Law No. (3) of 2013

Concerning the

Dubai Corporation for Festivals and Retail Sector Promotion[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Law No. (1) of 1997 Establishing the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing and its amendments;

Law No. (3) of 2003 Establishing the Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai;

Law No. (9) of 2004 Concerning the Dubai International Financial Centre and its amendments;

Law No. (27) of 2006 Concerning Management of the Government of Dubai Human Resources and its amendments;

Law No. (25) of 2008 Concerning the Department of Economic Development;

Law No. (30) of 2009 Concerning the Dubai Events and Promotions Establishment and its amendments;

Law No. (35) of 2009 Concerning Management of the Public Funds of the Government of Dubai and its amendments;

Decree No. (22) of 2009 Concerning Special Development Zones in the Emirate of Dubai; and

The legislation regulating free zones in the Emirate of Dubai,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Title of the Law

Article (1)

This Law will be cited as “Law No. (3) of 2013 Concerning the Dubai Corporation for Festivals and Retail Sector Promotion.”


Article (2)

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The Emirate of Dubai.

Executive Council:

The Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai.


The Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing.

Director General:

The director general of the DTCM.


The Dubai Corporation for Festivals and Retail Sector Promotion.


The chief executive officer of the DCFRSP.


The general marketing, entertainment, and promotional events organised throughout the Emirate, in Special Development Zones, and in free zones including the Dubai International Financial Centre.

Retail Sector:

The sector where any goods, commodities, or services are sold, on a continuous basis and through a licensed outlet, directly to consumers without any intermediary.

Scope of Application

Article (3)

a.       This Law will apply to the Dubai Events and Promotions Establishment regulated by the above-mentioned Law No. (30) of 2009.

b.       The name “Dubai Events and Promotions Establishment” is hereby replaced by “Dubai Corporation for Festivals and Retail Sector Promotion”. The DCFRSP will maintain the legal personality required for the achievement of its objectives, and will be affiliated to the DTCM.

Head Office of the DCFRSP

Article (4)

The head office of the DCFRSP will be located in the city of Dubai. The DCFRSP may establish branches and offices within and outside of the Emirate.

Objectives of the DCFRSP

Article (5)

The DCFRSP will have the objectives to:

1.       contribute to promoting the Emirate as a regional and international centre for conducting Festivals;

2.       contribute to supporting and enhancing the economy and business sectors of the Emirate, and in particular the Retail Sector;

3.       enhance the partnership between the public and private sectors in organising and managing Festivals; and

4.       increase tourist activity in the Emirate through promoting Festivals and marketing and sponsoring Retail Sector services and promotions.

Functions of the DCFRSP

Article (6)

For the purpose of achieving its objectives, the DCFRSP will have the duties and powers to:

1.       establish policies, strategic plans, and programmes and devise the initiatives required to develop Festivals and the Retail Sector;

2.       organise and conduct Festivals and implement activities that aim to enhance the Retail Sector;

3.       establish permanent and seasonal markets in order to encourage the shopping activity in the Emirate;

4.       in cooperation with competent entities, promote the Festivals that will be held in the Emirate, and promote the Retail Sector, at the local, regional, and international levels;

5.       supervise the business sectors and shopping centres in the Emirate with respect to the organisation of Festivals and promotional programmes for the Retail Sector;

6.       coordinate with various economic sectors in the Emirate to attract business sponsorship for the Festivals organised in the Emirate;

7.       coordinate with the concerned Government Entities and the private sector to ensure the efficient and effective organisation of Festivals;

8.       prepare the annual calendar for the Festivals to be organised in the Emirate, and for the programmes related to promoting the Retail Sector during those Festivals;

9.       issue licences, in coordination with the Department of Economic Development and the authorities supervising free zones and Special Development Zones, to establishments, companies, and shopping centres as required for implementing the promotional campaigns and commercial promotions throughout the year in the Emirate;

10.   invest in projects related to the duties of the DCFRSP;

11.   form committees and work teams to supervise Festivals and the Retail Sector, and determine their duties and functions;

12.   increase the effectiveness of the participation of the Retail Sector in increasing tourist activity in the Emirate; and

13.   perform any other duties required for the achievement of the objectives of the DCFRSP.


Article (7)

A CEO will be appointed to the DCFRSP pursuant to a resolution of the Chairman of the Executive Council.

Functions of the CEO

Article (8)

The CEO will have the duties and powers to:

1.       propose policies and strategic and operational plans related to the work of the DCFRSP, and submit them to the Director General for approval;

2.       prepare the draft annual budget and final accounts of the DCFRSP, and submit them to the Director General for approval and subsequent adoption by the competent entities in the Emirate;

3.       propose the organisational structure of the DCFRSP and submit it to the Director General for approval and subsequent presentation to the Executive Council for final approval;

4.       propose the legislation required to enable the DCFRSP to perform the functions assigned to it pursuant to this Law, and to regulate its work;

5.       supervise the daily work of the DCFRSP;

6.       represent the DCFRSP before third parties and conclude the contracts and agreements required for the achievement of the objectives of the DCFRSP;

7.       achieve the required performance outcomes, and submit performance reports to the Director General; and

8.       perform any other duties assigned by the Director General.

Financial Resources of the DCFRSP

Article (9)

The financial resources of the DCFRSP will consist of:

1.       the support allocated to the DCFRSP in the budget of the DTCM;

2.       any Revenue generated by the DCFRSP from conducting its activities or providing its services, including fees for the licensing of promotional campaigns and commercial promotions;

3.       returns on the investment of the property of the DCFRSP;

4.       returns on the business sponsorship of Festivals; and

5.       any other resources approved by the Executive Council.

Payment of the Revenue of the DCFRSP

Article (10)

a.       The Revenue referred to in Article (9) of this Law will be paid to the DTCM, and the DTCM will expend such Revenue in accordance with its relevant approved plans.

b.       Government Entities which collect Revenue for the account of the DCFRSP, including the Department of Economic Development, and the authorities supervising free zones and Special Development Zones, must transfer such Revenue to the DTCM.

Accounts and Financial Year of the DCFRSP

Article (11)

In regulating its accounts and records, the DCFRSP will follow the accounting principles and standards approved by the Government of Dubai. The financial year of the DCFRSP will commence on 1 January and will end on 31 December of each year.

Application of the Human Resources Management Law

Article (12)

Law No. (27) of 2006 Concerning Management of the Government of Dubai Human Resources and its amendments will apply to the Employees of the DCFRSP.

Issuing Implementing Resolutions

Article (13)

The Director General will issue the resolutions required for the implementation of this Law.


Article (14)

a.       This Law supersedes the above-mentioned Law No. (30) of 2009.

b.       Any provision in any other legislation will be repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Law.

Commencement and Publication

Article (15)

This Law comes into force on the day on which it is issued, and will be published in the Official Gazette.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 15 May 2013

Corresponding to 5 Rajab 1434 A.H.



©2015 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict the Arabic text will prevail.