Law No. (17) of 2005

Establishing the

Roads and Transport Authority[1]


We, Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

The Dubai Police Law of 1966;

Decree of 1961 Establishing Dubai Municipality;

Law No. (5) of 1994 Establishing Dubai Transport Corporation and its amendments;

Law No. (7) of 2002 Regulating Roads in the Emirate of Dubai; and

Executive Council Resolutions No. (6) of 2003 and No. (3) of 2005 Forming the Permanent Supreme Road Traffic Committee,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Article (1)

This law will be cited as “Law No. (17) of 2005 Establishing the Roads and Transport Authority”.

Article (2)

The following words and expressions will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


His Highness the Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai.


The Emirate of Dubai.


The Government of Dubai.


The Roads and Transport Authority.


The chairman of the RTA.

Board of Directors:

The board of directors of the RTA.

Executive Director:

The executive director of the RTA.

Article (3)

Pursuant to this Law, a public authority named the “Roads and Transport Authority” (RTA) is established. The RTA will have an independent legal personality and the legal capacity required to undertake all acts and dispositions that ensure the achievement of its objectives. It may enter into agreements with third parties, sue and be sued in its own name, and appoint any person to represent it for these purposes. The RTA will be owned by the Government.

Article (4)

The head office of the RTA will be located in Dubai. The RTA may establish offices anywhere else within or outside of the Emirate.

Article (5)

Notwithstanding the provisions of any other legislation, the RTA will undertake the planning and provision of the requirements of transport, roads, and traffic in the Emirate, between the Emirate and other emirates of the UAE, and between the Emirate and neighbouring countries, with a view to providing an efficient and integrated transport system to achieve the vision of the Emirate and serve its vital interests through:

1.       setting comprehensive strategic plans related to the transport, roads, and traffic of the Emirate of Dubai, in coordination with the concerned entities within or outside of the Emirate;

2.       preparing, developing, and implementing the policies required to maximise the benefit from all available transport and traffic facilities such as roads, vehicles, buses, trains, and maritime transport;

3.       studying and approving the privatisation of certain services related to the work of the RTA;

4.       establishing, managing, and operating an integrated system for transport, roads, and traffic in order to ensure the provision of appropriate services in satisfaction of the needs of all segments of the society in accordance with the highest standards of safety and quality;

5.       preparing the operational and administrative bylaws and regulations relating to the work of the RTA;

6.       preparing the studies required for determining and applying the fees related to roads, transport, and traffic, including tolls for the use of the roads network, fees for licensing drivers and vehicles, and mass transport fares;

7.       considering updating of legislation and procedures relating to the registration and licensing of drivers and vehicles, and implementing this update in order to achieve the strategic objectives of the transport system in the Emirate; and

8.       authorising public mass transport routes and all activities relating to the work of the RTA.

Article (6)

For the purpose of performing its duties, the RTA may:

1.       own and take lease of real property, movables, materials, devices, equipment, and software required for conducting and accomplishing its work;

2.       be a shareholder or partner with entities, persons, companies, and authorities within and outside of the Emirate in areas related to its activities and duties, and conclude the agreements required in this respect; and

3.       perform any other acts related to the work and objectives of the RTA.

Article (7)

A Chairman will be appointed to the RTA pursuant to a decree issued by the Ruler.

Article (8)

Independent corporations, and companies conducting business in the areas of roads, transport, and traffic, may be affiliated to the RTA, provided that any such corporation or company is established by a resolution issued by the Chairman of the Executive Council.

Article (9)

The RTA will be managed by a Board of Directors comprised of a chairman and six (6) competent and specialised members appointed pursuant to a resolution of the Chairman of the RTA. The term of membership of the Board of Directors will be three (3) years, renewable upon expiry.

Article (10)

The Board of Directors will manage the RTA and supervise its administrative, technical, and financial affairs. It will make the decisions and apply the procedures it deems appropriate for achieving the objectives and goals of the RTA including:

1.       setting the general policy and project plans of the RTA and its affiliates;

2.       preparing the draft budget of the RTA and its affiliates, and submitting this to the Executive Council for approval;

3.       preparing the organisational structure and the bylaws related to regulating the administrative, financial, and technical affairs of the RTA and its affiliates, and submitting these to the Executive Council;

4.       approving the fees related to transport in the Emirate including road tolls, public parking charges, vehicle registration fees, and determining passenger transport fares; and

5.       appointing auditors and determining their remuneration at the beginning of every financial year.

Article (11)

The Board of Directors will be convened at least once every one (1) month at the invitation of its chairman. Meetings of the Board of Directors will be valid only if attended by a quorum of at least five (5) members including its chairman. Resolutions of the Board of Directors will be passed by the majority vote of attending members, and in the event of a tie the chair of the meeting will have the casting vote. Resolutions of the Board of Directors will be recorded in minutes signed by the chair of the meeting and attending members.

Article (12)

1.       The Board of Directors may form temporary or permanent sub-committees to assist it in performing its duties. The Board of Directors will determine the functions and powers of these sub-committees, and may delegate any of its powers to them.

2.       In performing its functions, the Board of Directors may seek the assistance of experts and specialists whom it deems appropriate to invite to its meetings, provided that they do not have the right to vote in its deliberations.

Article (13)

Neither the Board of Directors, nor its chairman, nor any of its members will, in the course of managing the RTA and its operations, be liable to third parties for any act or omission with respect to this management. The RTA will be solely liable to third parties for such act or omission.

Article (14)

The chairman of the Board of Directors is the Executive Director of the RTA, will represent it before third parties, and will, within the powers vested in him, manage all its affairs to ensure the achievement of its objectives including, but not limited to:

1.       implementing the resolutions issued, and the general policy set, by the Board of Directors;

2.       drafting the annual budget of the RTA and presenting it to the Board of Directors;

3.       supervising the work of the executive body of the RTA;

4.       proposing the organisational structure and the financial, administrative, and technical bylaws regulating work at the RTA;

5.       supervising the work of the corporations and entities affiliated to the RTA and signing the memoranda of understanding required in this regard; and

6.       exercising any other powers vested in him by the Board of Directors or stipulated by any resolution issued in pursuance of this Law.

Article (15)

The executive body of the RTA will be comprised of the Executive Director and a number of employees and administrative officers who will be governed by the Employee Affairs Regulation of the Emirate of Dubai or any superseding legislation.

Article (16)

Pursuant to this Law, all rights, liabilities, responsibilities, and powers of the Roads Department, the Dubai Metro Sector, the Department of Public Transport, the Road Maintenance Section, the Road Lighting Division of the General Maintenance Department of Dubai Municipality, the Traffic Engineering Section, the Traffic Safety Section, the Vehicle Registration Section, the Driver Licensing Section, and the Plates Factory Section of the General Department of Traffic at the Dubai Police General Headquarters will be transferred to the RTA.

The RTA may transfer to its employment, as it deems appropriate, any of the employees of the above-mentioned organisational units or appoint new employees according to work requirements.

Article (17)

The financial resources of the RTA will consist of:

1.       the support allocated to the RTA in the general budget of the Emirate;

2.       fees and charges for the services provided by the RTA to the public;

3.       grants and gifts to the RTA which are approved by the Chairman; and

4.       any other resources approved by the Executive Council.

Article (18)

The RTA will be exempt from all taxes and customs duties on all its imports that are required for its operations and for the achievement of its objectives.

Article (19)

In regulating its accounts and records, the RTA will follow the rules and principles of commercial accounting. The financial year of the RTA will commence on 1 January and will end on 31 December of each year, except that the first financial year will commence on the day on which this Law comes into force and will end on 31 December of the following year.

Article (20)

Any provision in any other resolution or legislation will be repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Law.

Article (21)

This Law will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on the day on which it is issued.

Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai


Issued in Dubai on 1 November 2005

Corresponding to 29 Ramadan 1426 A.H.

© 2015 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1] Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict the Arabic text will prevail.