Law No. (15) of 2011


Law No. (15) of 2007

Establishing the

Dubai Foundation for Women and Children[1] 


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,


After perusal of:

Law No. (15) of 2007 Establishing the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children and its amendments (the “Original Law”)


Do hereby issue this Law.

Article (1)


Articles (5), (7), (9), and (12) of the Original Law are hereby superseded by the following:


Article (5)


1.    The DFWAC will provide care services to women and children of all nationalities who reside in the Emirate, and are subjected to incidents of abuse and violence. This includes: 


a.    providing shelter, and psychological, health, and social care services to women and children, in accordance with the relevant rules and conditions prescribed by the DFWAC;

b.    providing urgent counselling services for victims of abuse and violence; and acquainting them with their rights and with the ways of dealing with their problems;

c.     rehabilitating and training victims of abuse and violence; integrating them into the society to help them become productive members of society; and assisting them in finding sources of income that guarantee them decent living;

d.    providing legal and financial assistance to foreign victims of abuse and violence to help them travel back to their countries;

e.    raising awareness of the society on what constitutes abuse and violence; on the rights of women and children; and on the importance of protecting these rights;

f.     providing psychological and social counselling services to the families that need to improve their family stability;

g.    raising awareness among families on the lifestyle they need to adopt so they may maintain balanced, stable, and violence-free households; and

h.    providing legal representation for women and children who are victims of abuse and violence before judicial authorities.


2.    The DFWAC is the entity legally authorised to deal with incidents of abuse and violence against women and children. All concerned entities must coordinate with the DFWAC before dealing with, or taking any action in respect of, any of these incidents.


Article (7)


The Board of Directors will manage the DFWAC and undertake general supervision of its administrative, technical, and financial affairs. The Board of Directors will issue the resolutions and take the actions it deems appropriate for achieving the goals and objectives of the DFWAC, including:

1.    developing the general policy and project plans of the DFWAC;

2.    approving the draft annual budget of the DFWAC;

3.    approving the organisational structure and the bylaws regulating the administrative, financial, and technical affairs of the DFWAC;

4.    opening and managing a bank account dedicated to the gifts, grants, and donations received by the DFWAC; and determining disbursement channels in accordance with the DFWAC objectives;

5.    engaging in diverse well-thought-out investments of the gifts, grants, and donations received by the DFWAC for the benefit of the DFWAC and the achievement of its objectives; and

6.    appointing auditors and determining their remuneration at the beginning of every financial year.


Article (9)


1.    A Director General will be appointed to the DFWAC by the Board of Directors. The DFWAC will also have an executive body comprised of a number of employees and other workers.

2.    The Board of Directors may appoint a deputy director general to the DFWAC.


Article (12)


The financial resources of the DFWAC will consist of:


1.    the support allocated to the DFWAC in the general budget of the Government; and

2.    the grants, gifts, and donations received by the DFWAC and accepted by the Board of Directors. These resources will not be deemed as Public Revenue.


Article (2)

The phrase “Executive Director” wherever mentioned in the Original Law is hereby replaced by the phrase “Director General”.


Article (3)

This Law will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on the day on which it is published.




Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai



Issued in Dubai on 26 September 2011

Corresponding to 28 Shawwal 1432 A.H.




©2019 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.