Law No. (5) of 2018

Volunteer Work in the Emirate of Dubai


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Federal Law No. (5) of 1985 Issuing the Civil Code of the United Arab Emirates and its amendments;

Federal Law No. (3) of 1987 Issuing the Penal Code of the United Arab Emirates and its amendments;

Federal Law No. (2) of 2008 Concerning Public-benefit Civil Society Associations and Establishments;

Law No. (8) of 2015 Concerning the Community Development Authority in Dubai;

Law No. (12) of 2017 Regulating Civil Society Organisations in the Emirate of Dubai;

Decree No. (9) of 2015 Regulating the Raising of Donations in the Emirate of Dubai;

Executive Council Resolution No. (20) of 2011 Regulating Social Work Professions in the Emirate of Dubai; and

Executive Council Resolution No. (9) of 2015 Regulating the Work of Social Service Providers in the Emirate of Dubai,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Title of the Law

Article (1)

This Law will be cited as "Law No. (5) of 2018 Regulating Volunteer Work in the Emirate of Dubai".

Article (2)

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The Emirate of Dubai.


The Community Development Authority in Dubai.

Director General:

The director general of the CDA.

Government Entity:

Any of the Government departments, public agencies or corporations, councils, authorities, or any similar public entity affiliated to the Government of Dubai, including the authorities supervising Special Development Zones and free zones, including the Dubai International Financial Centre.


Any person who, willingly and under no duress or coercion, dedicates himself to performing Volunteer Work without pay.

Volunteer Work:

Any work that is aimed at achieving public benefit and carried out in accordance with the governing framework of a Volunteering Agreement under which a Volunteer contributes, by his own choice and outside of his family circle, his time, effort, or skills with no intent to derive any material gain for himself.

Volunteering Agreement:

A written agreement governing the relationship between a Volunteer and a Volunteer Work Organising Entity.

Volunteer Work Organising Entity:

Any Government Entity or private entity, including Civil Society Organisation licensed to operate in the Emirate.

Civil Society Organisation:

A Civil Society Association or a Civil Society Establishment established pursuant to the legislation in force in the Emirate.

Specialised Volunteer Work:

The Volunteer Work whose performance requires the Volunteer to have specific qualifications or experience, or to meet specific requirements that exceed those necessary for undertaking non-specialised Volunteer Work.

Corporate Volunteer Work:

Volunteer Work carried out in the Emirate by Government Entities or private entities, including Volunteer Work carried out by Civil Society Organisations through their members.

Volunteer Work Team:

A group of individuals who form together a team to perform Volunteer Work in areas of common interest in accordance with the provisions of this Law and the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof.


Scope of Application

Article (3)

The provisions of this Law will apply to all natural and legal persons who engage in any work or activities relating to Volunteer Work in the Emirate.

Objectives of the Law

Article (4)

This Law will have the following objectives:

1.     to regulate Volunteer Work in the Emirate and set the rules that ensure the motivation and protection of Volunteers and the groups benefiting from Volunteer Work;

2.     to promote social responsibility among community members, and instil the volunteering culture in them;

3.     to encourage initiatives and positive engagement in various activities that benefit the community; and

4.     to utilise the leisure time of natural persons and unlock their human potential for serving the local community through Volunteer Work.

Functions of the CDA

Article (5)

For the purpose of achieving the objectives of this Law, the CDA will have the duties and powers to:

1.     develop, and supervise the implementation of, the plans and general policies for regulating Volunteer Work in the Emirate;

2.     encourage Government Entities, private entities, and Civil Society Organisations to launch initiatives that involve Volunteer Work in the Emirate;

3.     prepare awareness programmes on the importance of Volunteer Work to promote the culture of volunteering and solidarity among all segments of the community;

4.     promote participation in Volunteer Work through coordination with various Volunteer Work Organising Entities in the Emirate;

5.     approve, in coordination with Volunteer Work Organising Entities, the Volunteering Agreement template;     

6.     create a database for registering Volunteers in the Emirate and recording their details; and issue identification cards for them;

7.     issue certificates to Volunteers, upon their request, stating the type and number of hours of Volunteer Work in which they have participated;

8.     assist Volunteer Work Organising Entities in recruiting Volunteers and provide such entities, based on the nature of their activities, with the details of such Volunteers;

9.     represent the Emirate at regional and international forums on Volunteer Work;

10.  cooperate and coordinate with federal and local government entities, private entities, and Civil Society Organisations, on all matters related to performance of Volunteer Work;

11.  recognise Volunteers, Volunteer Work Organising Entities, and entities engaged in Corporate Volunteer Work;

12.  examine and decide on the complaints received from Volunteers, Volunteer Work Organising Entities, and Volunteer Work beneficiaries; and

13.  exercise any other duties or powers that are required for the achievement of the objectives of this Law.

Performing Volunteer Work

Article (6)

Volunteer Work Organising Entities and Volunteer Work Teams may not perform, or allow others to perform through them, any Volunteer Work without first obtaining the relevant permit from the CDA. The terms, requirements, and procedures for issuing such a permit will be determined pursuant to a relevant resolution issued by the Director General.

Specialised Volunteer Work

Article (7)

a.     Specialised Volunteer Work will be organised through the programmes adopted by the Volunteer Work Organising Entity in coordination with the CDA.

b.    To participate in Specialised Volunteer Work, a Volunteer must:

1.     satisfy all the conditions required for practising the profession that is relevant to the Specialised Volunteer Work, including obtaining the required licences or permits from the competent entities; and

2.     meet the technical requirements and standards prescribed by the Volunteer Work Organising Entity.

c.     The CDA will issue the permits required for Volunteers to perform Specialised Volunteer Work upon satisfying the conditions prescribed by this Law and the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof, and upon obtaining the approval of the Volunteer Work Organising Entity.

Corporate Volunteer Work

Article (8)

a.     Volunteer Work is part of the corporate social responsibility of Government Entities and private entities in the Emirate towards the local community.

b.    Specific times within the official working hours of Employees of Government Entities and private entities in the Emirate may be allocated to performing various types of Volunteer Work by these employees as representatives of their respective entities, without prejudice to their employment rights.

c.     Government Entities and private entities in the Emirate must coordinate with the Volunteer Work Organising Entities prior to nominating any of their employees to perform Corporate Volunteer Work. Government Entities and private entities will bear the responsibility and be liable for any consequences arising from the Volunteer Work performed by their employees.

d.    The number of hours contributed by an employee, as a representative of his entity, to Corporate Volunteer Work will be counted towards his Volunteer Work hours approved by the CDA, and he will be subject to the same provisions stipulated in this Law in respect of Volunteer Work permits, and the procedures for registering volunteers and their rights and duties.

Volunteer Work Teams

Article (9)

a.     Volunteers may form teams to participate in Volunteer Work in the Emirate as a group, provided that these teams are registered in the database maintained by the CDA.

b.    The forms and types of Volunteer Work Teams, and the requirements and rules that they must meet, will be determined pursuant to a relevant resolution issued by the Director General.

c.     The CDA will issue the permits required for Volunteer Work Teams to participate in Volunteer Work upon satisfying the conditions stipulated in this Law and the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof.

d.    Members of Volunteer Work Teams will be subject to the same provisions stipulated in this Law and the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof in respect of Volunteer registration procedures, and other stipulations.

e.     Without prejudice to the exemption from liability conditions and rules stipulated in Article (17) hereof, all Volunteers on the Volunteer Work Team will bear the responsibility and be liable for the consequences arising from the Volunteer Work they perform.

Article (10)

No Volunteer or Volunteer Work Team may raise, or allow the raising of, Donations, or advertise the same through any means whatsoever, without first notifying the CDA and obtaining the approval of the concerned entity in this regard.

Obligations of the Volunteer Work Organising Entities

Article (11)

For purposes of implementing this Law, a Volunteer Work Organising Entity must:

1.     determine, and provide the CDA with, the Volunteer Work standards and rules adopted by it;

2.     determine Volunteers' categories and the type of activities each category can perform, ensuring that the Volunteer Work suits the qualifications, and intellectual and physical abilities, of Volunteers;

3.     train Volunteers on the work assigned to them and enable them to demonstrate and refine their talents in a manner that ensures that their capabilities are properly benefited from;

4.     register the names and personal details of Volunteers, the type of Volunteer Work assigned to them, and the number of hours they volunteered onto the relevant database maintained by the CDA;

5.     provide Volunteers with the equipment, supplies, and information required for the performance of the Volunteer Work assigned to them;

6.     provide Volunteers with insurance coverage against injury, infection, and third party civil liability in respect of the Volunteer Work determined by the CDA;

7.     bear all expenses and costs incurred in respect of Volunteer Work, including treatment expenses and costs required to remedy any harm sustained by the Volunteer in the course of performing Volunteer Work, provided that the harm results from a fault committed by the Volunteer Work Organising Entity;

8.     ensure the safety of Volunteers and Volunteer Work beneficiaries from any damage that they may sustain as a result of Volunteer Work by developing, in coordination with competent entities, the prevention and safety procedures system;

9.     not engage any Volunteers in Volunteer Work unless they are registered with the CDA for performing this type of work;

10.  not assign Volunteers to perform Volunteer Work that exceed four hundred and twenty (420) hours for the Volunteer Work Organising Entity per year;

11.  supervise Volunteers and verify that they have properly performed the Volunteer Work; and

12.  grant Volunteers certificates of appreciation and recognition in case of optimum performance of Volunteer Work.

Volunteering Agreement

Article (12)

 A Volunteer Work Organising Entity will engage Volunteers pursuant to the Volunteering Agreement prepared by the CDA for this purpose. This agreement must provide for all matters regulating the relationship between Volunteers and the Volunteer Work Organising Entity, particularly:

1.     the subject of Volunteer Work, and the methods of, and number of hours required for, its performance;

2.     the term and renewal conditions of the Volunteering Agreement. In any event, the term of a Volunteering Agreement may not exceed the period required for completion of the Volunteer Work;

3.     reimbursement of the financial costs incurred by the Volunteer in the course of performing Volunteer Work, depending on the nature of this work;

4.     the nature of risks associated with the Volunteer Work, and the means of Volunteer protection, such as insurance against injuries and infections, where required;

5.     the obligations that a Volunteer must observe in performing Volunteer Work;

6.     the measures that may be taken against the Volunteer in case he breaches any of his obligations under the Volunteering Agreement, this Law, and the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof; and

7.     any other information determined by the Volunteer Work Organising Entity and as necessary for regulating the relationship between the Volunteer Work Organising Entity and the Volunteer.

Expiry of Volunteering Agreement

Article (13)

A Volunteering Agreement expires in any of the following cases:

1.     upon completion of the Volunteer Work, or expiry of the term of the Volunteering Agreement;

2.     where one party to the Volunteering Agreement notifies the other party of their intention to terminate the Volunteering Agreement prior to its expiry, provided that this notification is in writing and is sent within a reasonable period prior to the expiry of the term specified in the Volunteering Agreement;

3.     where either party to the Volunteering Agreement breaches his obligations thereunder;

4.     where the Volunteer dies or suffers an illness that prevents him from performing the Volunteer Work; or

5.     where a custodial sentence is imposed on the Volunteer pursuant to a definitive court judgment.

Requirements for Volunteers

Article (14)

A Volunteer must meet the following requirements:

1.     not be under the age of eighteen (18). A person under this age may perform Volunteer Work with the consent of his guardian, custodian, or any other person of similar status;

2.     be of good character and repute and not have been convicted of any felony or other crime affecting honour and trustworthiness, unless he has been rehabilitated;

3.     be medically fit for Volunteer Work;

4.     be registered with the CDA as a Volunteer; and

5.     satisfy any other conditions determined by the relevant resolution issued by the Director General.

Volunteer Rights

Article (15)

A Volunteer enjoys the following rights and privileges:

1.     be assigned Volunteer Work that is commensurate with his qualifications and mental and physical abilities, and held free from any harm whatsoever;

2.     be informed of the nature of the Volunteer Work he will perform;

3.     be informed of the internal regulations adopted by the Volunteer Work Organising Entity in respect of Volunteer Work;

4.     be treated with respect and appreciation by all employees of the Volunteer Work Organising Entity, and be treated equally to other Volunteers and without discrimination;

5.     be provided with a suitable environment that ensures that the Volunteer performs the Volunteer Work assigned to him in the best manner possible;

6.     be awarded appreciation and recognition certificates from the Volunteer Work Organising Entity upon the completion of the Volunteer Work in which she participated;

7.     not be assigned to perform the regular work and activities of the Volunteer Work Organising Entity or those related to its organisational functions; and

8.     be granted any other rights stipulated in the Volunteering Agreement.

Volunteers’ Duties

Article (16)

A Volunteer must:

1.     abide by his Volunteering Agreement with the Volunteer Work Organising Entity;

2.     complete the Volunteer Work on time with sincerity, proficiency, and excellence;

3.     respect the customs and traditions of the local community and avoid any act that may violate the rules of proper conduct;

4.     observe the principles, objectives, and rules of Volunteer Work adopted by the Volunteer Work Organising Entity;

5.     respect other Volunteers and employees of the Volunteer Work Organising Entity and work with them as a team;

6.     not disclose the secrets and personal information to which he has access in the course of performing Volunteer Work;

7.     observe the limits and objectives of Volunteer Work, and refrain from interfering with the work policies and strategic plans and programmes of the Volunteer Work Organising Entity; and

8.     keep the tools, equipment, and devices entrusted to him safe; undertake to return them upon termination or expiry of the Volunteering Agreement; and inform the Volunteer Work Organising Entity in case of damage or loss of any of these tools, equipment, or devices.

Exemption from Liability

Article (17)

A Volunteer will be equally exempt from civil and penal liability as the employees of the Volunteer Work Organising Entity, provided that he meets all rules and requirements for exemption from liability, in particular:

1.     to be registered with the CDA;

2.     to have a valid Volunteering Agreement with the Volunteer Work Organising Entity;

3.     to have received adequate training, and not to perform Volunteer Work beyond the scope of his training;

4.     to have performed Volunteer Work in good faith and with the aim of performing the Volunteer Work identified in the Volunteering Agreement, and not to derive any personal reward or gain; and

5.     not to have committed any act of negligence or fault.

Volunteer Work Organising Entity’s Liability

Article (18)

A Volunteer Work Organising Entity will be liable towards third parties for the outcomes of the Volunteer Work performed by the Volunteer.

Volunteer Affairs Committee

Article (19)

A committee named the “Volunteer Affairs Committee” will be formed at CDA pursuant to a resolution of the Director General. The Committee will have jurisdiction to examine and decide on any complaints or disputes related to the performance of Volunteering Agreements. The resolution forming this committee will determine the terms of reference of the committee, and the procedures for holding its meetings and for making decisions.


Article (20)

All Volunteer Work Organising Entities, Volunteer Work Teams, and individuals and entities performing Volunteer Work in the Emirate by the effective date of this Law, must comply with the provisions hereof within six (6) months from its effective date.

Issuing Implementing Resolutions

Article (21)

The Director General will issue the resolutions required for the implementation of this Law, and these resolutions will be published in the Official Gazette of the Government of Dubai.

Publication and Commencement

Article (22)

This Law will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on the day on which it is published.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 11 April 2018

Corresponding to 25 Rajab 1439 A.H.


©2018 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.