Law No. (6) of 2008

Establishing the

Dubai Culture and Arts Authority[1]


We, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Law No. (1) of 2004 Establishing the Dubai Cultural Council; and

Law No. (1) of 1997 Establishing the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Article (1)

This Law will be cited as "Law No. (6) of 2008 Establishing the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority".

Article (2)

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The United Arab Emirates.


His Highness the Ruler of Dubai.


The Emirate of Dubai.

Executive Council:

The Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai.


The Dubai Culture and Arts Authority.

Board of Directors:

The board of directors of the DCAA.

Managing Director:

The managing director of the DCAA.

Director General:

The director general of the DCAA.

Cultural Events and Activities:

This includes conferences, seminars, exhibitions, festivals, concerts, stage productions, and any other activities that relate to culture, literature, art, and preservation of heritage, as well as any relevant gatherings with local or international participation.

Article (3)

Pursuant to this Law, a public authority named the "Dubai Culture and Arts Authority" is established and will have legal personality, financial and administrative autonomy, and the legal capacity required to undertake all acts and dispositions that ensure the achievement of its objectives. The DCAA may enter into contracts with other persons, and may sue and be sued in its own name and appoint any other person to represent it for such purpose.

Article (4)

The head office of the DCAA will be located in the city of Dubai. The DCAA may establish branches within and outside of the Emirate.

Article (5)

The DCAA will have the objectives to:

1.       motivate and sponsor establishments concerned with special cultural events and activities that effectively and seriously contribute to promoting cultural events and activities in the Emirate;

2.       strengthen traditional cultural values and promote them through educational curricula;

3.       motivate and support creative literary scholars, writers, and artists; support their literary and artistic activities and works; and sponsor young talents in fields of cultural, literary, and artistic creativity;

4.       motivate and promote translation, printing, and publication in all cultural, literary, and intellectual fields; and

5.       promote and preserve popular and folk art.

Article (6)

The DCAA will, in coordination with local and federal entities in the UAE, be responsible for all cultural, literary, artistic, and heritage affairs in the Emirate, and will develop and promote the same in accordance with the policy of the Emirate. For the purpose of achieving its objectives, the DCAA will have the duties to:

1.       develop and implement the cultural, literary, artistic, and heritage general policy and programmes of the Emirate;

2.       propose legislation that would develop and promote culture, literature, and art; and preserve heritage in the Emirate;

3.       approve the projects relating to culture, heritage, art, and literature based on adopted plans;

4.       license individuals and establishments engaged in the field of cultural, literary, art, and heritage events and activities, and establish the relevant licensing policies, standards, and rules;

5.       supervise implementing and promoting cultural, literary, art, and heritage events and activities in the Emirate through annual plans and programmes;

6.       assess cultural events and activities in the Emirate through periodic reports;

7.       coordinate with all local departments, establishments, and authorities to enhance the quality and efficiency, and promote the diffusion, of cultural, literary, artistic, and heritage production;

8.       for the purposes of this Law, focus on promoting the role of museums; public libraries; and cultural, heritage, and art documentation and studies centres;

9.       motivate the younger generation to take interest in popular and folk art through holding seminars, contests, and festivals;

10.   conduct, organise, and develop events, conferences, and exhibitions which are held in the Emirate in accordance with the policies and strategic plans related to the objectives of the DCAA;

11.   establish, regulate, and manage cultural, literary, art, and heritage establishments in the Emirate;

12.   motivate, supervise the implementation of, and sponsor distinguished creative activities in all fields related to the objectives of the DCAA;

13.   work with concerned entities in the UAE in order to develop methods of cooperation and coordination, and methods of promoting the brand of the Emirate, with a view to achieving the objectives of the DCAA at the local and international levels;

14.   own and take lease of the real property, movables, materials, devices, equipment, and software required for performing and completing the work assigned to the DCAA;

15.   establish companies, either solely or in partnership with other persons, and enter into agreements with establishments, individuals, and companies within and outside of the Emirate in the fields related to the work of the DCAA; and

16.   perform any other duties or activities that would promote culture in the Emirate and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the DCAA.

Article (7)

1.       The DCAA will set up the establishments required for achieving its objectives in the fields of culture, literature, art, and preservation of heritage. Each of these establishments must be set up pursuant to a resolution of the Chairman of the Executive Council.

2.       A chief executive officer will be appointed to each establishment pursuant to a resolution of the Chairman of the Executive Council.

Article (8)

The DCAA will be headed by the chairman of the Board of Directors, who will be appointed pursuant to a decree of the Ruler.

Article (9)

The DCAA will be supervised by a Managing Director appointed pursuant to a decree of the Ruler.

Article (10)

The DCAA will be managed by a Director General appointed pursuant to a decree of the Ruler.

Article (11)

The Managing Director will supervise the DCAA and approve the decisions required for achieving its objectives and performing its duties. The Managing Director will, among other things:

1.       approve the general policy and project plans of the DCAA and its affiliates, and submit the same to the Executive Council for final approval;

2.       approve the draft budget of the DCAA and its affiliates, and submit the same to the Executive Council for final approval;

3.       approve the organisational structure of the DCAA and its affiliates, and submit the same to the Executive Council for final approval;

4.       approve the bylaws regulating the work of the DCAA, and submit the same to the chairman of the Board of Directors for final approval;

5.       approve the fees for the services provided by the DCAA and its affiliates, and submit the same to the Executive Council for final approval;

6.       execute agreements and memoranda of understanding with local and international organisations and establishments in the fields related to the objectives of the DCAA; and

7.       adopt the bylaws regulating the work of the DCAA and its affiliates.

Article (12)

The Director General will manage the DCAA and supervise its administrative, technical, and financial affairs, and will represent the DCAA before third parties. For these purposes, he will have the authority to:

1.           propose the general policy and project plans of the DCAA and its affiliates, and submit the same to the Managing Director for approval;

2.           prepare the draft budget of the DCAA and its affiliates, and submit the same to the Managing Director for approval;

3.           propose the organisational structure of the DCAA and its affiliates and the bylaws regulating their work;

4.           propose the fees for the services provided by the DCAA and its affiliates, and submit the same to the Managing Director for approval;

5.           coordinate, with various entities within or outside of the Emirate, the strategic planning process designed to achieve the objectives of the DCAA;

6.           undertake general supervision of the work of the executive body of the DCAA;

7.           supervise the work of the establishments and entities affiliated to the DCAA, and sign the agreements and memoranda of understanding required in this respect;

8.           develop the strategic plans of the DCAA;

9.           approve the operational plans of the DCAA affiliates; and

10.       draft the bylaws regulating the work of the DCAA and its affiliates, and submit the same to the Managing Director for approval.

Article (13)

The DCAA will have a Board of Directors formed pursuant to a decree of the Ruler and comprised of a chairman and other members. The Board of Directors will assist the Director General in performing his duties.

Article (14)

Except in cases of fraud and gross fault, neither the Board of Directors, nor the Managing Director, nor the Director General will, in the course of managing the DCAA and its operations, be liable to third parties for any act or omission in relation to such management. The DCAA will be solely liable to third parties for such act or omission.

Article (15)

The executive body of the DCAA will be comprised of the Director General and a number of employees to whom Law No. (27) of 2006 Concerning Management of the Government of Dubai Human Resources will apply.

Article (16)

The financial resources of the DCAA will consist of:

1.       support allocated to the DCAA in the general budget of the Emirate;

2.       fees and service charges collected by the DCAA;

3.       grants and gifts received by the DCAA and accepted by the Executive Council; and

4.       any other resources approved by the Executive Council.

Article (17)

1.       Pursuant to this Law, the following public entities will be affiliated to the DCAA:

a.       government museums of the Emirate;

b.       heritage houses and other historical and archaeological sites;

c.       heritage villages including the Diving and Heritage Village; and

d.       public libraries; and cultural, heritage and art documentation and studies centres.

2.       The rights, obligations, duties, and powers of the entities stated in the preceding paragraph are hereby transferred to the DCAA. The DCAA may, as it deems appropriate, transfer to its employment any of the employees of these entities without prejudice to their existing rights.

Article (18)

The DCAA will be exempt from all local taxes and fees except customs duties.

Article (19)

The relationship between the DCAA and its affiliates will be regulated and managed pursuant to a two-year agreement which determines the strategic goals of these affiliates according to the general objectives of the DCAA, and defines the common framework, powers, and responsibilities of the DCAA and those of its affiliates.

Article (20)

In regulating its accounts and records, the DCAA will follow the rules and principles of commercial accounting. The financial year of the DCAA will commence on 1 January and will end on 31 December of each year.

Article (21)

Pursuant to this Law, all rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the Dubai Cultural Council and its sponsored projects are transferred to the DCAA. The DCAA may transfer to its employment, as it deems appropriate, any employee of these entities without prejudice to their existing rights, and may appoint new employees according to work requirements.

Article (22)

Law No. (1) of 2004 Establishing the Dubai Cultural Council is hereby repealed. Any provision in any other legislation will also be repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Law.

Article (23)

This Law will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on the day on which it is published.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 6 March 2008

Corresponding to 27 Safar 1429 A.H.

©2017 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict the Arabic text will prevail.