Dubai Chambers Board of Directors Resolution No. (8) of 2024

Approving the Requirements and Procedures for

Issuing Permits to Business Groups and Business Councils[1]

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dubai Chambers,

After perusal of:

Federal Law by Decree No. (50) of 2023 Regulating Public-benefit Organisations;

Law No. (8) of 2015 Concerning the Community Development Authority in Dubai (the “CDA”);

Law No. (12) of 2017 Regulating Civil Society Organisations in the Emirate of Dubai; and

Law No. (1) of 2022 Establishing the Dubai Chambers, and

Based on the approval of the Board of Directors of the Dubai Chambers at its meeting on 12 December 2022,

Does hereby issue this Resolution.

Requirements for Issuing Permits

Article (1)

a.    For a business group to be established and issued a permit by the Dubai Chambers, the following requirements must be satisfied:

1.    The number of companies establishing the business group must not be less than twenty (20) companies licensed by a competent licensing authority in the Emirate of Dubai.

2.    The companies establishing the business group must be conducting a common economic activity.

3.    The Dubai Chambers must not have previously issued a permit to another business group established by companies that conduct the same economic activity in respect of which the business group is to be established.

4.    The purpose of establishing the business group must be non-profit.

b.    For a business council to be established and issued a permit by the Dubai Chambers, the following requirements must be satisfied:

1.    The number of companies establishing the business council must not be less than twenty (20) companies licensed by a competent licensing authority in the Emirate of Dubai.

2.    The activities of the companies establishing the business council must contribute to enhancing commercial ties with a specific country.

3.    The Dubai Chambers must not have previously issued a permit to another business council established by companies to contribute to enhancing commercial ties with the same country for which the business council is to be established.

4.    The purpose of establishing the business council must be non-profit.

5.    The Dubai Chambers must approve the names of the representatives of the companies establishing the business council.

Procedures for Issuing Permits

Article (2)

The following procedures will be followed in issuing a business group or a business council with a permit:

1.    A permit application will be submitted to the competent department at the Dubai Chambers by one of the companies establishing the business group or business council. The application will be accompanied by a list of the companies wishing to establish the business group or business council, the licence number of each company, and the Emirates identity number of a representative for each company.

2.    The competent department will register the permit application and notify the applicant of the receipt of his application.

3.    The competent department will consider the application and verify that it meets all relevant requirements and is accompanied by all required documents. The competent department may require any other documents it deems necessary for considering the application.

4.     Where the application meets all relevant requirements and is accompanied by all required documents, it will be referred to the Director General of the Dubai Chambers for approval at his own discretion.

5.    Where the application is rejected, the competent department will notify the applicant of the reasons for rejection.

6.    Where the application is approved, the competent department will issue the permit. Where the business group or business council wishes to be granted legal personality, the competent department will send to the CDA a copy of the application, along with the permit and other relevant documents, for the CDA to complete the relevant process for issuing the business group or business council with a licence, in accordance with its applicable legislation.

Rejection of Permit Applications

Article (3)

Where the requirements stipulated in this Resolution are not met, or for considerations of public interest, the Dubai Chambers may reject a business group or business council permit application.


Article (4)

Any provision in any other resolution is hereby repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Resolution.

Publication and Commencement

Article (5)

This Resolution will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on the day on which it is published.

Abdul Aziz Abdulla Al Ghurair

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Dubai Chambers

Issued in Dubai on 6 March 2024

Corresponding to 25 Shaban 1445 A.H.

©2024 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.