Law No. (21) of 2015


Judicial Fees of the Dubai Courts[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Federal Law No. (8) of 1980 Regulating Labour Relations and its amendments;

Federal Law No. (5) of 1985 Issuing the Civil Code and its amendments;

Federal Law No. (11) of 1992 Issuing the Civil Procedure Code and its amendments;

Federal Law No. (35) of 1992 Issuing the Criminal Procedure Code and its amendments;

Federal Law No. (28) of 2005 Concerning Family Affairs;

Law No. (3) of 1992 Establishing the Dubai Courts and its amendments;

Law No. (1) of 1994 Concerning Court Fees and its amendments;

Law No. (3) of 1996 Concerning Government Claims and its amendments;

Law No. (3) of 2003 Establishing the Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai;

Law No. (15) of 2007 Establishing the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children and its amendments;

Law No. (31) of 2008 Revoking Exemptions from Taxes and Fees in the Emirate of Dubai and its amendments;

Law No. (14) of 2009 Concerning the Pricing of Government Services in the Emirate of Dubai and its amendments;

Law No. (16) of 2009 Establishing the Centre for Amicable Settlement of Disputes;

Law No. (35) of 2009 Concerning Management of the Public Funds of the Government of Dubai and its amendments;

Law No. (4) of 2013 Concerning Notaries Public in the Emirate of Dubai; and

Regulation No. (2) of 1992 Concerning Fees for Registration of Appeals in Criminal Lawsuits,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Chapter One

General Provisions


Article (1)

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The Emirate of Dubai.


The Government of Dubai.

Executive Council:

The Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai.


The Dubai Courts.

Competent Court:

The Court of First Instance, the Court of Appeal, or the Court of Cassation, as the case may be, at the Courts.


The Centre for Amicable Settlement of Disputes.


The Committee for Deferral of and Exemption from the Payment of Judicial Fees, established pursuant to this Law.

Scope of Application

Article (2)

a.    This Law applies to all lawsuits, applications, and appeals submitted to the Courts, for which fees are not collected by the effective date hereof.

b.    This Law does not apply to the lawsuits which are filed with the Courts before the effective date hereof and for which the payment of fees is deferred, in whole or in part, in the course of litigation. These lawsuits will be subject to the fees applicable at the time of their registration.

Fee Collection

Article (3)

Lawsuits or appeals may be heard, and applications may be admitted, only if their applicable fees are collected in full, unless the Committee issues a decision exempting from or deferring, in whole or in part, the payment of these fees in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

Disputes over Fee Amount

Article (4)

a.    Where a dispute over the amount of applicable fees arises at the time of registering a lawsuit, an appeal, or an application, the dispute will be referred for determination by the president of the Competent Court, and his decision in this regard will be final.

b.    A court that hears a lawsuit may, on its own initiative or based on an application submitted by the concerned party, reconsider the amount of collected fees.

Collection of Fee Difference

Article (5)

a.    Where a Competent Court finds, in the course of litigation, that the fees paid are not commensurate with final claims, are less than the applicable fees, or are collected in contravention of this Law, it must issue an order instructing the claimant to pay the fee difference within a prescribed period. Where the claimant fails to comply with this order, the court must rule that the lawsuit is inadmissible; and if the pleadings in the lawsuit are closed, the court must order the claimant, in its judgement, to pay the fee difference.

b.    Where a judgement to be enforced awards an amount that differs from the claimed amount based on which the fee has been calculated at the time of registering the lawsuit, the executory formula may not be affixed to that judgement unless the payable fee difference is settled. In the event of dispute over the fee, the matter will be referred to the court that rendered the judgement to determine the dispute by noting down the payable amount on a transcript of the judgement. The court’s decision in this regard will be final.

c.     Where a judgement creditor fails to get the executory formula affixed to the judgement, within sixty (60) days from the date on which it is rendered, due to failure to settle the payable fee difference, the litigant held liable for the legal costs under the judgement will be bound to pay that fee difference. The clerk’s office of the Competent Court must estimate the payable fee, note down the fee amount on a transcript of the judgement, and present the same to the president of the court to issue an order to collect these fees from the party liable to pay them. This order will be enforced in accordance with the applicable procedures for enforcing writs of execution.

Rounding of Fractions

Article (6)

For the purpose of calculating applicable fees, a fraction of a Dirham will be rounded up to a Dirham, and fees will be collected accordingly.

Registration of Disputes with the CASD

Article (7)

Notwithstanding the provisions of the above-mentioned Law No. (16) of 2009, fifty percent (50%) of the fee applicable to the relevant lawsuit pursuant to the rules stipulated in this Law will be collected when registering a dispute with the CASD. Where the dispute is referred to the Competent Court, the fee payable for registration of the lawsuit, less the amount paid to the CASD, will be collected in full.

Non-applicability of Fees

Article (8)

The fees payable pursuant to this Law will not apply to the following categories, lawsuits, applications, and appeals:

1.    lawsuits, appeals, or applications filed by ministries and federal or local government entities in the Emirate or in any other emirate of the United Arab Emirates;

2.    appeals of alimony judgements;

3.    amounts deposited by a trustee in bankruptcy on account of the bankruptcy estate;

4.    amounts deposited by auction bidders on account of the price of real property;

5.    amounts deposited by ministries and federal or local government entities for the account of concerned parties;

6.    lawsuits regarding charitable endowments, or gifts and bequests dedicated for charity or allocated to charitable associations, where these lawsuits are filed by the relevant entities;

7.    applications for Islam proclamation or for Embracing Islam Certificates;

8.    attestation of applications for social aid; and

9.    applications for death and succession certificates.

Exemption from Fees

Article (9)

The following lawsuits, appeals, applications, and categories are exempt from the fees payable under this Law:

1.    lawsuits, appeals, and applications filed by labourers or their beneficiaries, pursuant to the above-mentioned Federal Law No. (8) of 1980, for an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand Dirhams (AED 100,000.00). Where a judgement requires the labourer’s adversary in litigation to pay legal fees and costs, judicial fees will be collected from this adversary in accordance with the judgement;

2.    women and children who are victims of domestic violence and who are exempted from the fees pursuant to a decision issued by the Committee upon the request of the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children; and

3.    cases exempted from payment of the fees pursuant to a decision of the Committee made in coordination with the Department of Finance and in accordance with the relevant rules approved by the President of the Courts.


Article (10)

a.    Pursuant to this Law, a committee named the “Committee for Deferral of and Exemption from the Payment of Judicial Fees” is established. The Committee will be formed, and its functions, its terms of reference, and the quorum for holding its meetings and its passing decisions will be determined, pursuant to a decision issued by the President of the Courts.

b.    The decisions issued by the Committee will be final and not subject to any form of appeal.

Effects of Deferral of and Exemption from Payment of Fees

Article (11)

Where the Committee approves the deferral of or exemption from the payment of judicial fees, the following provisions will apply:

1.    Without the need for a further decision in this regard, a decision on the deferral of, or exemption from, the payment of judicial fees will apply to all fees payable for all stages of litigation, and to any deposits or other amounts stipulated in this Law or in the legislation in force.

2.    If a judgement is rendered dismissing, or declining to hear, a lawsuit filed by a person in whose favour a decision exempting him from the payment of judicial fees is issued, no fees or deposits may be collected from that person. If the judgement is rendered in his favour, the fees and deposits will be collected from the judgement debtor.

3.    If a judgement is rendered dismissing, or declining to hear, a lawsuit filed by a person in whose favour a decision deferring the payment of judicial fees is issued, the payable fees and any deposits or other amounts stipulated in this Law, or in the legislation in force, will be collected from that person.

Refund of Fees

Article (12)

a.    The fee collected at the time of registering a lawsuit with the Competent Court will be refunded if the court rules in favour of any motion or application for:

  1. interpretation of a judgement;
  2. recusal of a judge, expert, or arbitrator;
  3. correction of clerical mistake in a judgement; or
  4. consideration of unaddressed claims.

b.    Fifty percent (50%) of the fee amount collected by a Competent Court will be refunded if the claimant abandons litigation or concludes a settlement with his adversary at the first session scheduled for hearing the lawsuit or appeal, and before opening pleadings. However, this applies only where the dispute has not been previously referred to the CASD.

Party Liable to Pay or Challenge the Amount of Fees and Costs

Article (13)

a.    A party who is liable under a judgement to pay the legal costs of a lawsuit will be bound to pay the judicial fees of this lawsuit, and these fees will be settled accordingly. Appealing the judgement may not prevent the collection of judicial fees.

b.    A party who is liable under a judgement to pay the legal costs of a lawsuit may challenge the amount of these costs within eight (8) days from the date of serving the executory copy of the judgement on him.

c.     The challenge referred to in paragraph (b) of this Article will be submitted to the president of the Competent Court for determination, and his decision in this regard will be final.

Chapter Two

Rules for Assessment of Fees of Lawsuits Filed with

First Instance Courts

Lawsuits with Claims of Specific Value

Article (14)

a.    A fee of six percent (6%) of the relevant claim value will be collected in respect of the lawsuits filed with first instance courts and the civil lawsuits based upon criminal lawsuits, except for family lawsuits. This fee may neither be less than five hundred Dirhams (AED 500.00) nor exceed:

  1. twenty thousand Dirhams (AED 20,000.00), where the claim value does not exceed five hundred thousand Dirhams (AED 500,000.00);
  2. thirty thousand Dirhams (AED 30,000.00), where the claim value ranges between five hundred thousand and one Dirhams (AED 500,001.00) and one million Dirhams (AED 1,000,000.00); or
  3. forty thousand Dirhams (AED 40,000.00), where the claim value exceeds one million Dirhams (AED 1,000,000.00).

b.    Where the claim value in a labour lawsuit filed with a first instance court exceeds one hundred thousand Dirhams (AED 100,000.00), a fee of five percent (5%) of the claim value will be collected in respect of this lawsuit. However, this fee may not exceed twenty thousand Dirhams (AED 20,000.00).

c.     The lawsuits and applications filed with first instance courts and set forth in Schedule (1) attached to this Law will be subject to the fees indicated opposite each of them.

Lawsuits with Claims of No Specific Value

Article (15)

a.    Where a lawsuit involves a claim whose value cannot be determined, the claim value will be deemed to be two hundred thousand and one Dirhams (AED 200,001.00), and judicial fees will be collected accordingly.

b.    Where a claim of no specific value is amended in the course of litigation so that its value is specified, the higher fee will be collected in respect of the lawsuit.

c.     Where the specific value of the claim is determined by rendering a judgement in the lawsuit, this judgement may be enforced only after the relevant fee difference is paid.

Lawsuits Involving Multiple Claims

Article (16)

a.    Where the lawsuit involves multiple claims of specific value arising from a single cause of action, the applicable fee will be assessed based on the total value of these claims. Where these claims arise from different causes of action, the fee will be assessed based on the value of each claim individually.

b.    Where the lawsuit involves an original and an alternative claim, the higher fee in respect of either claims will be collected. The value of any additional claims will be added to the original claim value, and the fee will be calculated based on the total value of claims.

c.     Where the lawsuit involves multiple claims of no specific value, the fee will be collected based on the value of each claim individually if they arise from different causes of action, and will be collected based on the total value of these claims if they arise from a single cause of action.

d.    Where the lawsuit involves claims of specific value, and other claims of no specific value, the fee will be collected based on the value of each claim individually.

Counterclaims and Applications for Intervention

Article (17)

A separate fee will be collected from any person who files a counterclaim; files a claim of recourse against a person other than the parties to a lawsuit, or intervenes in a lawsuit seeking a relief. This fee will be calculated in accordance with the rules stipulated in this Law

Contract-related Lawsuits

Article (18)

The fees for a contract-related lawsuit will be calculated as follows:

1.    Where the subject of the lawsuit is an application to confirm the validity, annul, or revoke a contract, the fees will be calculated based on the value of the subject of the contract.

2.    Where the subject of the lawsuit is an application to confirm the validity, annul, or revoke a continuing contract, the fees will be calculated based on the total monetary consideration for the entire period of contract. If the contract has been partially performed, the claim value will be deemed the monetary consideration for the remaining period of the contract, and the fees will be calculated based on this value.

3.    Where the subject of the lawsuit is a contract of exchange or a barter agreement, the fees will be calculated based on the greater of the two values of the exchanged property or services.

4.    Where the subject of the lawsuit is a claim for price reduction or increase, the fees will be calculated based on the amount of reduction or increase sought.

Lawsuits Pertaining to Attachment or Real Rights

Article (19)

The fees for a lawsuit related to subordinate real rights involving the right to attach, retain, or trace property will be calculated as follows:

1.    Where the parties to the lawsuit are the debtor and creditor, the fees will be calculated based on the lesser of the value of the debt or the value of the property.

2.    Where the lawsuit is filed by a third party claiming title to the property, the fees will be calculated based on the value of the attached or retained property.

Lawsuits Pertaining to Real Property or Movable Property

Article (20)

The fees for a lawsuit pertaining to real property or movable property will be calculated based on the value of the property.

Pre-emption Lawsuits

Article (21)

Fees for pre-emption lawsuits will be calculated based on the price of the sold real property specified in the sale contract.

Lawsuits for Subdivision of Undivided Co-owned Property

Article (22)

The fees for a lawsuit pertaining to the subdivision of undivided co-owned property, or designation of shares in co-owned real property or movable property, will be one percent (1%) of the share of the co-owner who files the lawsuit.

Mortgage Lawsuits

Article (23)

The fees for a lawsuit pertaining to the confirmation of validity, the annulment, or the revocation of mortgage; to the permission to sell mortgaged property; or to any other right in mortgaged property will be calculated based on the mortgage value.

Lawsuits for Establishment of Title or

Recovery of Possession

Article (24)

The fees for a lawsuit pertaining to the establishment of title to property, or recovery of the possession thereof, will be calculated based on the value of the property.

Lawsuits for Enforcement or Annulment of Arbitral Awards

Article (25)

The fees for a lawsuit pertaining to the enforcement or annulment of an arbitral award will be calculated based on the awarded amount.

Lawsuits for Enforcement of Foreign Judgements

Article (26)

The fees for a lawsuit pertaining to the enforcement of a foreign judgement will be calculated based on the amount awarded by the judgment, failing which the fees will be calculated based on the amount of the dispute subject of the judgement.

Lawsuits for Annulment of Judgements

Article (27)

The fees for a lawsuit pertaining to the annulment of a judgement rendered by the Courts, or by any other judicial authority except arbitration tribunals, will be calculated based on the amount awarded by the judgment.

Fees for Family Lawsuits and Applications

Article (28)

The fee indicated opposite each of the family lawsuits and applications listed in Schedule (2) attached hereto will be collected in respect of that lawsuit or application.

Chapter Three

Fees for Appeals

Proportionate Fees for Appeal of Lawsuits

Article (29)

a.    A fee of fifty percent (50%) of the fee collected by the first instance court that renders a judgement in other than a family lawsuit will be collected in respect of the appeal from that judgement. This fee will be calculated as follows:

  1. Where the appeal is from the whole judgement, the fee applicable to appeals will be collected in full.
  2. Where the appeal is from a part of the judgement, the fee will be collected based on the value of this part.

b.    Where more than one person appeal a judgement which holds them jointly and severally liable for any obligation, the applicable appeal fee will be collected once from the person who files his appeal first.

c.     Where more than one person appeal a judgement which does not hold them jointly and severally liable for obligations, a separate fee will be collected in respect of the appeal of each person, regardless of whether the appellants file a single or multiple statements of appeal.

d.    A fee of twenty five percent (25%) of the fee collected during the first instance stage will be collected if the appeal is from a judgement which determines a secondary claim without concluding the litigation and results in the stay of proceedings.

Flat Fees for Appeal of Lawsuits

Article (30)

The fee indicated opposite each of the appeals listed in Schedule (3) attached hereto will be collected in respect of that appeal.

Second Appeals

Article (31)

No fees will be collected from an appellant in respect of reappealing a judgement rendered by a first instance court in a lawsuit remanded to that court by an appellate court based on a previous appeal filed by that appellant in the same lawsuit.

Cassation Appeals and Stay of Execution

Article (32)

A flat fee of two thousand Dirhams (AED 2,000.00) will be collected in respect of any cassation appeal of a judgement, and a flat fee of one thousand Dirhams (AED 1,000.00) will be collected in respect of any application for stay of execution of an appealed judgement.

Second Cassation Appeals

Article (33)

No fees will be collected from an appellant in respect of reappealing in cassation a judgement rendered by an appellate court in a lawsuit that has been remanded to it by a court of cassation based on a previous cassation appeal filed with it by that appellant in the same lawsuit.

Petition for Review

Article (34)

A fee of twenty five percent (25%) of the fee collected by the court that renders a judgement will be collected in respect of any petition for review of that judgement.

Chapter Four

Enforcement Fees

Proportionate Enforcement Fees

Article (35)

a.       An enforcement fee of two percent (2%) of the amount due under a writ of execution will be collected in respect of the lawsuit seeking the enforcement of that writ of execution.

b.       Where a judgement awards a non-monetary relief, a fee of twenty percent (20%) of the fee collected by the first instance court in respect of the lawsuit will be collected from the applicant for enforcement of that judgement.

c.       The fee collected pursuant to paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of this Article may neither be less than two hundred Dirhams (AED 200.00) nor exceed five thousand Dirhams (AED 5,000.00).

Flat Enforcement Fees

Article (36)

The fee indicated opposite each of the enforcement lawsuits listed in Schedule (4) attached hereto will be collected in respect of that lawsuit.

Chapter Five

Final Provisions

Payment of Deposits

Article (37)

a.    When filing an appeal in a civil lawsuit, the appellant must deposit with the court treasury a cash amount of one thousand Dirhams (AED 1,000.00).

b.    When filing a cassation appeal of a civil lawsuit, the appellant must deposit with the court treasury a cash amount of three thousand Dirhams (AED 3,000.00).

c.     Where the cassation appeal is admitted and the litigation is concluded based on that appeal, the relevant deposit amount will be refunded to the person who has lodged it.

d.    Where the cassation appeal is not admitted, or partially or completely dismissed or rejected, the deposit amount stipulated in this Article will be confiscated.

Payment of Deposits in Criminal Lawsuits

Article (38)

a.    An appellant in a criminal lawsuit, other than the Public Prosecution, must deposit with the court treasury a cash amount of five hundred Dirhams (AED 500.00) in case of misdemeanour proceedings, or a cash amount of two hundred Dirhams (AED 200.00) in case of infraction proceedings.

b.    The deposit amount referred to in paragraph (a) of this Article will be refunded to the appellant where the judgement is issued in his favour.

c.     The deposit amount referred to in paragraph (a) of this Article will be confiscated where the appeal is not admitted or is dismissed or rejected.

Fees for Service of Process

Article (39)

In case of service of process by a process serving company or firm, or any other entity, all relevant fees will be collected from the applicant for service of process. The President of the Courts will determine the relevant requirements and fees for the service of process.

Amendment of Fee Schedules

Article (40)

The fees approved pursuant to this Law may be amended only pursuant to a resolution issued by the Chairman of the Executive Council.

Payment of Fees

Article (41)

The deposit amounts confiscated and the fees collected pursuant to this Law will be paid to the Public Treasury of the Government.

Issuing Implementing Resolutions

Article (42)

The President of the Courts will issue the resolutions required for the implementation of the provisions of this Law.


Article (43)

a.       The above-mentioned Law No. (1) of 1994 and Regulation No. (2) of 1992 are hereby repealed.

b.       Any provision in any other legislation will be repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Law.

Publication and Commencement

Article (44)

This Law will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on 1 September 2015.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 10 August 2015

Corresponding to 25 Shawwal 1436 A.H.


Schedule (1)

Fees for Lawsuits and Applications


Lawsuit/ Application

Fee (in Dirhams)


Grievance against a repayment order

50% of the fee for application for repayment order (up to AED 10,000.00)


Recusal of a judge (an application submitted at any stage of litigation)



Recusal of an expert (an application submitted at any stage of litigation)



Appointment, removal, resignation, or recusal of arbitrators



Surrendering a passport or an identity card



Surrendering documents (where only the surrender of documents is required)



Establishing the authenticity of a signature



Confirmation of an attachment order (where the lawsuit is filed independently from the lawsuit brought to establish the right)



Annulment, amendment, or revocation of a company contract; or dissolution or liquidation of the company



Challenge to the sale of a commercial establishment



Annulment of a legal notification or summons



Revocation of a service agent/ national agent agreement



Establishing the forgery of a document (civil)



Challenging a garnishee statement



Annulment of enforcement procedures without claiming title to the whole real property or any part thereof



Annulment of sale by auction on the grounds that the purchaser is not authorised to participate in the auction



Establishing the trader capacity



Establishing the liability for the obligations of the predecessor-in-title of a commercial establishment



Prohibiting the use of, or cancelling, a trade name



Correction related to a current account



Opening a safe deposit box with a bank



Removal of a company manager



Removal of a partner from a general partnership or simple limited partnership



Annulment of the membership of a person in the board of directors of a company



Annulment of the formation of a board of directors of a company



Challenging the valuation of in-kind contribution



Termination of membership on the board of directors of a company



Annulment of a resolution of a company's board of directors or failure to issue a resolution



Establishing the liability of the board of directors of a company



Annulment of resolutions issued by the general assembly of a company



Cancelling a company’s general assembly meeting



Establishing the existence of a joint venture company



Establishing the liability of an auditor



Suing a liquidator due to the performance of his duties



Request by an author to withdraw a work of authorship from circulation



Review of the value of cash or in-kind consideration for the transfer of copyright (where the value cannot be determined)



Stopping copyright infringement



Establishing or disputing the ownership of a trademark



Objecting to trademark registration



Striking off a trademark



Revocation, withdrawal, or suspension of an administrative resolution without seeking compensation



Challenging the validity of the inventory of the property of an estate



Intervening in a lawsuit by joining a litigant without seeking a relief



Joinder of a party to a lawsuit



Provisional attachment

50% of the fee applicable to the lawsuit


Provisional attachment of a ship or aircraft



Replacement of the custodian of attached property



Limiting the attachment to specific property



Substitution of attached property



Grievance against a provisional attachment order, or against the dismissal of an application for provisional attachment order



Travel ban



Grievance against a travel ban order, or against the dismissal of an application for travel ban order



Order on petition



Grievance against an order on petition



Reinstatement of a struck-off lawsuit

20% of the fee collected in respect of the lawsuit or appeal


Resuming proceedings that have been stayed based on mutual agreement or pursuant to a court judgement



Stay of the enforcement or provisional enforcement of a judgement



Interpretation of a judgement



Correction of a clerical or calculation mistake



Offering and depositing money, movable property, or other property.



Request for an official transcript of a judgement



Surrendering house or shop keys



Affixing the executory formula

AED 50.00 for the first application, and AED 100.00 for any subsequent application


Request for a judgement terminating litigation



Consideration of unaddressed claims



Reinstatement of proceedings to the pleading stage



Instructing a litigant to submit a document which is in his possession



Application for a certificate of experience



Permission to sell, by public auction, a commercial establishment's assets that are subject to a seller's or mortgagee's preferential rights



Opening a safe deposit box with a bank



Declaration of civil insolvency or interdiction of a bankrupt



Declaration of bankruptcy or for protective composition



Third-party challenge to a judgement declaring bankruptcy



Protective Composition



Revoking a decision declaring bankruptcy



Revocation or annulment of a protective composition



Rehabilitation of a bankrupt



Challenging a judgement rehabilitating a bankrupt



Determining the period of liquidation or bankruptcy



Removal of a liquidator or a trustee in bankruptcy




Schedule (2)

Fees for Lawsuits and Applications Filed with Family Courts


                              Lawsuit/ Application             

Fee (in Dirhams)


Family affairs

AED 100 per application, up to AED 2,000.00


Confirmation of paternity



Denial of paternity



Mutual oaths of condemnation (Li’aan) to negate paternity






Revocation of interdiction



Revocation of guardianship over persons or property



Validation of a will



Revocation of a will



Annulment of a will



Establishing the prolonged absence of a husband (Ghaibah)



Interpretation of a judgement



Consideration of unaddressed claims



Appointment, removal, or replacement of a guardian, custodian, or attorney



On-site inventory of the property of an estate and placement of the same under seal



Opening an estate’s file



Appointment, removal, or replacement of a guardian or liquidator of an estate



Submitting an application as part of the estate’s file



Distribution of the estate and settlement of its debts



Application for a travel ban order



Grievance against a travel ban order



Order on Petition



Grievance against an order on petition



Application for an order to continue to invest, or cease the investment of, the property of a minor in commercial activities



Surrendering custodial property to a minor who has reached the age of eighteen (18)



Certification or attestation



Reinstatement of a struck-off lawsuit



Resuming proceedings that have been stayed based on mutual agreement or pursuant to a court order



Stay of the enforcement or provisional enforcement of a judgement



On-site visit by a court employee



Request for an official transcript of a judgement



Affixing the executory formula




Schedule (3)

Appeal Fees



Fee (in Dirhams)


Appealing a stay-of-proceedings decision



Appealing a judgement dismissing a plea of lack of territorial, pecuniary, qualitative, or subject-matter jurisdiction



Grievance filed with an appellate court against ordering provisional enforcement of a judgement



Appealing the decision or order of an execution judge



Appealing a judgement rendered in a family lawsuit, except for alimony judgements



Application for stay of the enforcement of an appealed judgement



Petition for review of a judgement rendered in a family lawsuit



Application for stay of the enforcement of a judgement, rendered in a family lawsuit, in respect of which a petition for review is filed




Schedule (4)

Enforcement Fees



Fee (in Dirhams)


Application for joinder in enforcement proceedings



Challenging a decision approving the joinder of a party in enforcement proceedings



Challenging a distribution list issued by an execution judge



Application for challenging the enforcement of a judgement



Grievance against an execution judge’s decision



Application for imprisonment order against a debtor



Application for travel ban



Application for limiting the attachment to specific property of the judgement debtor



Application for a second on-site visit to enforce a judgement upon failure to complete the procedures during the first visit for reasons related to the applicant for enforcement



Application to enforce a relief awarded in a family lawsuit or claim, except for alimony judgements



Challenging the enforcement of a judgement issued by a family court




©2020 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1] Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.