Dubai Police Law of 1966[1]


We, Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai and its Dependencies, do hereby issue this Law.



1.    Title of the Law

This Law will be cited as the “Dubai Police Law of 1966”.

2.    Interpretation

For the purposes of this Law, the following words and expressions will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:

His Highness the Ruler:

His Highness the Ruler of Dubai and its Dependencies.

Police Commander:

The officer appointed by His Highness the Ruler to perform the duties and exercise the powers of the police commander, or any person acting for the Police Commander in his absence under this Law.


Any Police staff member holding the rank of inspector regardless of his grade, including a deputy Inspector.


Non-commissioned Officer:

Any Police staff member holding the rank of lance corporal or corporal.

Police :

The Dubai police force established under this Law.

High-ranking Police Officer:

Any Police staff member holding the rank of assistant Police commissioner or a higher rank.

Part One

Organisation of the Police


3.      Establishment of Dubai Police Force

A force named the “Dubai Police” will be established in the Emirate of Dubai and its dependencies.

4.      Duties of the Police

1.    The Police will be assigned the prevention, investigation, and collection of evidence of crimes, arresting perpetrators of crimes, bringing legal proceedings against them and pleading in these proceedings, safe confinement of prisoners, maintenance of the public order and safety of persons and property, and performing any other duties assigned to the Police pursuant to any other laws in force in Dubai.

2.    The Police may be assigned the execution of other warrants and orders and service of summons and notices issued by courts.

3.    The duties of the Police will be performed in accordance with laws in force in Dubai or, in the absence of these laws, pursuant to the instructions of His Highness the Ruler.

5.      Structure of the Police

1.    The Police will be composed of a number of High-ranking Police Officers, Inspectors, Non-commissioned Officers, and other Police staff members as may be determined, from time to time, by His Highness the Ruler.

2.    High Highness the Ruler may, subject to any conditions, appoint any officer or other person to perform all or any of the duties and exercise all or any of the powers of a High-ranking Police Officer or any Inspector.

3.    A Police staff member may exercise the powers of another Police staff member holding a rank or grade lower than his own.

6.      Powers of the Police Commander

1.    The Police Commander will be assigned the command, management, and organisation of the Police, and will be responsible for monitoring expenses and supplies of the Police.

2.    The Police Commander may, at any time, appoint persons fit for service as Police staff members to fill the vacancies in the approved organisational structure of the Police.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Commander may not appoint any High-ranking Police Officer or Inspector without the approval of His Highness the Ruler.

3.    The Police Commander may suspend, discharge, dismiss, or demote any Police staff member if the Police Commander is sufficiently satisfied that this Police staff member is negligent, incompetent, or generally unfit to perform his duties.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, no High-ranking Police Officer or Inspector may be dismissed, discharged or demoted without the approval of His Highness the Ruler.

4.    The Police Commander must act in accordance with any instructions issued to him, from time to time, by His Highness the Ruler in respect of the Police or the performance by the Police of its duties and responsibilities.

5.    The Police Commander may directly contact the Police forces or any other security authorities with respect to any matter that could, in the Police Commander’s view, affect the safety of the Emirate of Dubai and its Dependencies or affect the personal safety, or safety of the family of His Highness the Ruler.

6.    In the absence of the Police Commander, the deputy Police Commander will perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Police Commander, and in the absence of the deputy Police Commander, the Police officer holding the highest rank below the deputy Police Commander will perform these duties and exercise these powers.

Part Two

Joining the Service


7.      Employment Requirements and Extension

A person applying to join the Police service must pass a medical test, and in the event of approval of his application, he will join the service of the Police for a period of two (2) years, extendable on expiry with the approval of the Police Commander.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the employment of High-ranking Police Officers or Inspectors may only be extended with the approval of His Highness the Ruler.

8.      Swearing Allegiance to His Highness the Ruler

1.    A person who joins the service of the Police must swear allegiance to His Highness the Ruler.

Signing the Declaration:

2.    A person who joins the service of the Police pursuant to this Law must sign a written declaration in the prescribed form, in presence of the Police Commander, or in presence of a Police staff member authorised for this purpose by the Police Commander or by another Police staff member authorised by the Commander.

Taking the Oath by Senior Police Staff Members:

3.    Police staff members holding the rank of deputy Inspector or a higher rank must take the prescribed oath in presence of the Police Commander.

4.    For the purposes of this Article, the word “prescribed” will mean “prescribed by the Police Commander with the approval of His Highness the Ruler”.

9.      Former Appointments to the Police

1.    All persons employed by the Police at the effective date of this Law will be deemed to be appointed in accordance with its provisions.

Part 3



10.   Appointing Watchmen to Provide Private Services

Where the Police Commander receives from a person, or group of persons, a request to appoint private guards for the protection of real or other property, the Police Commander may appoint, for the requested period, any persons who are fit to work as private guards. These persons will be known as watchmen, and will be appointed to provide this specific private service.

11.   Wages of Watchmen

A person requesting the services of a watchman must pay the watchman his wage in addition to any amounts deemed necessary by the Police Commander to cover the cost of the uniform and equipment of the watchman, or of any other expenses.

These amounts and their method of payment will be agreed upon by the Police Commander and the concerned parties, and in the absence of such agreement, the instructions of the Police Commander will apply.

12.   Considering Watchmen as Police Staff Members

A person appointed as a watchman must submit a statement in the form prescribed by the Police Commander and must sign this statement in presence of a High-ranking Police Officer. The watchman will be considered as a Police staff member for all purposes, and will be governed by the provisions of this Law with respect to discipline, powers, and immunity.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, a watchman will not be entitled to claim any payments from the public funds of the Police.

13.   Termination of Service of Watchmen

The Police Commander, or any Police staff member authorised by the Police Commander, may terminate the service of any watchman in any of the following cases:

a.   where the services of the watchman are no longer needed;

b.   where the Police Commander is sufficiently satisfied that the watchman is negligent, incompetent, or unfit to perform his duties; or

c.   where the watchman commits an offense under this Law.

Part 4

Powers and Duties of Police Staff Members


14.   Powers and Duties of Police Staff Members

A Police staff member will be granted all powers, privileges, and immunities and must use the best of his skills and abilities to perform all duties and responsibilities assigned or related to his position as a Police staff member in accordance with this Law or any other law in force in Dubai.

Part Five

Disciplinary Actions and Penalties


15.   Breaches of the Police Force Regulations

A Police staff member will be deemed in breach of the Police regulations and disciplinary rules if he:

a.   is negligent in performing his duties;

b.   attends a parade or performs his duties while he is improperly dressed or in an unclean or untidy condition, or while his uniform or equipment are unclean or untidy;

c.   fails to attend a parade, or to report for duty on time and in the designated place;

d.   fails to disclose his indebtedness, when requested;

e.   disturbs the peace in barracks or Police station;

f.    malingers or feigns illness with the intention of avoiding his duty;

g.   behaves improperly with a member of the public;

h.   fails to pay due respect to Police staff members of higher rank;

i.    negligently casuses a shooting in a public place;

j.    demonstrates in words or conduct insubordination to a Police staff member of higher rank;

k.   is absent without leave;

l.     physically or otherwise assults anyone of higher rank;

m.  deliberately disobeys any lawful order issued by anyone of higher rank;

n.   negligently handles, or deliberately causes damage to, any clothes, tools, or equipment issued to him;

o.   becomes unfit to perform his duties due to abuse of alcohol or drugs;

p.   allows, through his negligence, the escape of a prisoner in his custody;

q.   commits an act that is considered an offence during the holy month of Ramadan;

r.    prepares, or aids and abets in preparing a false statement or entry in any official document or record;

s.   deletes, or aids and abets in deleting any statement or entry from any official document or record; or

t.    commits any other act that prejudices compliance with the Police regulations and discipline.

16.   Investigation of Charges and Disciplinary Penalties

Only the Police Commander, or a High-ranking Police Officer will conduct an investigation to verify the authenticity of any charges of committing the offenses stipulated in Article (15) of this Law. Where the investigator finds that the accused is guilty, he may impose one or more of the following penalties:

1.   reprimand;

2.   severe reprimand;

3.   deduction of salary and allowances for a period not exceeding twenty-one (21) days;

4.   a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty Riyals (QDR 250);

5.   arrest for a period not exceeding fourteen (14) days;

6.   deprivation of seniority;

7.   demotion; or

8.   dismissal.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, only the Police Commander may conduct trials in respect of such charges, in either of the following cases:

a.   Where the accused is a Police staff member who is a High-ranking Police Officer or an Inspector; or

b.   Where a High-ranking Police Officer conducts an investigation to verify the charges and finds that the offender must be punished by any of the following penalties:

1.      dismissal;

2.      arrest; or

3.      a fine that exceeds one hundred Riyals (QDR 100),

in which case, the investigator will refer the case to the Police Commander for trial.

17.   Arrest of Police Staff Members

Subject to the provisions of any regulations issued in pursuance of this Law, if a Police staff member commits a breach of the Police regulations and discipline, he may be arrested by any Police staff member of higher rank, and detained in a police station or detention centre based on the findings of an investigation.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Non-commissioned Officer may not be arrested for such offence without the approval of the Police Commander, and a Police staff member holding a rank higher than Non-commissioned Officer may not be arrested without the approval of His Highness the Ruler.

18.   Loss or Damage of Arms, Clothes, or other Government Property by Police Staff Members

In addition to any other penalty prescribed by this Law, a Police staff member who loses, or causes damage or harm to, any arms, clothes, or other government property may be ordered to pay compensation for the loss of, or damage or harm to, any of these items or things.

19.   Trial of Police Staff Members Under Legal Provisions Other than the Provisions of this Part

If a Police staff member is accused of an omission or act that constitutes an offence under Article (15) of this Law and under the provisions of any other law in force in Dubai, his acquittal or punishment pursuant to Articles (15) and (16) of this Law will not exempt him from trial and punishment, if found guilty, by a competent court, under such other law, for the same act or omission.

20.   Suspending Police Staff Members Accused of Offences

The Police Commander may, based on the findings of a trial, order suspension of Police staff members accused of acts or omissions punishable under any law in force in Dubai. If a Police staff member is imprisoned for any period based on the findings of a trial, the Police Commander may order dismissal of that Police staff member.

21.   Withholding of Salary and Allowances

A Police staff member will not be entitled to any salary or allowances for any day on which he is absent without leave, suspended, detained, or imprisoned.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Police Commander may, as he deems appropriate, allow the payment of no more than fifty per cent (50%) of the entitlements of any Police staff member suspended or arrested pending trial, for the period from the date of suspension to the date of acquittal or conviction of the Police staff member, as the case may be. Where the Police staff member is acquitted, his entitlements for this period will be paid to him in full.

Part Six

Offences Related to Police Staff Members


22.   Providing False Answers in the Declaration or Statement

A person who deliberately gives a false answer to any question in a statement or declaration signed pursuant to this Law will be deemed to have committed an offence, and will be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding six (6) months, a fine not exceeding one thousand Riyals (QDR 1000), or both penalties, and will be dismissed from the Police.

23.   Deserting the Police Service

A Police staff member who is absent without leave for a period of not less than twenty one (21) days will be deemed to be a deserter and will be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding one (1) year, a fine not exceeding one thousand five hundred Riyals (QDR 1,500), or both penalties, and will be dismissed from the Police.

24.   Possession of Police Property

A person who knowingly buys, exchanges, or receives from any Police staff member or deserter any arms, ammunition, clothes, tools, or equipment belonging to the Police or intended for use by the Police, or who fails to provide reasonable justification for having any such arms, ammunition, clothes, tools, or equipment in his possession, may be arrested without warrant, will be deemed to have committed an offence, and will be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding one (1) year, a fine not exceeding one thousand and five hundred Riyals (QDR 1,500), or both penalties. The seized items will be confiscated.

25.   Police Impersonation

Any person:

a.    who is not a Police staff member but wears any uniform or clothes, or carries any equipment or tools, that are similar to those intended for use by the Police in a manner that leads the public to believe that he is a Police staff member, or who claims to be a Police staff member; or

b.    who claims to be a Police staff member and performs an act or makes a statement that is likely to lead the public to believe that he is a Police staff member,

may be arrested without warrant, will be deemed to have committed an offence, and will be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding six (6) months, a fine not exceeding one thousand Riyals (QDR 1,000), or both penalties.

26.   Failure of Police Staff Members to Return Supplies on Discharge from Service

Any person whose service with the Police is terminated and who upon termination does not return any arms, clothes, or supplies previously delivered to him for the purposes of performing his duties will be deemed to have committed an offence and will be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding one (1) month or a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty Riyals (QDR 250). If he has deliberately or negligently lost or caused damage to any of the above mentioned items, he will be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding six (6) months, a fine not exceeding one thousand and five hundred Riyals (QDR 1,500), or both penalties, and will be ordered to pay the costs of repair or replacement of these damaged or lost items.

Part Seven



27.   Regulations

1.      His Highness the Ruler may issue any regulations related to any matters that require regulation pursuant to this Law.

2.      The Police Commander may, with the approval of His Highness the Ruler, establish regulations related to the following:

a.      discipline and regulation of the Police;

b.      promotion of Police staff members;

c.      maintenance of property and general supplies delivered and intended for use by the Police; and

d.      any other matter which falls within his powers in accordance with this Law.

Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai and its Dependencies

Issued on 1 March 1966

Corresponding to 9 Thu al-Qidah 1385 A.H.


©2015 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation.   However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text.  In case of conflict the Arabic text will prevail.