Law No. (2) of 2019

Amending Law No. (21) of 2015

Concerning Judicial Fees of the Dubai Courts[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Law No. (21) of 2015 Concerning Judicial Fees of the Dubai Courts (the “Original Law”);

Law No. (1) of 2016 Concerning the Financial Regulations of the Government of Dubai; and

Law No. (13) of 2016 Concerning the Judicial Authorities in the Emirate of Dubai,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Superseded Articles

Article (1)

Articles (8), (14), and (35) of the Original Law are hereby superseded by the following:

Non-applicability of Fees

Article (8)

The fees payable pursuant to this Law will not apply to the following categories, lawsuits, applications, and appeals:

1.    lawsuits, appeals, or applications filed by federal or local government entities in the Emirate or in any other emirate of the United Arab Emirates;

2.    lawsuits regarding endowments, gifts, and bequests dedicated for charity or allocated to charitable associations, where these lawsuits are filed by the relevant entities;

3.    lawsuits filed by the shareholders of a public joint stock company against the board of directors or the executive management of that company, where the shareholding of the claimants does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total shares of the company;

4.    appeals of alimony judgements;

5.    amounts deposited by a trustee in bankruptcy on account of the bankruptcy estate;

6.    amounts deposited by auction bidders on account of the price of real property;

7.    amounts deposited by federal or local government entities for the account of concerned parties;

8.    applications for Islam proclamation or for Embracing Islam Certificates;

9.    attestation of applications for social aid; and

10.  applications for death and succession certificates.

Lawsuits with Claims of Specific Value

Article (14)

a.    A fee of six percent (6%) of the relevant claim value will be collected in respect of the lawsuits filed with first instance courts, the civil lawsuits based upon criminal lawsuits, and the lawsuits that arise from commercial activities where the claim value exceeds five hundred thousand Dirhams (AED 500,000.00). This fee will not apply to family lawsuits. The fee may neither be less than five hundred Dirhams (AED 500.00) nor exceed:

1.    twenty thousand Dirhams (AED 20,000.00), where the claim value does not exceed five hundred thousand Dirhams (AED 500,000.00);

2.    thirty thousand Dirhams (AED 30,000.00), where the claim value ranges between five hundred thousand and one Dirhams (AED 500,001.00) and one million Dirhams (AED 1,000,000.00); or

3.    forty thousand Dirhams (AED 40,000.00), where the claim value exceeds one million Dirhams (AED 1,000,000.00).

b.    A fee of six percent (6%) of the relevant claim value will be collected in respect of the lawsuits that arise from commercial activities and are filed with first instance courts, where the claim value does not exceed five hundred thousand Dirhams (AED 500,000.00). This fee may neither be less than five hundred Dirhams (AED 500.00) nor exceed twenty thousand Dirhams (AED 20,000.00). The fee will be collected as follows:

1.    A fee of six percent (6%) of the claim value will be collected from the claimant at the time of registration of the lawsuit. This fee may neither be less than five hundred Dirhams (AED 500.00) nor exceed five thousand Dirhams (AED 5,000.00). The fee amount will be included in the legal costs awarded by the judgement in the lawsuit.

2.    A fee of six percent (6%) of the amount awarded by a final judgement will be collected from the judgement debtor. This fee may neither be less than five hundred Dirhams (AED 500.00) nor exceed fifteen thousand Dirhams (AED 15,000.00).

c.     Where the claim value in a labour lawsuit filed with a first instance court exceeds one hundred thousand Dirhams (AED 100,000.00), a fee of five percent (5%) of the claim value will be collected in respect of this lawsuit. However, this fee may not exceed twenty thousand Dirhams (AED 20,000.00).

d.    The lawsuits and applications filed with first instance courts and set forth in Schedule (1) attached to this Law will be subject to the fees indicated opposite each of them.

Proportionate Enforcement Fees

Article (35)

a.    A fee of two percent (2%) of the amount due under a writ of execution will be collected in respect of the application for enforcement of that writ of execution. This fee will not apply to writs of execution issued in lawsuits that arise from commercial activities, where the claim value does not exceed five hundred thousand Dirhams (AED 500,000.00).

b.    Where a judgement awards a non-monetary relief, a fee of twenty percent (20%) of the fee collected by the first instance court in respect of the lawsuit will be collected from the applicant for enforcement of that judgement.

c.     The fee collected pursuant to paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of this Article may neither be less than two hundred Dirhams (AED 200.00) nor exceed five thousand Dirhams (AED 5,000.00). However, the minimum fee prescribed in this paragraph will not apply to enforcement proceedings in labour lawsuits.

d.    A fee of two thousand Dirhams (AED 2,000.00) will be collected in respect of the applications for enforcement of writs of execution issued in lawsuits that arise from commercial activities, where the claim value does not exceed five hundred thousand Dirhams (AED 500,000.00). This fee will be collected as follows:

1.    A fee of one thousand Dirhams (AED 1,000.00) will be collected from the applicant for enforcement at the time of registration of the enforcement application. The fee amount will be included in the enforcement costs.

2.    Upon conclusion of the enforcement proceedings, a fee of one thousand Dirhams (AED 1,000.00) will be collected from the enforcement debtor.

Reduction of Fees

Article (2)

The two (2) fees stated under items (72) and (74) of Schedule (1) attached to the Original Law are hereby reduced from two thousand Dirhams (AED 2,000.00) to five hundred Dirhams (AED 500.00).

Commencement and Publication

Article (3)

This Law comes into force on 15 April 2019, and will be published in the Official Gazette.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 30 May 2019

Corresponding to 25 Ramadan 1440 A.H.


©2020 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.