers under sub-paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(8), (a)(9), and (a)(12) of this Article, the Board of Trustees may delegate any of its powers under paragraph (a) of this Article to any of its members or to the President, provided that such delegation is specific and in writing.

Executive Body of the MBRU

Article (11)

a.    The executive body of the MBRU will be comprised of the President; one or more vice presidents; deans of the MBRU colleges; faculty members; and administrative, finance, and technical employees. The executive body will be responsible for performing the operational work of the MBRU and for providing it with administrative and technical support.

b.    The employees of the executive body of the MBRU, including its faculty members, will be governed by the human resources regulation adopted by the DAHI.

c.     A faculty member of the MBRU may hold concurrent employment at the DAHI or any of its healthcare facilities.

d.    The categories of the faculty members referred to in paragraph (c) of this Article, the requirements they must meet, and their remuneration will be determined in accordance with the human resources regulation adopted by the DAHI.

President of the MBRU

Article (12)

a.    The chief executive officer of the DAHI will serve as the President; and will, in addition to his functions under the above-mentioned Law No. (13) of 2021, have the duties and powers to:

1.    propose the policies and the strategic, development, and operational plans of the MBRU; and take the necessary action to implement them upon their approval;

2.    follow up implementation of the resolutions of the Board of Trustees;

3.    draft the administrative, financial, and technical regulations and bylaws required to regulate the work and services of the MBRU, and submit the same to the Board of Trustees for approval;

4.    prepare the draft annual budget and financial statements of the MBRU, and submit the same to the Board of Trustees for approval;

5.    supervise the executive body and the work, activities, and services of the MBRU;

6.    supervise the implementation of the projects and programmes supported by the MBRU;

7.    award training certificates;

8.    prepare the annual report on the activities and achievements of the MBRU, submit the same to the Board of Trustees, and implement the directives issued by the Board of Trustees in respect of this report;

9.    review the annual institutional performance of the MBRU, and submit the relevant recommendations to the Board of Trustees;

10.  represent the MBRU before third parties; and conclude cooperation agreements and memoranda of understanding with public and private universities and other entities, and with local, regional, and international research institutes and centres, hospitals, and healthcare institutions;

11.  form permanent and temporary committees and work teams, and determine their duties and powers;

12.  seek assistance from experts, specialists, and visiting lecturers in accordance with the relevant bylaws adopted by the MBRU;

13.  appoint deans to the MBRU colleges; and

14.  exercise any other duties or powers assigned or delegated to him by the Board of Trustees or its chairman.

b.    With the exception of his powers under sub-paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), and (a)(13) of this Article, the President may delegate any of his powers to any of the MBRU staff members, provided that such delegation is specific and in writing.

Financial Resources of the MBRU

Article (13)

The financial resources of the MBRU will consist of:

1.    the financial appropriations allocated to the MBRU in the annual budget of the DAHI;

2.    the tuition fees and other revenue collected by the MBRU in return for the services it provides;

3.    returns on the investment of the property of the MBRU;

4.    the grants, gifts, bequests, aid, and endowments received by the MBRU and accepted by the President, in accordance with the rules and procedures approved by the Board of Trustees and with the relevant legislation in force; and

5.    any other resources approved by the Board of Trustees.

Financial Affairs of the MBRU

Article (14)

a.    In managing its accounts and records, the MBRU will apply the relevant rules and principles of accounting adopted by the DAHI.

b.    The financial year of the MBRU will commence on 1 January and will end on 31 December of each Year.

Issuing Implementing Resolutions

Article (15)

The chairman of the Board of Trustees will issue the resolutions required for implementing the provisions of this Law.

Supersession and Repeals

Article (16)

a.    This Law supersedes the above-mentioned Law No. (7) of 2016.

b.    Any provision in any other legislation is hereby repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Law.

Commencement and Publication

Article (17)

This Law comes into force on the day on which it is issued, and will be published in the Official Gazette. 

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 14 June 2023

Corresponding to 25 Thu al-Qidah 1444 A.H.










©2023 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.