Law No. (2) of 2014

Concerning Protection of the Rights of

Persons with Disabilities in the Emirate of Dubai[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Federal Law No. (29) of 2006 Concerning the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its amendments;

Federal Decree No. (116) of 2009 Ratifying the Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities;

Cabinet Resolution No. (7) of 2010 Concerning Non-Governmental Organisations Providing Care and Habilitation to Persons with Disabilities;

Law No. (3) of 2003 Establishing the Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai;

Law No. (12) of 2008 Establishing the Community Development Authority in Dubai and its amendments; and

Law No. (32) of 2008 Establishing the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Title of the Law

Article (1)

This Law will be cited as “Law No. (2) of 2014 Concerning Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Emirate of Dubai”.


Article (2)

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The Emirate of Dubai.

Executive Council:

The Executive Council of the Emirate.


The Community Development Authority in Dubai.

Director General:

The director general of the CDA.


The Higher Committee for Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Emirate of Dubai.

Person with Disability:


A person suffering from a long-term physical, mental, or sensory deficiency or impairment that may hinder his full and effective participation in the society on an equal footing with others.

Protection Specialist:

An employee of the CDA assigned, as part of his job duties, to follow up the affairs of Persons with Disabilities.

Protection of a Person with Disability:

Taking the measures and procedures required for the protection of Persons with Disabilities from all forms of Discrimination, Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation.


Any distinction, exclusion, or restriction on the basis of disability which has the effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise, on an equal footing with non-disabled persons, of any rights under the legislation in force.


The infliction of any physical or psychological harm to a Person with Disability through a physical, verbal, sexual, or any other act of violence.


Intentional failure or refusal to provide basic care and protection for a Person with Disability in a manner that may result in physical or psychological harm. Basic care includes, but is not limited to, providing shelter, food, water, clothing, personal hygiene care, or medical care to a Person with Disability.


Taking unlawful financial, physical, or emotional advantage of a Person with Disability, or otherwise the use or conversion of his property without his consent.

Care-giver of a Person with Disability:

A person legally responsible for or entrusted to provide care to a Person with Disability.

Social Integration of a Person with Disability:

A set of plans, policies, measures, programmes, and procedures that aim to achieve full participation by Persons with Disabilities in various life activities in the society without any form of Discrimination.

Accessible Environments:

Making public facilities, services, products, and information accessible to most people, including Persons with Disabilities.


Developing the abilities of a Person with Disability through providing direct medical treatment, physiotherapy, prosthetic and assistive devices, vocational education and training, and social and psychiatric habilitation.


Preparing a person to regain his strength and abilities to readapt to society after sustaining a disability.

Objectives of the Law

Article (3)

This Law aims to achieve the following objectives:

1.                   providing Accessible Environments to ensure that Persons with Disabilities enjoy all their rights under the legislation in force;

2.                  fostering respect for the dignity of Persons with Disabilities;

3.                  protecting Persons with Disabilities from all forms of Discrimination, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation; and

4.                  integrating Persons with Disabilities into society as effective members.

Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Article (4)

a.       In addition to the rights under the legislation in force in the Emirate, concerned entities will, each within its own jurisdiction, provide Persons with Disabilities with the means to enjoy the following rights and services:

1.       healthcare and treatment services;

2.       Habilitation and Rehabilitation;

3.       education at all levels;

4.       access to places of worship and to public places;

5.       using roads and means of public transport;

6.       public services including police and judicial services;

7.        job opportunities; and

8.       any other rights or services under the implementing bylaw of this Law.

b.       The implementing bylaw of this Law will set the standards, measures, and procedures to ensure that Persons with Disabilities can enjoy the rights and avail of the services provided for in paragraph (a) of this Article.

Functions of the CDA

Article (5)

For the purpose of achieving the objectives of this Law, the CDA will have the duties and powers to:

1.                   implement, in coordination with the concerned entities, the policies, plans, and initiatives related to protecting the rights of Persons with Disabilities and ensuring their enjoyment of the rights granted to them under the legislation in force;

2.                   ensure the establishment of specialised centres for the care, Habilitation, and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities;

3.                   supervise the specialised centres for the care, Habilitation, and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities;

4.                   ensure the availability of shelter services for Persons with Disabilities who are homeless, at risk, or not provided with basic care by their families, and provide necessary aid to them in coordination with the concerned entities;

5.                   receive complaints and reports regarding violations committed against Persons with Disabilities, and take the necessary action in respect of these violations;

6.                   consolidate the efforts aimed at improving the living standards and conditions of Persons with Disabilities and facilitate their social integration;

7.                   conduct research, surveys, and census studies related to the conditions of Persons with Disabilities in the Emirate;

8.                   coordinate with the concerned entities in the Emirate to develop and improve the vocational skills suitable to the abilities of Persons with Disabilities to enable those who are competent to engage in appropriate jobs that will secure for them a reasonable financial income and turn them into productive members of society;

9.                   raise awareness in society of the rights of Persons with Disabilities under this Law and the legislation in force, and organise the awareness and education activities and campaigns required for this purpose;

10.               provide family and psychological counselling to families of Persons with Disabilities, and train them to communicate and deal with Persons with Disabilities; and

11.               perform any other duties required for the achievement of the objectives of this Law.

Higher Committee for Protection of the

Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Article (6)

A permanent committee named the “Higher Committee for Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" will be formed pursuant to a resolution issued by the Chairman of the Executive Council to ensure integration and coordination of work among the entities responsible for the affairs of Persons with Disabilities. Members of the committee will be representatives from the Government entities responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this Law. The resolution will determine the functions of the Committee, the duties of its chairman, the procedure for convening its meetings and voting on its resolutions, and other related matters.

Prohibited Acts

Article (7)

The following acts are hereby prohibited:

1.                   using any words, expressions, or descriptions, or engaging in acts intended to demean a Person with Disability or his abilities, or degrade him in any way;

2.                   exploiting a Person with Disability or abusing him in any way;

3.                   committing any form of Discrimination against a Person with Disability, including an act or omission intended to deny a Person with Disability enjoyment of the rights and services under this Law and the legislation in force; and

4.                   neglecting to provide basic care or necessary protection for a Person with Disability by his Care-giver.

Reporting Violations

Article (8)

a.       The Care-giver of a Person with Disability must report to the CDA or the competent authorities, any act of Exploitation, Abuse, or Discrimination against the Person with Disability.

b.       Where the act of Exploitation, Abuse, Neglect, or Discrimination against a Person with Disability is reported by any person other than his Care-giver, the identity of that person may not be disclosed without first obtaining his written consent.

c.       The CDA will establish a system dedicated to Persons with Disabilities to enable them to report the violations committed against them. The implementing bylaw of this Law will determine the components of this system and the procedures for reporting such violations.

Protection Specialist

Article (9)

The Director General will issue a resolution nominating Protection Specialists from among the CDA employees responsible for following up the affairs of Persons with Disabilities. This resolution will determine the duties and functions of such employees.

Procedures for Protection of Persons with Disabilities

Article (10)

a.       If it is proven to the Protection Specialist that a Person with Disability is at risk, he may take either of the following actions:

1.       keep the Person with Disability with his Care-giver provided that the Care-giver gives a written undertaking to take the necessary measures to eliminate the risk to the Person with Disability, and to allow the Protection Specialist visits to verify compliance; or

2.       make recommendations to the CDA to commit the Person with Disability to a centre specialised in providing care and Habilitation for Persons with Disabilities in accordance with the conditions and rules under the implementing bylaw of this Law.

b.       Subject to the provisions and rules under the legislation in force regarding forcible entry into private houses, in the event of infliction of serious harm or the existence of an imminent danger to a Person with Disability, the Protection Specialist may seek the assistance of competent authorities to remove such person from his domicile, even by force where required, and commit him to a centre specialised in providing care and Habilitation to Persons with Disabilities.

Register of Persons with Disabilities

Article (11)

The CDA will maintain a special register of the data of Persons with Disabilities in the Emirate to follow up their affairs and verify their enjoyment of the rights and services provided for in this Law and the legislation in force. All concerned entities in the Emirate must provide the CDA with data of Persons with Disabilities in accordance with the implementing bylaw of this Law.

Identification Card

Article (12)

a.       The CDA will issue special cards to the persons who are registered on the register of Persons with Disabilities in the Emirate so that they may be identified and assisted to avail of the services, facilities, and privileges to which they are entitled under the legislation in force.

b.       The implementing bylaw of this Law will determine the form of the identification card of Persons with Disabilities and the conditions and procedures for its issuance.

Privileges and Facilities

Article (13)

The implementing bylaw of this Law will determine the privileges and facilities granted to Persons with Disabilities.

Violations and Fines

Article (14)

a.       Without prejudice to any stricter penalty under any other legislation:

1.       a person who violates paragraph (1) of Article (7) of this Law will be punished by a fine of not less than one thousand Dirhams (AED 1,000.00) and not more than five thousand Dirhams (AED 5,000.00);

2.       a person who violates paragraphs (2) and (3) of Article (7) of this Law will be punished by a fine of not less than five thousand Dirhams (AED 5,000.00) and not more than ten thousand Dirhams (AED 10,000.00); and

3.       a person who violates paragraph (4) of Article (7) or paragraph (a) of Article (8) of this Law will be punished by a fine of not less than two thousand Dirhams (AED 2,000.00) and no more than ten thousand Dirhams (AED 10,000.00). Where harm is done to the Person with Disability, the fine must not be less than ten thousand Dirhams (AED 10,000.00) and not more than fifty thousand Dirhams (AED 50,000.00).

b.       Upon repetition of the same violation referred to in paragraph (a) of this Article within one (1) year from the date of the previous violation, the amount of the fine will be doubled, provided that the fine does not exceed one hundred thousand Dirhams (AED 100,000.00).

Law Enforcement

Article (15)

Protection Specialists nominated by a resolution of the Director General, issued in coordination with the Director General of the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department, will have the capacity of law enforcement officers to record the acts committed in breach of the provisions of this Law, its implementing bylaw, or its implementing resolutions. In this capacity, they may issue the violation reports required in this regard and seek the assistance of police personnel where necessary.


Article (16)

Any affected party may submit a written grievance to the Director General against any decision or measure taken against him under this Law, its implementing bylaw, or the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof, within thirty (30) days of being notified of the contested decision or measure. The grievance will be determined no later than thirty (30) days by a committee formed by the Director General for this purpose, and the decision issued in respect of the grievance will be final.

Issuing the Implementing Bylaw and Resolutions

Article (17)

a.       The Chairman of the Executive Council will issue the implementing bylaw of this Law.

b.       The Director General will issue the resolutions required for the implementation of this Law and its implementing bylaw.

Commencement and Publication

Article (18)

This Law comes into force on the day on which it is issued, and will be published in the Official Gazette.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 4 February 2014

Corresponding to 4 Rabi al-Thani 1435 A.H.

©2015 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai


[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict the Arabic text will prevail.