Law No. (17) of 2010

Dissolving the

Dubai Corporation for Event Management and Organisation[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Law No. (14) of 2007 Establishing the Dubai Real Estate Corporation and its amendments;

Law No. (3) of 2008 Establishing the Dubai Corporation for Event Management and Organisation; and

Executive Council Resolution No. (6) of 2008 Transferring the Property of the Dubai Golf Corporation to the Dubai Real Estate Corporation,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Article (1)

As of the effective date of this Law, all the rights and obligations of the Dubai Corporation for Event Management and Organisation, and of the clubs and entities affiliated to it, are hereby transferred to the Dubai Real Estate Corporation. The employees of the Dubai Corporation for Event Management and Organisation, and of such clubs and entities affiliated to it, will also be transferred to the Dubai Real Estate Corporation without prejudice to their existing rights.

Article (2)

Law No. (3) of 2008 Establishing the Dubai Corporation for Event Management and Organisation is hereby repealed. Any provision in any other legislation will also be repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Law.

Article (3)

This Law comes into force on the day on which it is issued, and will be published in the Official Gazette.


Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 4 July 2010

Corresponding to 22 Rajab 1431 A.H.


©2015 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict the Arabic text will prevail.