Law No. (11) of 2003

Concerning the Establishment of

Nature Reserves in the Emirate of Dubai[1]


We, Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai,

After perusal of:

Federal Law No. (24) of 1999 Concerning the Protection and Development of the Environment;

Local Order No. (61) of 1991 Concerning Environmental Protection Systems in the Emirate of Dubai, issued on 15 July 1991; and

Local Order No. (2) of 1998 Designating Certain Areas as Nature Reserves in the Emirate of Dubai, issued on 1 March 1998, and

For the purpose of conserving the natural environment and protecting terrestrial and marine life, including the biodiversity of plants and animals in the Emirate of Dubai,

Do hereby issue this Law.

Article (1)

This Law will be cited as “Law No. (11) of 2003 Concerning the Establishment of Nature Reserves in the Emirate of Dubai”.

Article (2)

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Law, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The Emirate of Dubai.


His Highness the Ruler of Dubai.


The Dubai Municipality.

Nature Reserve:

An area of land, or of coastal or inland waters, characterised by its plants, animals, or fish; or by natural phenomena of cultural, scientific, tourist, or aesthetic value.

Article (3)

Nature Reserves will be established in the Emirate, and their geographical locations, area, and boundaries will be determined, pursuant to a decree issued by the Ruler upon a proposal by the DM. The area and boundaries of a Nature Reserve may be modified pursuant to a resolution of the Ruler upon the recommendation of the DM.

Article (4)

Nature Reserves will be established in the Emirate to achieve the following objectives:

1.     to conserve the natural environment of the Nature Reserves; maintain their cleanliness and beauty; and develop them;

2.     to preserve the natural resources and living organisms in the Nature Reserves, including plants, animals, and migratory and endemic birds;

3.     to preserve the geological and geographical formations of the Nature Reserves;

4.     to breed and resettle rare and endangered animals;

5.     to monitor and track the species and numbers of living organisms; identify their living places and natural habitats; and release them back into the wild;

6.     to preserve and develop the areas which are deemed as habitats for certain species of animals, plants, or birds; or suitable places for their growth and reproduction; and

7.     to contribute to the development of ecotourism in the Emirate.

Article (5)

The DM will undertake the supervision, management, and administration of the affairs of the Nature Reserves. The Director General of the DM may issue a resolution forming a board of directors to supervise and manage any Nature Reserve. Members of the board of directors of a Nature Reserve must include experts and specialists in this field.

Article (6)

For the purpose of achieving the objectives stipulated herein, the DM will, in respect of Nature Reserves, have the duties and powers to:

1.     establish the general policy of Nature Reserves, and develop the programmes and plans required for its implementation;

2.     monitor ecological phenomena, and conduct an inventory of land and marine organisms existing within Nature Reserves and record them in a special register maintained for this purpose;

3.     issue the implementing bylaws required for regulating work in Nature Reserves;

4.     construct the facilities, utilities, and installations required for conserving Nature Reserves and encouraging ecotourism therein;

5.     issue the regulations required for conserving the natural environment within Nature Reserves in order to provide protection to the animals, plants, natural resources, ground waters, and biodiversity therein;

6.     issue the bylaws regulating the investment of the facilities and utilities constructed on the land of Nature Reserves, provided that the investment does not compromise the natural environment thereof;

7.     prescribe entry fees for Nature Reserves;

8.     take the measures and actions required for obtaining the recognition of Nature Reserves by specialised regional and international bodies and organisations; and exchange information and expertise with these bodies and organisations on all matters relating to Nature Reserves and their conservation;

9.     seek assistance from experts and specialists, and form specialised committees, for the purpose of conducting research and studies for the development of Nature Reserves; monitoring environmental phenomena therein; and conducting inventories of the organisms living therein; and

10.  perform any other duties related to the objectives of Nature Reserves.

Article (7)

Nature Reserves will be financed from the following resources:

1.     the funds allocated by the DM to Nature Reserves in the DM annual budget;

2.     returns on the investment of the facilities and utilities constructed on Nature Reserves;

3.     entry fees collected from visitors; and

4.     any donations, gifts, or aid provided to Nature Reserves from within or outside of the UAE and approved by the Government of Dubai.

Article (8)

Individuals and public and private entities are prohibited from performing any act, disposition, or activity in Nature Reserves, or in the vicinities thereof, which may destroy or adversely affect the natural environment; cause damage to the land, marine, or plant life; or impair the aesthetic appearance of these Nature Reserves. In particular, the following acts are prohibited:

1.     hunting, relocating, killing, or harming the living organisms in the Nature Reserves or committing any act that may destroy them;

2.     taking any living organisms, rocks, or dust out of the Nature Reserves or changing their topography;

3.     damaging the geological or geographical formations or areas that are deemed as habitats for species of animals, plants, or birds; or suitable places for their reproduction;

4.     bringing into the Nature Reserves any kind of animals or any species that are different from the animals and species existing therein;

5.     contaminating, in any way whatsoever, the soil, water, or air of the Nature Reserves;

6.     constructing any buildings, structures, or roads; operating vehicles; or conducting any agricultural, industrial, or commercial activities without obtaining a permit from the DM; or

7.     performing any other act that may disturb the ecological balance of the Nature Reserves.

Article (9)

Employees and inspectors of the DM assigned by the Director General of the DM will have the capacity of law enforcement officers to record the acts committed in breach of the provisions of this Law or the resolutions or instructions issued in pursuance hereof. For this purpose, they may seize and impound the items used in committing violations, and issue the necessary violation reports.

Article (10)

Without prejudice to any stricter penalty stipulated in any other law, a person who violates the provisions of this Law or the resolutions issued in pursuance hereof will be punished by imprisonment, by a fine of no more than five hundred thousand dirhams (AED 500,000.00), or by both penalties. When issuing a judgment convicting that person, the court may order confiscation of the seized items obtained from or used to commit the offence, without prejudice to the rights of bona fide third parties. In addition to the prescribed penalty, the competent court will order the convicted person to remedy the damage resulting from his offence.

Article (11)

Nature Reserves established in the Emirate under the above-mentioned Local Order No. (2) of 1998 will be deemed established under this Law and will be governed by its provisions.

Article (12)

The Director General of the DM will issue the resolutions required for the implementation of this Law.

Article (13)

Any provision in any other legislation will be repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Law.

Article (14)

This Law will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on the day on which it is published.

Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Ruler of Dubai

Issued in Dubai on 17 December 2003

Corresponding to 23 Shawwal 1424 A.H.

©2020 The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai

[1]Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and complete English version of this legislation. However, for the purpose of its interpretation and application, reference must be made to the original Arabic text. In case of conflict, the Arabic text will prevail.