Law No. (11) of 2022

Establishing the Rashid and Latifa Schools Establishment[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Law No. (3) of 2003 Establishing the Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai;

Law No. (1) of 2016 Concerning the Financial Regulations of the Government of Dubai;

Law No. (8) of 2018 Concerning Management of the Government of Dubai Human Resources;

Law No. (2) of 2021 Concerning the Knowledge and Human Development Authority in Dubai;

Decree No. (28) of 2015 Concerning Governance of the Boards and Committees Affiliated to the Government of Dubai; and

Executive Council Resolution No. (54) of 2016 Approving the Organisational Structure of the Knowledge and Human Development Authority in Dubai,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Title of the Law

Article (1)

This Law will be cited as “Law No. (11) of 2022 Establishing the Rashid and Latifa Schools Establishment”.

Article (2)

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The United Arab Emirates.


The Emirate of Dubai.


The Government of Dubai.

Executive Council:

The Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai.


The Knowledge and Human Development Authority in Dubai.


The Rashid and Latifa Schools Establishment.

Board of Trustees:

The board of trustees of the RLSE.

Executive Director:

The executive director of the RLSE.


Establishment of the RLSE

Article (3)

Pursuant to this Law, a public corporation named the “Rashid and Latifa Schools Establishment” is established. The RLSE will have legal personality, financial and administrative autonomy, and the legal capacity required to undertake all acts and dispositions that ensure the achievement of its objectives.

Head Office of the RLSE  

Article (4)

The head office of the RLSE will be located in the Emirate. Other offices and branches of the RLSE may be established within and outside of the Emirate pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Trustees.

Objectives of the RLSE

Article (5)

The RLSE will have the following objectives:

1.    to contribute, through adopting the latest educational curricula, to qualifying the UAE national and resident students enrolled in the schools affiliated to the RLSE and preparing them for admission to accredited universities within and outside of the UAE;

2.    to improve the academic standard of the schools affiliated to the RLSE; and provide high quality school education by adopting modern teaching systems and advanced curricula accredited by educational institutions in the developed countries, in line with the relevant recognised best practices; and

3.    to promote knowledge exchange in the academic, cultural, and social fields with local and international educational institutions, and to cooperate with them with a view to benefiting from modern academic and educational methods.

Functions of the RLSE

Article (6)

For the purpose of achieving its objectives, the RLSE will have the duties and powers to:

1.    develop and deliver general educational programmes at all educational stages until the end of the secondary education stage, in accordance with the educational systems and curricula adopted in the UAE;

2.    award academic degrees and certificates to students who pass the accredited study programmes;

3.    enhance academic cooperation and strengthen educational, cultural, and social relations with local and international educational institutions;

4.    attract qualified, experienced, and specialised teachers to assume teaching and training duties at the schools affiliated to the RLSE;

5.    enter into agreements and memoranda of understanding with specialised educational institutions within and outside of the Emirate, in order to contribute to improving the efficiency of education provided by the schools affiliated to the RLSE and offering high-level education;

6.    establish and own schools, either solely or in partnership with the private sector;

7.    possess, own, sell, lease, and dispose of movable and immovable property, programmes, and equipment as required for, and relevant to, achieving the objectives of the RLSE, in accordance with the relevant bylaws adopted by it; and

8.    exercise any other duties or powers assigned to it by the Ruler or the Chairman of the Executive Council.

Organisational Structure of the RLSE

Article (7)

The organisational structure of the RLSE will consist of the following organisational levels:

1.    the Board of Trustees; and

2.    the executive body.

Board of Trustees

Article (8)

The RLSE will have a Board of Trustees comprised of a Chairman, a vice chairman, and a number of experienced and specialised Members. The number of the Board of Trustees Members may not be less than five (5), including the Chairman and vice chairman. The Members will be appointed pursuant to a resolution of the Chairman of the Executive Council for a renewable term of three (3) years.

Functions of the Board of Trustees
Article (9)

a.    The Board of Trustees will undertake general supervision of the work of the RLSE and the performance of its functions under this Law, the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof, and other legislation in force in the Emirate. For this purpose, the Board of Trustees will have the duties and powers to:

1.    approve, and supervise the implementation of, the general policy of the RLSE and its strategic, development, and operational plans, in line with the strategic plans of the Emirate;

2.    approve the draft annual budget and Financial Statements of the RLSE, and submit the same to the competent entities in the Emirate for final approval;

3.    approve the organisational structure of the RLSE;

4.    approve the projects, programmes, and initiatives of the RLSE;

5.    accredit the educational programmes and curricula of the schools affiliated to the RLSE; and approve awarding academic certificates and degrees to students;

6.    approve the resolutions, bylaws, and regulations governing the administrative, financial, technical, and academic work of the RLSE, including the human resources regulations of the teaching staff of the schools affiliated to the RLSE;

7.    appoint the principals of the schools affiliated to the RLSE, and the consultants and specialists in the areas related to the activities of the RLSE;

8.    appoint auditors and determine their remuneration at the beginning of each Financial Year;

9.    approve the tuition fees of, and charges for the services provided by, the RLSE and the schools affiliated to it;

10.  approve the annual report on the activities, performance, and achievements of the RLSE;

11.  approve proposed partnerships with public and private entities; and attract sponsors to finance the programmes, initiatives, and projects implemented by the RLSE;

12.  form permanent and temporary sub-committees and work teams, and determine their functions and terms of reference;

13.  seek assistance, as it deems appropriate, from experts and specialists from within or outside of the Emirate to assist it in performing its duties. However, these experts and specialists will not have the right to vote in the deliberations of the Board of Trustees; and

14.  exercise any other duties or powers related to the work of the Board of Trustees or required for the achievement of the objectives of the RLSE, as assigned to the Board of Trustees by the Ruler or the Chairman of the Executive Council.

b.    Except for the powers vested in it under sub-paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this Article, the Board of Trustees may delegate any of its powers under paragraph (a) of this Article to any of its Members or to the Executive Director, provided that such delegation is specific and in writing.

Governance of the Board of Trustees
Article (10)

The above-mentioned Decree No. (28) of 2015, or any other superseding legislation, applies to all matters related to the Board of Trustees meetings; passing its resolutions and recommendations; the duties of its Chairman and Members; its performance evaluation; and all other matters related to the governance of the Board of Trustees and regulation of its work.

Executive Body of the RLSE

Article (11)

a.    The executive body of RLSE will be comprised of the Executive Director and a number of administrative, finance, and technical Employees.

b.    The executive body of the RLSE will be responsible for performing the operational work of the RLSE, for providing administrative and technical support to the Board of Trustees, and for following up the implementation of the resolutions passed by it.

c.     The provisions of the above-mentioned Law No. (8) of 2018 and the resolutions issued in pursuance thereof will apply to the Employees of the executive body of the RLSE. The teaching staff of the schools affiliated to the RLSE will be governed by the relevant human resources regulations approved by the Board of Trustees.

Appointment and Functions of the Executive Director

Article (12)

a.    The Executive Director will be appointed pursuant to a resolution issued by the Chairman of the Executive Council based on the recommendation of the Board of Trustees.

b.    The Executive Director will be directly responsible to the Board of Trustees for performing his duties under this Law, the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof, and other legislation in force in the Emirate, in a manner that ensures the achievement of the RLSE objectives and performance of its functions. In particular, the Executive Director will have the duties and powers to:

1.    prepare the general policy and the strategic and development plans of the RLSE, submit the same to the Board of Trustees for approval, and follow up their implementation;

2.    prepare the draft annual budget and Financial Statements of the RLSE, and submit the same to the Board of Trustees for approval;

3.    prepare the organisational structure of the RLSE, and submit the same to the Board of Trustees for approval;

4.    draft the resolutions, bylaws, and regulations governing the administrative, financial, technical, and academic work of the RLSE, including the human resources regulations applicable to the teaching staff of the schools affiliated to the RLSE; and submit the same to Board of Trustees for approval;

5.    supervise the daily work of the executive body of the RLSE, and the activities and services it performs;

6.    propose the projects, programmes, and initiatives of the RLSE, submit the same to the Board of Trustees for approval, and follow up their implementation;

7.    prepare an annual report on the activities and achievements of the RLSE; and submit the same to the Board of Trustees for approval;

8.    represent the RLSE before third parties and execute the contracts, agreements, and memoranda of understanding to which the RLSE is a party, in accordance with the relevant powers granted to him by the Board of Trustees;

9.    submit annual reports on the performance of the RLSE to the Board of Trustees to review the same and make the appropriate decisions in respect thereof;

10.  propose the tuition fees of, and charges for the services provided by, the RLSE and the schools affiliated to it; and submit the same to the Board of Trustees for approval; and

11.  exercise any other duties or powers related to the achievement of the objectives of the RLSE and enabling it to perform its functions, as assigned or delegated to him by the Board of Trustees.

Legislation Applicable to Schools Affiliated to the RLSE

Article (13)

The legislation, instructions, and directives adopted by the KHDA apply to the schools affiliated to the RLSE, to the extent practicable given the nature of these schools.

Financial Resources of the RLSE

Article (14)

The financial resources of the RLSE will consist of:

1.    the annual support allocated in the General Budget of the Government;

2.    the movable and immovable property allocated to the RLSE by the Government;

3.    the tuition fees of, and charges for the services provided by, the RLSE and the schools affiliated to it;

4.    the grants, gifts, donations, bequests, and endowments approved by the Board of Trustees;

5.    any other resources secured by the RLSE through conducting its activities; and

6.    any other resources approved by the Board of Trustees.

Accounts and Financial Year of the RLSE

Article (15)

a.    In managing its accounts and records, the RLSE will apply the rules and principles of accounting approved by the Board of Trustees in accordance with the relevant recognised international standards.

b.    The Financial Year of the RLSE will commence on 1 September of each year and will end on 31 August of the following year, except that the first Financial Year will commence on the date this Law comes into force and will end on 31 August of the following year.


Article (16)

a.    The Government will not be liable for any debts or obligations claimed from the RLSE in respect of the exercise of its functions under this Law and the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof.

b.    Except in cases of fraud and gross fault, neither the Chairman, vice chairman, or Members of the Board of Trustees; nor the Executive Director will, in the course of managing the RLSE and its operations, be liable to third parties for any act or omission in relation to such management. The RLSE will be solely liable to third parties for such an act or omission.

Succession and Transfer
Article (17)

a.    All responsibilities and powers vested in the KHDA in respect of the Rashid School for Boys and the Latifa School for Girls are hereby transferred to the RLSE. The real property, movables, assets, equipment, devices, and other property of these two schools are hereby also transferred to the RLSE. The RLSE hereby succeeds the KHDA and the two schools in respect of all their rights and obligations.

b.    All employees and teaching staff of the Rashid School for Boys and the Latifa School for Girls will be transferred to the RLSE without prejudice to their existing rights.

Issuing Implementing Resolutions
Article (18)

The Board of Trustees will issue the resolutions required for the implementation of the provisions of this Law.

Article (19)

Any provision in any other legislation is hereby repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Law.

Publication and Commencement

Article (20)


This Law will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on the day on which it is published.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 22 April 2022

Corresponding to 21 Ramadan 1443 A.H.

©2022 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.