Law No. (9) of 2012


Law No. (8) of 1997 Regulating the

Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal Law No. (8) of 1997 Regulating the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry and its amendments,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Article (1)

Article (6) of the above-mentioned Law No. (8) of 1997 is hereby superseded by the following:

Functions of the DCCI

Article (6)

The DCCI will have the authority to exercise the duties and powers required for the achievement of its objectives. In particular, it may:

1.    register as DCCI members natural and legal persons who are licensed to conduct the activities stipulated in Article (7) of this Law, and provide them with the certificates and documents that will assist them in completing their commercial transactions and in conducting their activities;

2.    issue all types of certificates of origin for goods, and for exported and re-exported products, after verifying the accuracy of their relevant data by all means it deems appropriate, including viewing of the original supporting documents relevant to the origin of the goods, or inspecting the goods where necessary;

3.    attest signatures, seals, documents, certificates, contracts, and any other documents related to commercial transactions as required by DCCI members for completing their work;

4.    assign experts to examine the commodities, goods, and other property to determine their classifications and weights, and to estimate their prices;

5.    provide opinion on the legislation regulating commercial and economic affairs; and review the draft laws, regulations, and bylaws proposed by the competent entities to regulate such affairs;

6.    form work teams from amongst DCCI members who undertake similar activities based on the list approved by the Board of Directors in this respect;

7.    license, and confer legal personality on, business councils formed in the Emirate from amongst of the companies, businessmen, and experts of a certain nationality, in coordination with the concerned government entities and in accordance with the relevant bylaws approved by the Board of Directors;

8.    review the applications submitted by regional and international non-governmental authorities, federations, associations, and other organisations specialised in the fields of commerce, economy, and trade for opening branches and offices in the Emirate; and license and regulate these branches and offices and confer legal personality on them, in coordination with the concerned government entities, including the Department of Economic Development, and in accordance with the relevant bylaws adopted by the Board of Directors;

9.    propose the economic programmes and plans, and investment projects, that will enhance the economic position and strengthen the economy of the Emirate, and will increase employment and investment opportunities; propose legislation that will regulate commercial, economic, and other affairs; and submit the relevant proposals to the competent authorities;

10.  conduct promotional activities and promote the economic relations of the Emirate, and in particular:

a.    receive visiting trade delegations and missions, and send trade missions overseas;

b.    hold or participate in local and international commercial exhibitions;

c.     hold, contribute to, or participate in organising, conferences, seminars, and research and training forums inside and outside of the Emirate;

d.    publish magazines, periodic bulletins, brochures, and other specialised commercial publications; and

e.    conclude cooperation agreements with similar federations, chambers of commerce and industry, or authorities that will strengthen cooperation and commercial ties.

11.  conduct economic studies and research, and prepare economic reports, concerning evaluation of the performance of economic sectors in order to direct and develop these sectors, identify any issues or obstacles that these sectors may face, and communicate findings to the competent authorities;

12.  review requests for organizing exhibitions, conferences, seminars, and workshops related to economy and commerce that will be held in the Emirate, and issue the recommendations required to obtain approval from the competent authorities;

13.  collect and publish economic information and data, such as prices of traded goods and materials, financial services and securities, currencies, and other data; compile, categorise, and publish periodic statistics, and legislative and regulatory provisions;

14.  provide business directories, specialised books and references, and any other scientific works and publications that will be relied on in preparing reports and studies;

15.  provide advice and consultation to DCCI members on legal, commercial, economic, and technical matters; provide them with available information; and guide them to follow the procedures and methods that will assist them in protecting their rights and developing their businesses;

16.  contribute to the development of administrative and technical cadres in the fields of economics and business administration, and provide the required capabilities and resources. For this purpose, the DCCI may establish colleges, institutes, and commercial and technical training centres;

17.  consider the commercial complaints involving DCCI members, or DCCI members and other parties, in order to reach amicable settlements;

18.  determine local commercial norms and terms;

19.  adopt a mechanism for resolving trade disputes whereby it oversees the arbitration process in accordance with the applicable arbitration rules;

20.  own, manage, invest, sell, and mortgage movable and immovable property; conclude all types of contracts with third parties; and accept donations and gifts;

21.  participate in the work of the committees formed by ministries, departments, authorities, and other entities to review issues related to economic and trade affairs, to regulate these affairs; to represent the DCCI in the events that are relevant to its functions; and to achieve any other objectives; and

22.  perform any other act that is conducive to achievement of the DCCI objectives stipulated in Article (5) of this Law.

Article (2)

This Law comes into force on the day on which it is issued, and will be published in the Official Gazette.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 18 November 2012

Corresponding to 4 Muharram 1434 A.H.


©2019 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.