Administrative Resolution No. (1) of 2024

Approving the Manual on Occupational Health and Safety, and the

Environment, in the Government of Dubai[1]


The Director General of the Dubai Government Human Resources Department,

After perusal of:

Law No. (21) of 2008 Concerning Pensions and Social Insurance of Local Paramilitary Personnel of the Government of Dubai and its amendments;

Law No. (31) of 2009 Establishing the Dubai Government Human Resources Department and its amendments;

Law No. (6) of 2012 Concerning Management of the Human Resources of Local Paramilitary Personnel in the Emirate of Dubai and its amendments;

Law No. (8) of 2018 Concerning Management of the Government of Dubai Human Resources; and

Executive Council Resolution No. (62) of 2016 Concerning the Provision of Care Related to Occupational Injuries and Occupational Diseases to the Government of Dubai Employees,

Does hereby issue this Resolution.

Approval of the Manual

Article (1)

Pursuant to this Resolution, the attached Manual on Occupational Health and Safety, and the Environment, in the Government of Dubai (the "Manual"), inclusive of the rules, procedures, and forms set forth therein, is approved.

Scope of Application
Article (2)

The attached Manual applies to all Government entities which are subject to the above-mentioned Law No. (6) of 2012 or Law No. (8) of 2018. These entities must take the necessary action to implement this Manual.

Publication and Commencement

Article (3)

This Resolution will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on the day on which it is published.

Abdullah Ali bin Zayed Al Falasi
Director General

Issued in Dubai on 5 March 2024

Corresponding to 24 Shaban 1445 A.H.

©2024 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.