Law No. (2) of 2011

Concerning the

Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Law No. (3) of 2003 Establishing the Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai;

Law No. (12) of 2005 Establishing the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department and its amendments;

Law No. (27) of 2006 Concerning Management of the Government of Dubai Human Resources and its amendments;

Law No. (29) of 2006 Affiliating the Research House for Islamic Studies and Heritage Revival to the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department; and

Law No. (35) of 2009 Concerning Management of the Public Funds of the Government of Dubai,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Title of the Law

Article (1)

This Law will be cited as “Law No. (2) of 2011 Concerning the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department”.


Article (2)

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The United Arab Emirates.


The Emirate of Dubai.


His Highness the Ruler of Dubai.


The Government of Dubai.

Executive Council:

The Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai.


The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department.

Director General:

The director general of the IACAD.


A place designated for prayers, including mosques built by individuals on endowed or non-endowed land. Mosque courtyards and appurtenances will be treated as mosques.


A determined portion of a Muslim's property which is donated and spent in accordance with the conditions, and through the channels, prescribed by Sharia (Islamic religious law).

Charitable Association:

Any sole proprietorship, or group of natural or legal person(s) organised for a definite or indefinite term, which is concerned with religious or charitable affairs and conducts its activities in the Emirate. This includes religious or charitable foundations and associations established or to be established under any law or decree.

Bounteous Quran Memorisation Centre:

A place where the rules of recital and Tajweed (elocution) of the Bounteous Quran are taught, and where the Bounteous Quran memorisation and teaching classes are conducted, in the Emirate on a permanent or temporary basis.

Islamic Foundation:

Any entity which is concerned with propagating the Islamic culture and increasing religious awareness in the Emirate and which conducts its activities in the Emirate on a permanent or temporary basis.

Applicability of the Law to the IACAD

Article (3)

This Law will apply to the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department established pursuant to the above-mentioned Law No. (12) of 2005.

Duties and Powers of the IACAD

Article (4)

The IACAD will have the duties and powers to:

1.    develop the general policy on Islamic affairs and charitable activities in the Emirate;

2.    propagate Islamic knowledge and culture and increase religious awareness;

3.    review, authorise the use of, and oversee the printing or distribution of Quran copies, religious books and publications, and recordings, in the Emirate;

4.    develop, and authorise the printing of, Hijri and Gregorian calendars;

5.    establish, manage, and supervise Bounteous Quran Memorisation Centres;

6.    maintain Mosques to ensure the performance of their role in the most effective manner, and oversee and manage Mosques;

7.    oversee the construction of Mosques that individuals wish to establish;

8.    undertake the trusteeship of Mosques constructed by individuals on endowed or non-endowed land, and manage these Mosques;

9.    hold, license, and oversee religious ceremonies, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, and contests;

10.  license Charitable Associations, Islamic Foundations, and Bounteous Quran Memorisation Centres; oversee their administrative, financial, and cultural affairs; and approve their programmes;

11.  license and oversee research and Islamic studies centres;

12.  oversee religious programmes published or broadcast through print, audio, or visual media;

13.  organise hajj (greater Islamic pilgrimage) and umrah (lesser Islamic pilgrimage) affairs in coordination with other concerned entities in the UAE;

14.  endeavour to preserve, revive, and promote the Islamic heritage;

15.   regulate, oversee, and issue fatwas (authoritative rulings on a point of Islamic law);

16.  issue work permits for Islamic preachers, sermonisers, imams (prayer leaders), teachers, and muezzins (callers for prayers);

17.  manifest the virtues of Islam as a universal religion valid for all times and places;

18.  support efforts that serve Muslim causes;

19.  issue and promote publications that convey the message of Islam and enlighten people on its true faith, and use all available media to achieve these objectives;

20.  raise awareness on Zakat as a religious duty and its role in community; and encourage Muslims to give Zakat;

21.  receive cash and in-kind Zakat and distribute it as prescribed by Sharia; and

22.  oversee the raising of donations and charity and the distribution of the same as prescribed by Sharia, and issue the permits required in this regard.

Director General

Article (5)

A Director General will be appointed to the IACAD pursuant to a decree of the Ruler. The Director General will supervise the work of the IACAD and ensure proper performance of its duties. For these purposes, the Director General will:

1.    develop the general policy of the IACAD; and prepare, and oversee the implementation, of its strategic plan;

2.    oversee the implementation of regulations governing the IACAD and its employees;

3.    prepare the organisational structure of the IACAD and submit the same to the Executive Council for approval;

4.    issue the internal bylaws regulating the work of the IACAD;

5.    follow up the performance of the IACAD employees to ensure proper discharge of their duties;

6.    oversee the spending of funds in accordance with budget allocations;

7.    enter into the contracts, agreements, and memoranda required for achieving the objectives of the IACAD;

8.    prepare the draft annual budget and financial statements of the IACAD and submit the same to the competent entities for approval; and

9.    represent the IACAD before third parties.

Charitable Activities

Article (6)

The IACAD will oversee the following activities:

1.    religious and charitable activities;

2.    raising cash and in-kind donations to spend them on humanitarian aid, orphan sponsorship, construction of Mosques, or any other type of aid;

3.    relief campaigns and charitable events; and

4.    programmes and projects conducted by Charitable Associations within or outside of the UAE.

Raising Donations

Article (7)

Donations may be raised, and donation raising may be permitted, in the Emirate only upon obtaining the approval of the IACAD and in accordance with this Law and the bylaws and resolutions issued in implementation hereof.

Charitable Associations

Article (8)

No person or group of persons may conduct any of the activities of Charitable Associations in the Emirate without first obtaining the relevant licence from the IACAD in accordance with this Law and the bylaws and resolutions issued in implementation hereof.

Disposition of Property

Article (9)

The IACAD may take the necessary action with respect to any property received as donation in breach of the provisions of this Law and the bylaws and resolutions issued in implementation hereof. This includes determining the method of disposition of this property and the entity to which it will be transferred.

Religious Activities

Article (10)

Mosques are the houses of Allah. They must be maintained and protected and their integrity must not be compromised. The following activities are prohibited within Mosques unless conducted with the prior approval of the IACAD and in accordance with the bylaws, resolutions, and regulations issued by the Director General:

1.    delivering sermons, speeches, or lectures; or holding seminars or contests;

2.    conducting Quran memorisation classes;

3.    holding religious ceremonies and events;

4.    interfering with the affairs of Mosques, adhan (call for prayer), iqama (call to commence prayer), or prayer;

5.    distribution of Quran copies, books, pamphlets, compact discs (CDs), and audio or video recordings;

6.    raising of donations or humanitarian aid; and

7.    any other activities determined by the IACAD.

Regulating Fatwas

Article (11)

The IACAD is the competent entity authorised to issue fatwas in the Emirate, and may permit scholars specialised in Sharia disciplines to issue fatwas on acts of worship, dealings, and personal, rather than public, issues.

Formation of Official Hajj Missions

Article (12)

The Director General will annually issue a resolution forming the official hajj mission of the Government.

Financial Resources

Article (13)

The financial resources of the IACAD will consist of:

1.    the support allocated to the IACAD in the general budget of the Government;

2.    the fees and charges approved by the Chairman of the Executive Council for the services provided by the IACAD;

3.    grants, gifts, and donations received by the IACAD and accepted by the Director General; and

4.    any other resources approved by the Executive Council.

Bylaws, Resolutions, and Regulations

Article (14)

The Chairman of the Executive Council will issue the bylaws and regulations required for the implementation of the provisions of this Law, including the bylaws and regulations governing the licensing of Charitable Associations, Islamic Foundations, and Bounteous Quran Memorisation Centres; the rules for granting and revoking the licences of these entities; and the methods of their dissolution and liquidation.


Article (15)

a.    This Law supersedes Law No. (12) of 2005 Establishing the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department and its amendments.

b.    Any provision in any other legislation will be repealed to the extent that it contradicts with the provisions of this Law.


Article (16)

This Law will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on the day on which it is published.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 10 January 2011

Corresponding to 6 Safar 1432 A.H.

©2019 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.