Law No. (6) of 2018

Concerning the

Dubai Health Authority[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Law No. (5) of 1995 Establishing the Department of Finance;

Law No. (3) of 2003 Establishing the Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai;

Law No. (9) of 2004 Concerning the Dubai International Financial Centre and its amendments;

Law No. (27) of 2006 Concerning Management of the Government of Dubai Human Resources and its amendments;

Law No. (13) of 2007 Establishing the Dubai Health Authority and its amendments;

Law No. (9) of 2011 Concerning the Dubai Healthcare City;

Law No. (11) of 2013 Concerning Health Insurance in the Emirate of Dubai;

Law No. (2) of 2015 Concerning Human Resource Management of Executive Directors/ Chief Executive Officers in the Government of Dubai;

Law No. (1) of 2016 Concerning the Financial Regulations of the Government of Dubai;

Decree No. (9) of 2012 Approving a Pricing Method for the Dubai Health Authority Services;

Executive Council Resolution No. (32) of 2012 Regulating the Practice of Medical Professions in the Emirate of Dubai; and

The legislation establishing and regulating free zones in the Emirate of Dubai,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Title of the Law

Article (1)

This Law will be cited as "Law No. (6) of 2018 Concerning the Dubai Health Authority".


Article (2)

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The United Arab Emirates.


The Emirate of Dubai.


His Highness the Ruler of Dubai.


The Government of Dubai.

Executive Council:

The Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai.


The Dubai Health Authority.


The president of the DHA.

Director General:

The director general of the DHA.

Health Sector:

All components of the health system whose objective is to protect Public Health and provide Healthcare.

Public Health:

The community health, safety, and protection from diseases and health problems ensured through organised efforts and through adopting procedures that preserve the health of the community.


The Health Services provided by Healthcare Facilities, including hospitals, primary Healthcare centres, clinics, and medical and health centres.


Any of the medical professions, or related professions, specified by the relevant federal and local legislation.

Medical Staff:

The persons practising the Profession at the DHA and its affiliated corporations.

Application of the Law

Article (3)

This Law will apply to the DHA established pursuant to the above-mentioned Law No. (13) of 2007 and its amendments as a public authority having legal personality and the legal capacity required to undertake all acts and dispositions that ensure the achievement of its objectives.

Head Office of the DHA

Article (4)

The head office of the DHA will be located in the city of Dubai. Offices of the DHA may be established within and outside of the Emirate pursuant to a resolution of the Director General.

Objectives of the DHA

Article (5)

The DHA will have the following objectives:

1.    to regulate the Health Sector in the Emirate with a view to enhancing competitiveness, operational efficiency, transparency, and service and product quality in accordance with the relevant adopted policies and the highest international standards;

2.    to improve the quality of health, therapeutic, preventive, and pharmaceutical services and products in the Emirate in accordance with the relevant adopted strategic plans and best international practices;

3.    to ensure providing Health Insurance schemes in the Emirate to UAE Nationals, Residents, and Visitors; and to improve the quality of the relevant services in accordance with the highest international standards;

4.    to contribute to establishing an infrastructure that guarantees attracting Health Sector investors to the Emirate;

5.    to promote the Emirate as a global medical and healthcare hub and a health tourism destination;

6.    to promote the Emirate as a leading medical education, professional development, and specialised research destination;

7.    to enhance and support creativity and futurism in all health-related fields; and

8.    to enhance community health and safety, to protect the community from diseases and health risks, and to maintain health security in the Emirate.

Functions of the DHA

Article (6)

For the purpose of achieving its objectives, the DHA will have the duties and powers to:

1.    develop, and supervise the implementation of, comprehensive strategic plans for the Health Sector in the Emirate;

2.    conduct studies and research on the Emirate’s need for health and medical services, and ensure that investment projects in the Health Sector are aligned with the outcome of such studies and research;

3.    authorise individuals and Government and private facilities, including individuals and facilities operating in Special Development Zones and free zones such as the Dubai International Financial Centre, to practise the Profession in the Emirate, in accordance with the relevant regulations and policies adopted by the DHA;

4.    audit and inspect Healthcare Facilities, including those operating in Special Development Zones and free zones such as the Dubai International Financial Centre; and the performance of their Professionals, to ensure their compliance with the relevant standards, bylaws, and rules adopted by the DHA and its affiliated corporations;

5.    regulate, in coordination with competent entities within and outside of the UAE, the provision of medical education services and the conduct of medical research and experiments;

6.    devise and develop Health Sector policies, bylaws, and regulations, including those related to Health Insurance systems; Public Health; preventive medicine services; requirements for practising the Profession by individuals and facilities; investment in the Health Sector; organising Health Sector-related conferences and events; health information systems; medical research and experiments; enhancing the performance of Medical Staff; and other matters;

7.    regulate and approve, in coordination with concerned entities, prices for the Health Services provided by private Healthcare Facilities in the Emirate;

8.    issue resolutions concerning the pricing of Health Services provided by the DHA and its affiliated corporations, in coordination with the Department of Finance;

9.    ensure, in cooperation and collaboration with the private sector, the provision of appropriate Health Services to various segments of the community at fair and reasonable prices by establishing and managing an integrated health information system in accordance with international health and medical standards;

10.  study and propose draft legislation regulating the Health Sector; and submit, to the competent entities in the Emirate, recommendations for updating and developing such legislation to ensure that it is in line with the latest developments;

11.  provide medical fitness and vocational health test services in the Emirate, including in Special Development Zones and free zones such as the Dubai International Financial Centre. The DHA and its affiliated corporations may, in accordance with the relevant rules and standards adopted by them, authorise others to provide administrative services related to these medical fitness and vocational health tests;

12.  regulate the referral of patients to receive Healthcare in Healthcare Facilities within and outside of the UAE, in accordance with the relevant standards and rules adopted by the DHA and its affiliated corporations;

13.  regulate and manage health tourism in the Emirate in coordination with concerned entities;

14.  devise, manage, develop, and implement the policies related to Health Insurance business and systems; and audit and inspect the facilities conducting Health Insurance-related activities in the Emirate;

15.  manage, regulate, and authorise the content of health-related advertisements in the Emirate; and oversee and audit these advertisements, in coordination with concerned entities;

16.  own and take lease of movable and immovable property, materials, devices, equipment, and systems as required to enable the DHA and its affiliated corporations to exercise their duties and powers under this Law and the legislation in force in the Emirate; and

17.  exercise any other duties or powers required to enable it to achieve its objectives under this Law, as assigned to it by the Ruler, the President, or the Chairman of the Executive Council.

Functions of the Dubai Healthcare City Authority

Article (7)

The provisions of this Law will apply without prejudice to the duties and powers assigned to the Dubai Healthcare City Authority pursuant to the above-mentioned Law No. (9) of 2011 and other legislation in force in the Emirate.

President of the DHA

Article (8)

A President will be appointed to the DHA pursuant to a decree of the Ruler.

Director General

Article (9)

a.    A Director General will be appointed to the DHA pursuant to a decree of the Ruler.

b.    The Director General will manage the DHA and undertake general supervision of the exercise of the duties and powers assigned to it under this Law, the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof, and other legislation in force in the Emirate. In particular, the Director General will have the duties and powers to:

1.    approve, and supervise the implementation of, the general policy; plans; work programmes; and projects of the DHA and its affiliated corporations;

2.    approve the draft annual budget and financial statements of the DHA, and submit the same to the competent entities in the Emirate for approval;

3.    approve the organisational structure of the DHA and its affiliated corporations, and submit the same to the competent entities in the Emirate for final approval;

4.    approve draft legislation regulating the Health Sector in the Emirate, and submit the same to competent entities in the Emirate for final approval in accordance with their procedures;

5.    approve the resolutions concerning the pricing of Health Services provided by the DHA and its affiliated corporations, in coordination with concerned entities;

6.    represent the DHA before third parties; and conclude contracts, agreements, and memoranda of understanding related to health and to Health Sector regulation, in line with applicable legislation;

7.    approve the resolutions, policies, and bylaws regulating the administrative, financial, and technical work of the DHA and its affiliated corporations;

8.    supervise the work of the DHA and its affiliated corporations and follow up the performance of their duties in an efficient and effective manner, in line with the approved policies, plans, and strategic programmes and with a view to improving the quality of the health, preventive, therapeutic, and other services provided by the DHA and its affiliated corporations;

9.    appoint and determine the remuneration of external auditors for projects implemented by the DHA in partnership with government and private sectors; and review the reports and notes submitted by these auditors at the end of each Financial Year;

10.  undertake general supervision of the work of the DHA executive body; manage its technical, administrative, and financial affairs; and ensure that it performs its duties in an efficient and effective manner.

11.  approve the performance indicators system of the executive body of the DHA;

12.  submit periodic reports on the performance of the DHA and its affiliated corporations to the President and the Executive Council; and

13.  form permanent or temporary sub-committees and work teams, from amongst the Employees of the DHA and its affiliated corporations or other persons, to assist him in performing his duties; and determine the duties and powers of such sub-committees and work teams; and

14.  exercise any other duties or powers assigned to him by the Ruler, the President, or the Chairman of the Executive Council.

c.     The Director General may delegate any of his powers under paragraph (b) of this Article to any of the Chief Executive Officers of DHA sectors or affiliated corporations, provided that such delegation is specific and in writing.

DHA Affiliated Corporations

Article (10)

a.    The DHA will have as part of its organisational structure affiliated corporations that are engaged in providing Health Services and regulating the Health Sector. These corporations will be established and their functions determined pursuant to a Decree of the Ruler.

b.    Each affiliated corporation will have a Chief Executive Officer appointed pursuant to a resolution issued by the Chairman of the Executive Council upon recommendation of the Director General.

Executive Body of the DHA

Article (11)

a.    The executive body of the DHA will be comprised of a number of administrative, technical, and professional Employees. The above-mentioned Law No. (27) of 2006 Concerning Management of the Government of Dubai Human Resources will apply to these Employees.

b.    The Medical Staff will be governed by the human resources bylaw proposed by the Director General in accordance with concerned entities and approved by the Chairman of the Executive Council.

Financial Resources of the DHA

Article (12)

The financial resources of the DHA will consist of:

1.    the annual budget allocated to the DHA by the Government;

2.    the revenue collected by the DHA and its affiliated corporations in return for the services they provide;

3.    the return on investments of the DHA property;

4.    grants, gifts, donations, bequests, and endowments received by the DHA and its affiliated corporations and accepted by the Director General, in accordance with the approved standards and rules and the relevant legislation in force; and

5.    any other resources approved by the Executive Council.

Regulating Accounts and Records and Financial Year

Article (13)

In regulating its accounts and records, the DHA and its affiliated corporations will apply the rules and principles of government accounting. The Financial Year of the DHA will commence on 1 January and will end on 31 December of each year.

Issuing Implementing Resolutions

Article (14)

The Director General will issue the resolutions required for the implementation of the provisions of this Law.

Supersession and Repeals

Article (15)

a.    This Law supersedes the above-mentioned Law No. (13) of 2007 and its amendments.

b.    Any provision in any other legislation will be repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Law.

c.     The resolutions and bylaws issued in implementation of the above-mentioned Law No. (13) of 2007 and its amendments will continue in force, to the extent that they do not contradict this Law, until new superseding resolutions and bylaws are issued.

Commencement and Publication

Article (16)

This Law comes into force on the day on which it is issued, and will be published in the Official Gazette.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 30 April 2018

Corresponding to 14 Shaaban 1439 A.H.


©2020 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.